Chapter 23 | Cats are magical

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The one person I hoped I would never have to see again out of embarrassment, was standing in the same room. He was standing next to Maureen's bed, his body language and Maureen's facial expression told me they talked about something and Sebastian didn't believe her. I could've guessed what the conversation was about, but I wished I was wrong. I looked at Daniel, who was already looking at me, trying to find some sort of a reaction. Which he found. I was in shock, of course. I didn't know what I was going to say to him. I wasn't even sure if a hospital room was the right place to discuss this or the fact that Daniel and Maureen were here too. I'd already didn't want to have this conversation, and now with no privacy, I kind of want to refuse to talk about it. I looked back to Sebastian and Maureen who suddenly looked back at us. My eyes met those from Sebastian. He had a shocked expression on his face.
'You were not kidding,' he said to Maureen while still looking at me. 
'I told you so,' Maureen said to him, watching his reaction to seeing me. He shook his head slowly.
'This is mental. You know that right?' Sebastian said back to Maureen. His voice sounded like he could get off just like a bomb any time right now. 
'We know that and we're sorry to get you involved in that,' Maureen said to Seb before looking at me. 'Because that was never supposed to happen.' Sebastian looked from Maureen to me and back to Maureen. He shook his head again, but this time less confused and more with an angry look on his face. 
'You know what Maureen and... whatever your name must be,' he gave me a short rude look before looking back at my sister. 'I don't fucking need this shit show in my life right now. I'm going and fucking just.. leave me alone. Both of you,' I felt guilty not saying a word to him as I could've avoided all of this. Sebastian left the room and the rest of the people that were in the room were left speechless. 
'I uhm.. am going to talk to him.' Daniel said, patting me on my shoulder. 'Don't worry.' As Daniel closed the door behind him it got silent again. So many things were flying around in my head. Mostly the regret that I felt. 
'I think I should go,' I said, avoiding the staring look that Maureen was giving me. 
'What? No, Stay. Please, Maya.' I slowly looked at my sister who was begging me to stay.
'I don't want to risk hurting more people,' I told her, mostly because I really needed to bury myself under my blankets and disappear for a little while off this world.
'Don't be so ridiculous, Maya. Seb is just confused and I guess surprisingly heartbroken because he might think you were just playing him, which if he knew the real you, he would've known that that wasn't true. Give it a bit of time.' Maureen said, giving me a hopeful smile. 
'I just hate fucking up things.' I told her honestly after walking closer to her so that I didn't still stand by the door. 'He just makes it easy for me to forget about everything. If that makes sense,'
'It does make sense. And you know what? Fucking things up some times is just part of life. Everyone does it. Some to actually hurt someone and some out of love, confident, not thinking straight or whatever. You didn't have any intention to hurt anyone and Seb will know that eventually too.' I smiled at my sister.
'Goddamit, I'm so happy to have you in my life,' I sighed as I hugged my sister carefully. I hear her laugh as she softly put her arms over me. 
'Well, I guess I owe you that much after these past few weeks,'
'Nah, you don't.' I told her and stood up straight again. 'But I do think I will go home now,' 
'You sure about that?' she asked, giving me an unsure look. I smiled at her. Sure I still felt very guilty about what I let happen, but I didn't need to worry Maureen even more than she already was. She needs to concentrate on herself right now. 
'Yeah. It's been a long day,' 


