Chapter 24 | An Unexpected Surprise

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It's always weird to get surprised by the things you're least expecting. But this was really the last thing I was expecting.
'Josh?' I asked confused with a little bit of a surprise sounding in my voice. He looked at me as he gave me a half smile.
'Hey,' he said. With all the things that have been happening in my life, I kind of forgot about Josh. About our break up that I wasn't even there for. 'I know I shouldn't visit unannounced, but I really felt bad... of everything that happened.'
'Don't be,' I immediately said back to him. I let him inside and closed the door behind him. It was weird seeing Josh again, I had to admit that. 
'You got a cat?' I heard Josh laugh. I turned around and walked into the living room where Josh had walked in but stopped as he saw my new man. A bright smile turned up on my face as Josh looked surprised back at me.
'Josh, I'd like you to meet Mr Picatso,' he started to laugh at the name and gave Mr Picatso a bit of attention before turning back to me.
'I'm glad to see you smile,' he said. 'How's everything?' 
We sat down on the couch as I tried to explain how I've been for the past few days. 'It's going okay. I just had a confusing few days behind me,'
'Yeah, I heard Maureen had a car accident. Is she alright?' Josh asked. I smiled at him and nodded. Josh always had a great relationship with my family. It was nice to see that he still cared about them even though we weren't together anymore. 
'She's doing fine. How have you been?' I returned the question as Mr Picatso jumped on the couch and sat down next to me. I smiled as I put my hand softly on his back and patted him in a calming way. 
'Good,' was the only thing he said before sitting up more straight and turning his body more to me. 'But I probably should tell you why I came to visit you,' 
'Probably yeah,' I said back. He sighed slowly as he looked for a bit up to the ceiling, before looking back at me. 
'I haven't been completely honest to you,' he started, feeling suddenly very nervous. 'We've been together for as long as I can remember and I actually always thought that we were going to marry, have a few kids and grow old together. However, that wouldn't have been fair to you, because I could never have loved you the way you wanted to be loved. I mean, I loved you, I still love you, but...' he stopped for a second, trying to catch his breath as he got even more nervous than before. I give him a small supporting smile as I took his hand. I wasn't sure where he wanted to go with his story, but he obviously wanted me to know whatever was happening in his mind. 'Fuck, I'm just gonna tell you and not talk around circles. The person that I'm seeing right now is not a woman, it's a man... I like men.' I looked surprised at Josh as I held his hand more tightly now. There was a silence between us just for a second before it started to make sense in my head. 
'Wait, really?' I asked, hearing my own surprise in my voice. He nodded as he showed a small smile on his face.
'I get it if you're mad at me,' I cut him off as I shook my head heavy.
'Josh, of course, I'm not mad, maybe a bit confused, yeah. But not mad... How long did you know, how did you found out?' I asked question after question. His smile got bigger at my curiosity.
'It kind of started to get in my mind probably three years ago, but I never was certain until I met George half a year ago. Maya, I'm really sorry for lying to you for so long. I should've told you as soon as I got my doubts. You had the right to know. I just didn't want to lose you.'
'Josh it's fine.' I smiled at him while I looked at his hand that I was still holding. 'I'm happy for you, okay? We had fun together in our relationship and now I understand how it got downhill for us.' He pulled me to him and put his arms around me as he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back as I took the information in me. It sure did came as a surprise to me, but as all my feelings for Josh has been gone for quite some time, I couldn't help but only feel happy for him, like a friend would be happy for him. 

Josh stayed the whole afternoon and even had dinner with me. It was almost like the old times, but then as friends. It definitely was better this way, that was for sure. We've been talking about both of our lives and what had been happening in the time that we've been away from each other. I realised that I still had a few questions flying around in my head for Josh, but I also realise that maybe I should see where things were going.
It was around eight when Josh had finally decided to go home again, not that I minded him staying the whole day. It was not like I had any other plans than just watching some tv and play with my cat... Even in my head, I sound just... sad. 
'So you're going back to George now?' I asked him as we had walked down to the front door. He looked at me and nodded. 
'Yeah,' he said in a way that he wasn't sure if he really should've said that. I smiled at him, showing I didn't mind it. Which I didn't, of course. I just wished I could be as happy as Josh was right now. 
'Does he not mind that you stayed the whole day with me?' I asked him as he opened the front door that had been opened by him so many times in those couple of years I lived here. 
'I had to convince him a little bit, but after that, he was fine with it.' Josh had the door only half open as he looked back at me again. 'Actually, you should meet him one day. If that's not awkward obviously. I think you both would get along very well.' 
'We'll see,' I laughed back as he now opened the door more so that he could actually walk out of my house. I looked behind me, making sure Mr Picatso wasn't anywhere near. 
'Maya,' I looked back at Josh who was already standing outside with his car keys in his hands. 'Thanks for today. I'm glad to know that I haven't lost you even when I make stupid mistakes by not telling you sooner,'
'We all make stupid mistakes Josh.' I told him, thinking back at my own mess. 'Now go back to your man,' 


Sorry to be annoying, but I just wanna tell you that my Daniel Ricciardo story has finally begun! So, if you're interested, you can check it out. I update that one on Thursdays and on Sundays (:

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