Chapter 32 | A Job offer

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After a long day looking around in the garage and walking in the paddock, past a few other teams I finally found myself getting a bit tired. It felt like a long day for me. I couldn't imagine how it would feel for Seb or the rest of the team. I was still in the garage when I was waiting for mostly Sebastian to finish his meetings. Brad was so nice to give me a chair for me to sit on while watching practice two and I watched it together with Antti again. I was really glad to have Antti by my side to talk to. We got along very well and as Britta was too busy with her side of the job it was nice to have at least someone sitting next to you to talk to. When practice two was done Antti had to go too, making me wait alone just for a little while. That was of course until Brad decided to join me and have a random conversation with me. 
'How was it to watch us getting to work, instead of helping?' Brad had asked to start this conversation between us. My lips started to curl up, as I looked at him suspiciously.
'Shouldn't you help them?' I asked him, pointing to my sister and the others that seem to be working on the car. 
'Shouldn't you be answering my question before asking questions for yourself?' Brad asked with a laugh. 'But to answer your question. I probably should, if only Maureen wasn't already doing my part. Seriously that girl wants to do every single bit on the car. If it could, she even would be doing the pitstops all by herself.' 
'Just shove her aside then,' I laughed, knowing exactly what Brad meant with Maureen wanting to do everything by herself. 
'I will, next time. I'm actually sitting very comfortable.' Brad grinned while putting his hands behind his head and pretending like he was enjoying the imaginary sun. 'Now you, answer my question.'
'What was the question again?' I grinned, keeping my eyes on the boy sitting next to me. How he wasn't being told off yet, surprised me honestly. 
'How it felt to watch from the sidelines instead of being at work on the car,' Brad repeated his question. His eyes opened and looked back at me. I pressed my lips together and thought about the answer to that question. 
'It felt very different. I liked watching from the sidelines, but honestly, my hands were itching to help you guys,' I told him honestly as I had a bright smile on my face. 
'You can take my job for the weekend if you want,' Brad laughed. 'I wouldn't mind being Seb's plus one for the weekend.' Brad winked at me as he had a mischievous smile on his face. Before I could answer on his comment, someone else was faster to answer.
'Let's not do that again, although I'm pretty sure she would bring better results home then you're doing right now Brad,' It was none other than the team boss, Christian Horner. Brad couldn't sit straight fast enough as he heard that voice. We both looked at the team boss that stood in front of us. I give him a polite smile as I couldn't help but feel flattered by that comment, while Brad responded with giving him an awkward smile. 
'I'll be off then,' Brad said awkwardly as he stood up and walked back to Maureen. I let out a small laugh as I looked at Brad walking away. 
'Did you enjoy your day at the Red Bull garage?' My eyes went back to Christian as he was talking to me. I smiled at him and nodded.
'Yeah, had a great time. Thank you,' I thanked him for letting me stay and watch from inside the garage. 
'No worries. I like to have guest inside my garage that actually knows how this world works,' he said back with an ensuring smile. 'I actually watched back bits of the Silverstone Grand Prix and the one in our Red Bull Ring circuit. And I have to say you impressed me. If Seb didn't tell me I would've never guessed that it wasn't Maureen that had been doing those pitstops or worked at the car.' 
'Well, I just hope Maureen isn't in trouble for that. She knew I always wanted to experience something like that, so it's only me to blame here.' I told the team boss to cover up for my sister. The last thing I wanted was for her to get fired over this. That was not going to happen, not now she finally looks happy again at work. Christian lips curled up even more.
'And you're also very loyal to your sister. She confessed about the real reason why she had put you through all of this. It's fine, but even though I'm very impressed with you, I'd rather not have this happen again,' he told me. I nodded as I put my hands up 
'Trust me, I don't want that to happen either,' I laughed as my mind flashed back for a second to all the memories that I made at those two Grand Prix's. 
'You don't?' he asked confused, making me question if what he said was a trick question. Did he want me to want to do something like that again? 'Because I would actually take a risk with you and put you in my team,'
My eyebrows raised up as a surprising look was seen on my face. Did he just offer me a job? It couldn't be that easy. I know for a fact that it wasn't that easy as I knew that it took Maureen a lot of hard work to get where she was right now. As I stood with my mouth full of surprise I couldn't really respond to his offer. Therefore I was kind of glad that Sebastian came insight together with Antti and Britta. He walked over to me as he saw me talking to his boss. 
'Hey, you ready to head back?' he asked me as he gave a short look at his boss. I looked from Sebastian back to Christian.
'Uhm..' was the only thing that came out of my mouth as I was still surprised about what just happened. 
'Think about it. Seb will let me know,' Christian said as he slapped Sebastian's chest before walking away from us.
'Letting him know what?' Seb asked confused as he watched his boss walk away from them without telling him more. 'What were you talking about?' 
'I think he offered me a job?' I said as the surprise was even heard in my voice. My eyes slowly met those with Seb's as he raised his eyebrows, looking impressed at me.
'Excuse me?' He asked with a laughing voice. 'Whose he gonna fire then? Your sister?'
'He better not,' I told him. 'Besides, I might not even do anything with that offer.' 
'Why not?' he asked as Britta and Antti joined us. I shrugged.
'I don't know,' I mumbled, telling him my honest thoughts. 'Are you done for today?' I asked, changing the topic as I didn't want to be persuaded. He smiled at me and nodded. 
'Yes, let's go.'  