Back at home, I ordered myself a pizza that I ate in the living room while watching Friends to make me feel a little bit better. I was already in my pyjamas when I heard a knock on my door and the doorbell kept ringing. I hesitated to open the door, but eventually, I did and got surprised by the face I haven't seen since the drama in my life had started.
'Brad?' I asked confused. 'What are you doing here?' 
Brad smiled at me as he was hiding something behind his back. 'Well hello, my favourite heartbreaker.' My eyebrows raised as I looked at his grin. 'What? too soon?' he asked. I nodded.
'What are you doing here Brad?' I asked again. 
'I'm preparing you,' he said, wiggling his eyebrows. It made me only more confused and by seeing my face Brad decided to show what he was hiding behind his back. 'I'm preparing you and your house for your new roommate. Your cat.' He showed me the two bowls that he was holding in his hands. 'I got more stuff in the car,'
'When's the cat coming?' I asked confused. Sure, I told Thomas I would adopt the cat, but I never told him a date when I would pick up the cat.
'Your brother will be here in an hour with the cat,' Brad smiled as he handed me the two bowls before going back to his car to get the rest of the stuff that he took with him. 
'Brad I don't know if tonight is such a good idea,' I told him when he came back with a litterbox and some toys. Eventually, I followed him back inside where he took the bowl again from me and put them in the kitchen.
'Did Maureen send you?' I asked him suddenly when he was pouring stuff into the litterbox. He looked at me.
'Kind of,' he confessed but didn't hesitate to tell me his excuse immediately after that. 'But it's not what you think. Sure I had contact with Maureen, but the person that actually was giving me orders was your brother. That is it. Now let's go online and find the perfect scratching post for your new best friend.' Brad dragged me back to the living room where my laptop was laying down on the salon table. We went through some of them and finally found one that I loved. It was one of those big once, not the biggest that they had, but it was still pretty big and probably overwhelming to put together when it arrives. But those are worries for later because I didn't have time to worry since the doorbell went off again. 
'Stay there and close your eyes!' Brad told me as he ran to the door. I laughed, but still did what he had asked me to do. I heard the door open and close and not long after that, I heard the footsteps come closer and closer. 'Okay open your eyes!' I heard Brad say again. I opened my eyes with a big smile and I looked right at the grey British shorthair cat that my brother was holding in his arm. The cat was looking around him with big curious eyes. 
'He's so cute,' I sighed as my hands were holding my jaws to show them I really thought he was the cutest. 
'Here you go then,' Thomas laughed as he put the cat on my lap. At first, the cat wasn't sure, but as he was smelling me, he started to trust me and even lay down on my lap. 'I think I'm gonna cry from cuteness overload,' I said as I pet the cat softly on the side of his face.
'What's his name?' Brad asked excitingly as he was sitting down on the floor and was petting the cat now too. I looked at Thomas. I wasn't sure if he already had a name or not. I mean, the cat was twelve years old. He should have a name by now, doesn't he? 
'You should name him something. He never listened to the name he was given by his other owner. I think he hated his name,' Thomas laughed as he sat down next to me on the couch. It was crazy how I felt depressed the whole time until I came face to face with this cat. Cats are magical.  
'I actually have a few suggestions,' Brad said with a grin on his face. 'What about Luke Skywhisker? Or-or-or no wait! Elvis Catsley. Picatso! You have to call him Picatso.' 
'How long have you been working on those names?' my brother asked with a laughing face. 
'Honestly? The whole way from going from my house to the pet store and to Maya's house,' Brad confessed. 'But I do really like Picatso, or maybe even Jaspur. But with more R's at the end.'
'You're ridiculous,' my brother told him. I laughed and looked at the cat in my lap.
'I hate to say this, but I actually like the name Picatso,' I confessed to the two boys. 
'Yes!' Brad celebrated.
'But I'll think about it some more,' I said after seeing my brother's face. 

After the two boys were gone again I was hesitating to go to bed and leave the cat to explore the house some more, which he already was doing the whole night, but when I woke up again in the morning I saw him laying down at the end of my bed. It made my heart feel warm from the inside, seeing him sleep so close to me already. I let him sleep as I was making myself ready for the day. I showered, put some new clothes on while I had put my hair in a ponytail and went downstairs to grab myself some food. I put some food in the bowl of Mr Picatso and saw him immediately come running to the kitchen. I had decided to just call him Mr Picatso as his full name, and as nickname Picca. I don't know why, but I loved the name Mr Picatso. I watched how he was eating his food that Thomas brought with him, while I was eating my own food. That until the doorbell was ringing. I left my food at the kitchen table and walked over to the front door. I opened it and looked both surprised and confused at the person in front of me. This was the last person I was expecting to be standing in front of me right now. 


Ohh who could that be? 

I'm sorry for not uploading last week. I wasn't in the right place because of something happening in my family. I also had my two wisdom teeth removed this week, so I hope there aren't too many mistakes in the chapter as I'm very tired from my painkillers & the pain to really concentrate on what I am writing/reading.

 Hope you enjoyed this chapter anyway! And tell me what you think of the cat name that Brad helped with. 

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