Chapter 15 | Another conversation

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When arriving at Maureen's hotel room I felt like a teenager sneaking around, trying not to get caught. When I knocked Brad opened the door for me. He smiled at me and hugged me like we hadn't seen each other in ages. 
'I missed you too Brad,' I laughed while slapping softly on Brad's back. 
'She's a bit in a weird mood, I don't really know how to explain it.' Brad warned me, ignoring my comment as he makes place for me to walk inside. I walked into the room and looked at a normal looking Maureen that was lying down on her bed. She looked up from her phone and smiled at me.
'Hi sister!' she said with an enthusiastic tone in her voice, which sounded everything but like the normal Maureen. I gave Brad a questionable look, but he just shrugged. 
'Hey,' I said back. I slowly sat down on the end of the bed while I closely watched her. 'How are you doing?'
'Honestly, I'm doing great.' Maureen replied, putting her phone away while looking at me. 'What happened this afternoon wasn't a big deal. I'm doing fine as you see.' This made me give Brad another confused look. This was what Brad meant with Maureen being in a weird mood. I could see that she was just pretending. I guess because I was paying so close attention to Maureen that I could see her lying to us and maybe even herself, but normally I don't think I would've noticed. I guess I always thought that Maureen was just really good at lying, but I wasn't paying enough attention to see she really isn't. Now she just sounded like it was opposite day and you have to tell people the opposite of what you actually mean. I turned my body to Brad, who was standing behind me, taking everything from our conversation in while being as silent as he could. Almost hoping we both would forget that he was still in the room.

'Brad, you're looking tired. You should go to your own room,' I told Brad who didn't look even slightly tired. Worried, yeah sure. Tired? Not even close. 
'What? No I-' 
'Brad,' I interrupted Brad, giving him a look that made him shut his mouth. He finally took the hint and I pushed him with me back again to the hall. 
'Text me if you need me,' Brad told me immediately at the door. I nodded, telling him I would update him as soon as I know the problem and said goodbye to Brad. I closed the door and walked back to Maureen.
'Now tell me how you're really feeling,' I told my sister who finally broke down, now that Brad was gone and we were left with just the two of us. It was never fun to see one of your family members break down like this, but for me, it was especially hard because it was Maureen. However, with that being said, I was glad to see her finally show the emotions that she was currently feeling. I walked over to her and put my arms over her so she could push herself closer to me. I rubbed her back trying to show her that I was here for her. 

It took a while before Maureen calmed down a little bit and was ready to talk, but I had all the patient tonight. While I rubbed her back slowly up and down she started to tell me about what happened today. 
'I felt fine this morning when we got to the garage, just like I've felt the rest of the week, but then practice one started and... I don't know how to describe it. I guess I felt scared for some reason. And I tried to ignore it but right before the second practice it got too much and I felt like suffocating if I didn't leave the garage as soon as possible.'
'Have you told this to your psychologist?' I asked her after. She shook her head. 
'Erin only works on Mondays till Thursdays,' Maureen said.

'Then text her, maybe she will read it and might have some tips for you,' I told my sister because I didn't know what other advice I could give her. I wasn't good at this stuff. Maureen listened to me and I watched how she texted her. It stayed a little bit quiet between us, but finally Maureen looked up again to me and smiled.
'Thanks,' she told me, which I waved away immediately. We were sisters. She was always there for me when I needed her, now it was my time to be there for her.  
'Don't. You know I will do everything for you,' I told her and gave her a big and long hug. 

The rest of the evening Maureen and I stayed in bed. We started to watch a movie, but much of it Maureen didn't see. She was tired of all that happened today and so she fell asleep as soon as the first few scenes of the movies had started. I had texted Brad that everything was okay and that he didn't have to worry, which he responded immediately with a "thank god you're here,". After that, I had texted him, asking if he would wait for me tomorrow as I took Maureen's place for tomorrow again. I hoped she would feel better and get to do the race on Sunday, but something in me told me that I won't have a Sunday off. 

A/N: Because of the short chapter that I'm bringing you here today I will be uploading another chapter on Monday (also because I have a week off from school). The next chapter is also gonna be a bit of a joking around chapter because I feel like this story needs a little bit of it right now lol. 

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