Chapter 04 | A little crush

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Today went pretty well if I said so myself. It was Thursday and it was the first time I was in a Formula 1 garage. It definitely got me excited, and keeping it cool like I was Maureen became a bit harder at that point, but I could manage to freak out right when I got back in my hotel room.  The car was prettier in real life then when you're watching it on television, that was for sure. I was excited for tomorrow, scared but excited. 
I heard most of the team went to visit some village close by our hotel after we all got back, but I decided to stay in the hotel. As exciting this all was for me, I do needed my rest moment. I ordered some room service, I ate the the food and done some reading and even finished my book all before eight pm. I tried calling my sister again, but she didn't pick up. It took me a while to think about what I could do this evening, until it came in my head that the hotel had a pool. I guess I could do with some exercise. I put on my swimming suit that Maureen put in my bag last minute. I made my way fastly to the pool and put the clothes I put over my suit safely on a chair. I was the only one  in the room and the background music that was softly playing was the only sound that filled the room, until I made a jump in to the pool and started to swim a few laps. Swimming was one of those sports that if I had to choose one sport, it would always be that, because swimming never really felt like I was sporting, but more that I was doing it for fun. Just like fixing up cars, I could just switch off my mind and feel free for a second. But that could also be ruined by people who thought they could distract me or in this case right now scare me. I was finishing my fifth lap and put my hand on the edge of the wall so I could take a sprint for my sixth swimming lap, until I felt a foot  standing on my hand. The person didn't put all his weight on it, so it didn't hurt, however it made me jump a bit and caused me choke on the chlorinated water. I pulled myself up from the water and pulled my hand away from the foot while I was heavily coughing. 
'Oh god, sorry! I didn't want to try to scare you, I just wanted to say hi. Are you okay?' I heard a voice say while I tried to get my cough away. I looked up and was met with an amused Sebastian Vettel, which made his sorry less believable. 
'I almost drowned thanks to you, but other then that I'm fine,' I sighed while the coughing finally stopped. 
'I don't think you were ever in danger of drowning,' he smirked while letting him sit down on the edge of the pool. I looked around us, to see if anyone else came in while I was busy swimming, but no, Sebastian was the only one. 'I would have saved you anyway,'
'I'd like to think you would've,' I said while my mouth slowly showed a smile  on my face.
'Yeah, otherwise Christian would've freaked out about having to find another mechanic that brings just as much positive media attention as our only female mechanic does,' I watched how Seb got in to the water while his smirk grew more and more on his face. 
'And we wouldn't want to lose the star of the team, right?' I decided to play along with his little game. 
'Yeah, who knows? I could lose my seat because I let you drown, and I don't think there's a bigger star then me to fill the team,' I shook my head at Sebastian and pushed water in his face as an answer to his bad comeback. 
'Don't you have to be at some fancy dinner with one of your sponsors?' I then asked. 
'No we did lunch, I'm actually here to train, but Antti is late,' he said, mentioning his personal trainer. 
'And instead you're annoying me?' I smiled at him while shooting my eyebrows up to make my smile look sarcastic. It was now his time to push some water my way, which I tried to avoid getting in my face by pushing my head away from it. I laughed and looked back at the four time champion. I find it strange that Maureen wanted to escape her life for a little bit, because compared to mine I felt finally like I was really living my life right now. Back home everyday felt the same.  Like you woke up in the morning and it was the same day as yesterday. You had to repeat every silly or dumb job that you did the day before and that was just that. Maybe I did regret my decision about not taking the same job as Maureen. I overthink too much back then, I still do actually. 
'Are you calling that training?!' Sebastian and I suddenly looked up from the voice that filled the room. A blond guy who I knew was Sebastian's trainer, Antti, was looking back at us with an amused face and his hands on his waist, tapping with his feet on the floor, waiting probably for Sebastian to do something. 
'You're the one who's late! I was waiting for you!' Sebastian shouted back at him at a volume that made it look like he was on the other side of the building, but instead he was just a few meters away from us. 
'It did look more like flirting with Maureen then waiting for me mate,' he smirked. I pressed my lips together and for a second I got confused when he said my sisters name instead of mine, but that changed as fast as it came. How easily I could forget that no one here knew really who I was. 
'I-I wasn't.... we were just talking, right?' Sebastian looked at me with a desperate face. I tried to hide my smile and nodded at him.
'Yeah, sure,' I said. Antti put Sebastian immediately at work, while I looked for a little while from a distance. Sebastian was definitely as charming as he was on camera and I did find myself getting a little crush on him. Of course that was stupid, because knowing me a crush could fall in to a deep love, which I should try and avoid since he doesn't even know my real name and besides, I still have a boyfriend to break up with. I started to immediately sighed by the thoughts of breaking up with Josh. It made me kind of sad that we have fallen apart like that, while in high school we couldn't stay away from each other. Next to Maureen he always felt like a best friend, and even that I don't feel like he is anymore.  What changed between us?

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