Chapter 39 | Emails & Stress

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 The comment Troye had made about Sebastian being my hero, now that he was my boyfriend with a lot of money hurt a lot. Because I was never going to ask Sebastian to help me let alone be my "hero". Troye was being ridiculous. But thanks to his comment I now was ignoring Sebastian. Even though I know that I wouldn't ask Seb for anything, somehow my mind felt like if I would text him or call him it would almost be like asking him for anything. And the last thing I want was for Troye to be right about that. So the obvious thing for me to do right now was to ignore my phone completely. Its been a few days since dad had fired me and that was also the last time I spoke to him. I didn't speak my mom, brother or sister either. I just had enough for a little bit and people just needed to leave me alone for a little while. In the meantime, I was looking at jobs, but nothing seems to be what I wanted. Not that I had the privilege right now to choose something that I wanted. I had to find a new job and as fast as possible. The only thing that could distract me a little bit was the race on Sunday. I watched it from start to finish and felt pretty proud of Sebastian who drove over the finish line in second place. I wanted to congratulate him but stopped myself right before I started to type on my phone. I was proving a point to Troye. But did congratulating someone on second place count as asking for help? It could lead to it... I sighed hard as I let my phone been thrown back on the couch. I stared at the television where the podium ceremony was about to start. My mind went back to Sebastian's offer about working for Ferrari. It probably was now way too late to accept it. Although I still wouldn't want that job, because what was I going to do with Mr Picatso when I'd have to travel every few days? I'd rather work at McDonald's then leave my cat behind to a family that couldn't care as much about him as I did. He was the only family member that could never disappoint me, so who was I to disappoint him right now? He's been disappointed by another family already. It wasn't going to happen twice in his nine lives that a cat has. I looked over at my cat who had a whole chair to himself while he cleaned himself behind his ears. Nope. I was never going to leave this cute creature.

Two days later and I already had a few emails out to different job opportunities, but unfortunately with a lot of rejections as respond. It made my mood go even more down as nothing seems to be going my way.
'It's been a week since I got fired. How come I don't even have a job interview already?' I sighed frustrated to Mr Picatso who looked at me from next to me on the ground. Out of nowhere, the doorbell started to ring and with a frustrated sigh I stood up from the ground in the living room. Mr Picatso had already run away to a safe place called the kitchen while I walked over to the front door. I opened the door and got surprised by a tired-looking Sebastian.
'Sebastian.' I said, letting my surprise show in my voice. I bit my lip as I realised that I had been ignoring him for more than a week now.
'I'm surprised you opened the door,' Sebastian said with a small smile as he walked past me into my house with his suitcase rolling behind him. I looked confused at him back before closing the front door. 'What happened?' he asked as he hangs up his jacket. He turned his body around to look at me. Did he travel straight from Singapore to here? Why?
'It's nothing,' I mumbled, already not looking forward to this conversation.
'It should be something if you keep on ignoring not only me but also your family. Just tell me what happened. I won't judge.' Sebastian raised his eyebrows as his hands were resting on his waist.
'Seb,' I sighed, my eyes focused on the floor.
'Just... tell me.' 
'Fine...' I sighed again, but this time a little bit more annoyed. I didn't want to talk about it. How hard was it to understand something like that? 'My dad fired me, now happy?' I said and walked back to the living room.
'Okay sure, that sucks. Why didn't you tell me?' Sebastian said as he walked after me to the living room. He didn't even sound surprised. He already knew.
'Well from the sounds of it you already knew. So why bother?' I asked. I was just still annoyed at the whole situation, and maybe it wasn't good to take it out on Sebastian. But I couldn't help myself.
'That's only because Maureen asked me if you were also ignoring me. But I would've liked to hear it from you instead of your sister.' Sebastian came and sit down next to me on the ground. 'Why didn't you tell me?'
'Because, I can fix this myself. I don't need anyone to help me like Troye is thinking I need,' I sighed out all of my frustration while Sebastion just looked confused at me.
'Yeah, he got fired too together with Benjamin. We went drinking that Monday and he somehow made me be the bad guy. Just because I have you.'
'So, that's why you ignored me? To prove you didn't need me?' Sebastian asked confused, probably trying to understand this whole situation. I nodded as I leant my head against his shoulder.
'I got rejected five times already and I don't want to work at McDonald's.' I said in a sad voice. I was so tired. Tired of this week, tired of the sleepless nights I had this week because of all the stress. Sebastian couldn't help himself but let out a short laugh.
'You don't have to work at McDonald's. I promise you. You'll find something.' I moved my head a little bit to look at Sebastian. He had a grin on his face while his eyes were focused on something else. I followed his eyes and saw that he was watching Mr Picatso, who was walking back into the living room. 'Besides, one of the privileges of having a boyfriend is asking him for help even if it's just an ear that listens to you. And the privileges of having a girlfriend for me is that she will let me sleep here tonight and lets me cuddle her. Am I right, or am I right?' Slowly a smile appeared on my face as he pushed his arm around me.
'I guess you're right,' I whispered. 

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