Chapter 17 | What a romance book can do to you

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The day felt like a disappointment after I wasn't allowed to help the team to get the fastest time of everyone. That disappointment got a little bit lower by Sebastian grabbing the second fastest lap of the grid. It made me excited for tomorrow, even when I didn't help to get that second place. I got dinner with the whole team and after that most of the team decided to get out into the city for a little while. Brad asked me to come with them, but I didn't feel like it. I instead had a small phone conversation with Maureen who felt better as the day before. She was still with her friends that were very loud in the background, so I kept it short. The rest of the time that I had to spend alone I felt bored, so it didn't take me long to get to the bar and bought myself a deserved drink. The bar was pretty quiet. Something you wouldn't expect on a Saturday evening. I didn't mind though. I was sitting in a corner with my headphones on and a book in one hand and my drink standing close to the other. After all of what happened in the last two weeks, I felt relieved of being able to get myself a drink mixed with reading my favourite genre of books. I wasn't the biggest book reader, although others would say differently, but romance was something I could eat up anytime. 

'And what have we here?' My eyes ripped off of the papers immediateley after I heard the familiar voice. I looked up as the German driver came to sit next to me. I raised my eyebrows, surprised to see him. I suddenly realised he was looking at my book with the most curious look. My eyes got big and I put the book back away savely in my bag. 'Hey! I was trying to read the title!'
'You don't want to, trust me.' I laughed, grabbing my drink and taking a sip of it. 
'Well, I kind of have to know what kind of romance you're into,' Sebastian said casually, but with a wide grin. My cheeks started to turn red as I watch him put his arm over my chair. I shook my head and started to laugh a little bit, trying to keep it cool in front of Sebastian. 

'It's fiction. That's different,' I smiled taking another sip of my drink. 
'Doesn't mean you can't fantasize about it being real,' Sebastian said, smiling back while he shortly let his eyebrows wiggle up and down. Another sip of my drink was taken, this time a little bigger than the other one I've taken. Not because I was thirsty, but because I was a little more confident when drinking. And I guess you could see it clearly.
'Is that an invite to something?' I had asked while my head was leaning on my hand on the bar and I scooched a bit closer to him. 
'Who knows? Let's find out, but first another drink.' I watch how Sebastian stood up and took my empty glass with him to the bar. I felt my heart pounding and I wasn't going to lie to myself. I felt brave for the night. I don't know if it was the alcohol that was in my system -because I was getting my third glass now and I started with a strong drink- or that the romance book made me feel stuff I would normally not even put in my head. It could've been both. Or it was the fact that I had created this huge crush on Sebastian without me realizing it. It wasn't something I do, I thought. But then again, I've been in a relationship for so long that I wasn't even sure what was and wasn't for me. Do I even know how to date people anymore? Before I could even panic about it, Sebastian walked back with two drinks. He put one glass in front of me before sitting down and sipping on his drink. 
'So, any reason why I found you alone at the hotel bar while the others are exploring the city?' Sebastian asked, starting the conversation back again. His eyes locked in with mine, making it hard for me to not stare back into his eyes. 
'I uhh didn't feel like it tonight,' I told him. 
'I would say that's too bad, but I'm actually glad having you all by myself for once,'
'No trainer checking up on you?' I laughed softly as I watched Sebastian's eyes slowly going down to my lips. He started to lick his lips, which made the environment between us suddenly intimate. 

'He told me to bother someone else,' he said, speaking a volume lower in a room that was already pretty quiet. Slowly our bodies found a way to get closer to each other. It felt all so natural that it almost was like everything went on automatic pilot. 
'You found your victims fast, hmm?' I asked him on the same volume he was talking. His knee was touching min, making us get even closer. 
'You just stand out,' he said right before his lips touched mine. His soft lips felt perfect against mine. I felt a funny feeling in my stomach after what felt like a bomb exploding in my stomach. The funny feeling made me feel warm inside and what first was just an innocent kiss became more and more passionate. When his tongue found his way to mine I lost everything that was happening around us. I felt one hand on my cheek while the other one rested on my waist, pulling me a little bit closer to him. I automatically put my hands around his neck so that I would make sure there was no space in between us. 
'You want to go somewhere private?' Sebastian asked softly against my lips. I smiled at him and nodded. I felt like I was somewhere far up into the clouds as he smiled back at me. He emptied his glass in one go and stood up. I looked at my glass and took a big sip out of it, making the glass half empty before I took Sebastian hand and stood up. He kept my hand in his as he pulled me out of the bar side of the hotel. I couldn't help but giggle as he put his lips back on mine as we got into the lift that just closed around us. 
'Can't believe you let me miss out on this for this long,' he mumbled against my lips as he softly pushed me against the lift wall next to the buttons. I couldn't help but smile against his lips as I slowly pushed him a little bit away. 
'Maybe we need to push a button,' I said softly to the man in front of me. He started to laugh softly, showing his goofy smile that looked so charming on his face. 
'You're right,' he said and with a grin he pushed the button on the highest level of this hotel. As we felt the lift going up we started to look at each other. No words were needed as we both knew what was going to happen. The lift doors opened again and without words, Sebastian took my hand and pulled me with him.  It didn't take long before I stood in Sebastian enormous hotel room. If you even could call it a hotel room, it looked more like a big apartment that I could never afford. Obviously the man next to me didn't give me enough time to really take the room into me as Sebastian pulled me close to him as soon as he had closed the door. His lips found the mine easily and the passion was back again. Before I knew it we found our way to the bed and I got softly pushed on the bed with Sebastian on top of me.
'You want to do this?' He asked, pushing his lips off of mine and looking me directly into my eyes. One of his hands touched my face softly and pulled my hair out of my eyes. The small gestures made me get even higher into the clouds. It wouldn't surprise me if I looked at him with heart-shaped eyes. 
'That you even have to ask,' I told him with a bright smile as I put my arms back around his neck and push my lips against his again. He reacted immediately by pushing his tongue against my lips and me opening my mouth a little bit to let the kiss get deeper. His hands slowly made their way under my shirt giving me goosebumps as his hands went more and more up over my skin. His hands were very soft and they felt immediately familiar as I wanted more and more from him. I found my hands slowly making their way to Sebastian's skin under his shirt, making him known that I wanted his shirt off immediately as I pushed the fabric up with my hands. 
'You really became my weakness, did you know that?' Sebastian breathed out right after he pulled his shirt off. I pressed my lips together as I felt my cheeks becoming warmer and warmer. In no time different kind of clothing pieces went flying around the room until we both were naked. His lips disappeared from mine and made a way from my jaw to my neck where he stopped for a little bit. I felt him make a mark as I closed my eyes and let go of a small moan. I put my hands in Sebastian wild hair after he left my neck alone and followed the path down again. The same explosion of feelings in my stomach came back and I knew this was going to be a night I won't forget.  



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