Chapter 03 | 'You keep surprising me tonight'

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The hotel was nice looking, the bed slept great on and the view was good for those few days that I was spending here. Yeah, I could get used to this. It definitely was different from my normal life back home, that was for sure. I had took a nap right after I got into my room and I just got off the phone with my sister who asked if she needed to tell Josh that she wasn't me. I told her not to do so and just pretend she was me just like I did for her right here in Austria. I was still amazed at how people after all those years still bought it, Maureen and I switching lives. We've done it many times at school and when the day ended the teachers could only laugh with it, which only made us do it more and more. I don't even know how many biology tests she did for me, because I was so bad at it. We never told that to our teachers though. I think that we would've been in trouble back then, not only with our teachers, but also with our parents. I was curious if Maureen told our parents that we did this. I forgot to ask her. Suddenly my phone, or Maureens phone, started to go off a few times. I picked it up from the bed and saw a groupchat. I guess those were from the mechanics as the title of the groupchat was; Redbulls better mechanic side. Very creative. 

Going for dinner and after going out now that we still have the chance. Who's in? 

Sure thing!

Coun't me in

Yeah, sure.

The whole group was in for this request, only I was still the one that had to respond. What was I going to do?

Maureen? You coming too? I heard the others from Daniel's side are coming too.
Seb and your man Daniel might come too (;

I shook my head. I could like Brad for annoying my sister so much, but he did need to calm down, because I was the only one that was actually allowed to annoy my sister that much. 

To Redbulls better mechanics side:

Sure, I'll go, what time?

I texted and immediately got back that we were expected to be downstairs at the hotel restaurant in twenty minutes. I could deal with twenty minutes. Maureen told me that the guys liked to go out, so I took my black jumpsuit with me that looked the best on me. I had also a dress with me, but I definitely felt more confident in my jumpsuit, and even though I still have a boyfriend which will soon be my ex/boyfriend, I didn't mind to impress the guys with the new Maureen. My sister is gonna hate me for this.
Twenty five minutes later I was downstairs and walking straight to the restaurant part of the hotel. There was a big group sitting at a large table, and immediately could recognize some of them. Some of the guys started to whistle after seeing me, which only made me eyebrows fly upwards.
'You're late Maureen! That's nothing for you, but now I can see why you're late,' one of the guys said. I think it was Adrien, but I was not sure. I really should've remembered their names. There was only one chair free and that was next to Daniel. Of course. I sat down next to the Australian smiling guy while I looked at who was sitting in front of me at the other side of the table. Sebastian Vettel. I know I should stay focused on being Maureen, but those eyes from that German guy were dreamy to look into. I've seen some interviews with Sebastian Vettel. He definitely looked like a charming man.
'What happened to you? You never dress up like this?' Brad, who was sitting next to Sebastian, looked at me strange.
'I don't?' I asked confused. Brad looked at me in a funny way and shook his head. 'Well, you know what they say; A new country, a new me,'
I heard Sebastian chuckled.
'Isn't that supposed to be;  a new year, a new me?' Brad asked. I shrugged.
'There are no rules for that,' I told my so called best friend. Maureen really should be  hanging out more with girls. This was not healthy. No surprise that she never dresses up with these men. I felt Daniel's eyes on me, while a waiter started to take our orders. I just picked whatever most guys took and ordered a sweet white wine with it as I was the only one that hadn't anything to drink.
'You keep surprising me tonight, Maureen,' Brad said confused after I told my order to the waiter. I looked strangely at Brad. Maureen drank white wine and surely eat whatever I just ordered. She eats everything.
'Why is that?' I asked, while I secretly was getting nervous. If he found out now that would suck. I swear at school this was way easier to keep up with.
'Uhm, maybe because you never drink so close to a race. Remember? You try to keep focused?' Brad said while I already got my wine. I was surprised that I already got my drink so fast.
'Hey, let her drink if she wants to, it's not like she's gonna drink until she can't walk anymore like you guys do,' Sebastian came to my rescue while I took a sip of my wine.
'Oh I could,' I said with a grin. I put my glass back on the table while a few surprised faces looked at me, included those from the two drivers and Brad.
'I would love to see that,' the German said, having a big grin on his face.
'Should you really be encouraging your mechanic to get pissed?' the Australian next to me said to his fellow driver. Sebastian shrugged.
'If she wants to, I don't see why I should stop her. She's a smart independent woman,' I almost started to laugh out loud with Sebastian's comment. I suddenly felt a bit of tension between the two drivers while my eyes slowly met those with Brad. He shook his head in disapproval. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut before I made some trouble that I shouldn't have made. 


Going out with this group of men was a whole other experience then I ever had while going out. For most of the guys their only goal for tonight was to drink lots and get some if they were lucky. I never thought that I could meet worse people to go out with then my friend group. Thankfully there were some people in the group that had normal goals for tonight, like keeping it slow with the alcohol. I was in between those. I had a few drinks, but I could hold them pretty well for my small body. Both drivers who were staying surprisingly very close to my side had looked at me in surprise for me drinking so much. I guess Maureen really didn't drink that much or anything at all. I was getting tipsy, which also meant I could be very touchy sometimes, so I decided to stop drinking for at least a while. Sebastian was suddenly gone so all my attention went to the Australian. I put my arm on the table and leaned with my head on my hand.
"So, tell me. What do you like the most about Maur- I mean me,' I asked flirty while almost messing up. Daniel looked at me funny, but did answer my question.
"First of all you're very sweet to everyone in the garage even though the boys seem to make your life a living hell. I like how smart you are and know so much about cars.' the Australian summed up.
'And do you think I'm pretty?' I decided to be brave and ask the question I would never dare to ask a guy, but because I wasn't really me, it was easier for some reason. But maybe that was also the alcohol.
'You know I think you're pretty. But if you want me to say it, yeah. I think you're really pretty, beautiful even,' he smiled while small blushes were created on both of his cheeks. He might think I would forget about this tomorrow morning, but I wouldn't. And I would make sure that Maureen wouldn't forget either.
'Then why haven't you asked me on a date yet?' the question came out of my mouth before I could rethink the move. Oh well, even though Maureen told me not to do anything, I might think she would thank me later.
'You want me to ask you on a date?' he said surprised. What did my sister do to him for him to be so surprised? Did she tell everyone that she didn't do dating or relationships?
'If you don't ask, you never find out,' I said smartly back. He started laughing which made me smile back at him.
'I'll ask you when you're sober, alright?' I nodded while looking around.  I told Daniel that I would go to the toilet and instead of walking to the toilet I looked for a quiet place to call my sister. Eventually the toilets were the only quiet place in the building.
'Hey sis,' I grinned when she picked up. I heard her groan which meant that I woke her up.
'Maya it's 2 in the morning. Why are you calling me?' Maureen asked sleepy but still annoyed.
'I'm out,' I told her. 'and Danny 'O Ricco-'
'Stop calling him that. It's Daniel,' she said over me annoyed.
'thinks you're pretty.' I finished my sentence.
'What?!' I heard from the other line. I started giggling. 'Tell me you're just fucking pissed and don't really know what you're talking about.'
'I'm fine thank you, but he did call you pretty and I told him he should ask you on a date. So he would do that after I'll be a 100% sober,'
'I'm gonna punch you so hard when I see you Saturday,' were the only words that came out of my sister's mouth before she hanged up on me.

Gonna be honest, haven't checked this chapter for any mistakes, because I don't really have time. But I still hope you enjoyed it and I wish you all a very merry Christmas

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