Chapter 30 | German Boy

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On Thursday evening I was sitting on a plane, watching with dreamy eyes through the small plane window. I was thinking about yesterday when I went to my parent's house, mostly asking my mom if she wanted to keep quiet to dad that I wasn't actually sick when I'm calling in sick, but instead was going to a race to see someone, which mom obviously first thought it was Maureen who was happily working again for Red Bull. If there was one person I couldn't lie to, it was my mom. She always seems to notice when I don't tell the whole truth. So I told her I actually didn't go for Maureen.

I pulled in to the driveway of my parent's house and took the spot that my dad normally used, but since he was off to another country I took his spot. My mom was already waiting for me when I got out of the car and waved for me to get inside as it was pouring rain. I closed the front door in front of me as I run inside. Mom was already in the kitchen to make my usual drink, just a coffee. 
'How was your day at work hon?' Mom asked when I got into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table. She put the cup of coffee in front of me and sat down with her own drink that she already was drinking. 
'It was fine. Kind of boring actually,' I told her, sipping on my hot coffee. Mom smiled at me as she went over to her next question.
'And what was it that you wanted to ask me?' I put my coffee cup down and sent her a hopeful smile.
'I wanted to ask you for a favour,' I told my mom, looking closely at her reaction that was still just a smile. 'I'm gonna call in sick tomorrow for the rest of the week and for next week, because I actually got invited to the Formula One race in Monza. So if Joe calls you like he always does when I call in sick, could you tell him I'm actually sick, also don't tell dad please,' I pouted as I showed my puppy eyes, hoping that would convince her enough. 
'Why don't you just take time off as in vacation days? Why go through all of this trouble?' Mom laughed. 'I'm pretty sure dad wouldn't mind if you went to a race to visit your sister. We all know she needs some check-ins from us once in a while,'
'It's not really to visit Maureen,' I mumbled, slowly taking one more sip from my drink. Mom raised her eyebrows.
'who invited you then?' I pressed my lips tightly together as I have my mom an innocent look. How was I going to explain this one?
'A guy,' I started.
'A guy? Who? Maya if you want to have this small holiday, you gotta tell me which guy and why we haven't met him.' My mom got all excited as she gave me a curious look. I couldn't help but laugh at her and shake my head. It's been a long time since we talked about boys other than Josh. 'Is it that teammate of Daniel's?' Mom guessed making me raise my eyebrows.
'How did you know?' I asked as I confirmed her question. She would find out anyway and she wasn't one of those parents that demand to meet the guy first although she wouldn't mind it at all. 
'I'm your mother, I know everything.' Mom laughed but shook her head. 'No. Maureen and her boyfriend, Daniel came by this past weekend and they kind of told me about you speaking to this German boy,'
'Oh god,' I sighed. 
'No, no, no. Don't worry Maya. I'm actually glad you're dating again so fast after Josh. You know I love Josh, but everyone in the family could see you guys weren't great for each other. Maureen told me about this German guy. He sounds very sweet,' 
'I'm not dating anyone,' I told my mom loud and clear. I confess Seb and I were in this weird state currently. I took another sip of my coffee as I tried to make sense of where Seb and I were currently. I guess I could say we were friends, but then again. We had sex, although that was when he still thought I was Maureen. This was confusing. 
'Maureen told me you had sex with this guy and you keep texting each other day and night-'  I choked on my coffee, making me cough as my mom kept on going. 'and now he's inviting you to go to see him race. Does he want to go somewhere with you as you said you need time off the whole of next week?' 
'I can't believe Maureen told you that,' I said as my cough started to disappear again. 
'Again, I'm your mother. I'm allowed to know these things,' she laughed as she patted my shoulder. 'Don't worry about it Maya. I'll make sure you get your time off from work to spend some time with this German boy. But I'm expecting to meet him properly when you get in a relationship with him, not like I got to meet your sisters' boyfriend in the hospital,'