Later that night I was in Sebastian's hotel room. We just had dinner and were now enjoying some music that Sebastian put on as background music. We'd been talking about some random stuff and about if I enjoyed my day. I was enjoying my night with Sebastian. He was honestly the greatest and I really hoped I wouldn't fuck this over. 
'Can we actually talk about that offer that Christian made for you?' Sebastian suddenly turned the topic from a movie that we both had seen to something really different. 
'What about it?' I asked confused. I honestly already forgot about that offer, but I guess that was mostly because my mind was more busy with the man in front of me. He shrugged casually.
'I was just wondering what your thoughts were.' he said almost too casual. This time it was me who shrugged.
'I really don't know. Why?' I saw him thinking, making me get curious as to what he was thinking. He looked like he was torn between telling me something or not telling me. 
'I can trust you, right?' He suddenly asked, making me let out a laugh. His serious look made me stop laughing.
'Yes you can,' I told him like it was obvious, but I guess it was a normal question to ask when someone pretended to be someone else. 
'Good, because I'm gonna tell you something that only a few people know.' He got all my attention with this sentence, not that he didn't had all my attention before he spoke that sentence, because he had. 'But first, promise me you won't tell a soul,'
I looked at his pinkie that he pointed up in front of me. My lips curled up as I curled my pinkie around his.
'I promise,' I said. I wanted to take my pinkie back, but he held it as he curled his pinkie around mine instead. I pressed my lips together to not show my extreme bright smile. 
'I won't be driving for Red Bull next year. I actually will be driving for Ferrari,' I looked at him with surprise. 
'Are you serious?' I asked him. He smiled while he nodded his head yes.
'Yes, it's always been my dream to drive for Ferrari. I just couldn't say no to that opportunity,' he said as his smile only got bigger and bigger when he saw my smile showing up again on my face. 
'Ah, Seb that's great!' I told him and felt close enough with him to give him a hug. I put my arms around his neck and immediately felt his arms closing around my body and pulling me closer to him, making me almost fall over on him as we were sitting in front of each other. 
'I assume Christian doesn't know then?' I asked after I pulled myself out of his arms slowly. 
'No he doesn't. I don't think he would've offered you that job if he knew,' he said with a grin, making me look at him with raised eyebrows. 
'Excuse me?' I told him. 'What does that even mean?'
'Nothing, nothing,' he said, still with that same grin, although it looked like that grin was only growing on his face. I warned him with my pointing finger, making him talk again. 'Only that he might at first thought that we were a thing,'
'Oh,' I reacted before it got quiet in the room. Seb stared at me with an amused look as I was trying to think of some sort of a comeback. 'I could work for the rival team even if we were a thing. Could spice things up,' 
'Funny,' he smirked. 'But what if he could get you a job at Ferrari?'

A/N: Mmh, not really happy with this chapter, I don't know why. 

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