'Excuse me miss? We are preparing for landing, would you mind to take your seatbelt on again?' one of the stewards ripped me out of my thought. I firstly looked at her confused as she smiled back at me but nodded fastly and did what she said. I was convinced that they were way nicer to me because Seb had put me in first class. I still can't believe he put me in first class. Why would he do that? I felt so out of place between these business people and those obvious rich people. There were even more seats empty than filled. 
It didn't take too long, or it just didn't felt like it took too long until the plane had found his way back safely on to the ground. I immediately put my phone from airplane mode off and looked and the incoming messages that I got. I got one from Maureen and my mom, both telling me to have a safe flight and mom even telling me to have a lot of fun with my German boy, as she still didn't seem to know Seb's name. But I also had a message from Sebastian himself, and that one was the first I was going to respond to.

From Seb:
Have a safe flight.
Text me when you landed so that I can pick you up.

To Seb:
I've landed (:

It didn't take him too long to answer back as I was picking up my stuff to get out of the plane. 

From Seb:
Good, I'm on my way. 

I smiled at the text and found my way out of the plane and walked slowly to get my suitcase as Sebastian warned me beforehand that it would take a while before I would get it. When I made sure I was at the right place I pulled out my phone and answered back to both Maureen and my mom that I had arrived safely. Just like Seb had told me, it took a while until I finally saw my suitcase rolling by. I pulled with all my power the suitcase off back to the ground and as I put my bag on my suitcase I rolled through the airport to finally find Sebastian already waiting for me. A smile crept on immediately on my face as I made my walking pace go faster. 
'You made it,' Sebastian said surprisingly relieved. I smiled brighter as he went to hug me. I let go of my suitcase and put my arms around his neck. 
'I did,' I laughed as I took in his scent secretly. I pushed myself slowly off of him and grabbed my suitcase. 
'Here, let me.' Sebastian said as he took the suitcase from me. I wanted to protest, but instead, my lips started to curl up and my cheeks started to burn up. I was glad I had put on a sweater as the night air in Italy wasn't as warm as I hoped it would be. Sebastian lead me to his parked car as I was trying to hide myself into my sweater.
'Are you cold?' Sebastian asked amused as we walked in the parking garage. 
'Just a little bit,' I confessed as I looked back at Sebastian. He smiled at me. 
'If I'm not mistaken, I think I left my jacket in the car. You can take that,' Sebastian told me and not long after he said that he stopped in front of a car, making me stop too. I opened the car trunk and put my suitcase in it, giving my bag back so that I could take that one in front in case there was something in the bag that I needed. 
'Here, you see. I did leave my jacket in there,' Sebastian grinned as he took his jacket out of the backseat and give it to me before opening the car door for me. 
'You know I have hands that work perfectly fine to do small stuff like this too, right?' I laughed after I thanked him for the jacket. I put the jacket with the Red Bull logo on it on.
'I know, but first impressions are important,' he said as I got in the car. He closed the door after he made sure I sat down and walked fastly to the other side to get behind the wheel. 
'Didn't we do the first impression thing when we decided to start over again?' I asked Sebastian as I watched him put on his seatbelt, making me mimic his movement and put my seatbelt on too. 
'You mean when you got off work way too late and let me wait?' Sebastian said with a playful tone in his voice. He looked at me as he started the engine.
'No, I made you a grilled cheese sandwich.' I reminded him. He laughed and nodded.
'You're right. Best grilled cheese sandwich I ever had, made by a British woman,' He said and drove off out of the parking lot. 
'You had someone make them better?' I asked him with my raised eyebrows. I still felt a little bit cold as I had Sebastian's jacket on. I put the zip up and hide half of my face in the jacket while my hands disappeared in the sleeves. His scent was obviously still on the jacket and was now spreading in my nose. It was a very addictive smell and I hoped it wasn't too obvious for Seb that I was taking in his scent on the jacket. 
'I mean,' he started, giving me a short amused look before his eyes went back to the road. 'I personally think my grilled cheese sandwiches could be better,' 
'Proof it,' I told him.
'I will,' he replied back with a grin. 'but not now. I'm driving,'

A/N: Bit of a late update, but ya girl was watching FP1 & FP2 tonight.
Anyway, hope you like this chapter! (:

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