Chapter 18 | A little lie

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A bright ray of sunshine that was glimpsing around through the curtains was shining straight into my eyes and woke me up. I tried moving a little bit, but as I found an arm tightly around me, making me hug the person next to me that I also had used as a pillow for my head. I suddenly got the realization of what happened last night and my eyes got a bit bigger as I tried to think of a way to tell Maureen about this. The sudden movement from Sebastian that was crawling even closer to me as his arms around me got even tighter, made me go back to that bubble that was flying around in the clouds. His embrace made me feel things inside my stomach. I don't know what it was about Sebastian that almost made me feel like a giggling teenager that couldn't think around boys. And for once I didn't hate feeling like I did right now. I even wished I could stay in this position for the rest of the day. Unfornitualy the universe didn't want me to enjoy this time too much as I heard my -Maureen's- phone buzzing on the nightstand a few times. I looked up at Sebastian, but he stayed in the same position, sleeping through the buzzing noises. I had two choices. Stay in the position I was and leave the phone be as it was, or I try to get out of Sebastian's grip and grab the phone. As the phone started to buzz again I decided to do the second one as I was pretty sure I didn't want to be the person that kept Sebastian from a well-rested sleep before the race. It took a bit, but eventually I got out of Sebastian's arm without him waking up and with a lot of disappointment from my part as my body longed for his touch again. Brad had texted me a few times where I was last night and if I had any interest that, if I was still alive and not murdered, I wanted to join him for breakfast in what now was in forty-five minutes. I texted him back that I would meet him downstairs as I picked up my clothes and put them on as fast as I could. With a short look at Sebastian where at the same time a sigh out my mouth came, I walked out of his hotel room. I didn't want to look suspicious to Brad, as to why the reason I agreed to have breakfast with him. As I got to my own hotel room I started to realise that maybe sleeping with Sebastian wasn't the best idea right now. It was fine if he knew I wasn't Maureen but Maya. But he didn't. 
'Oh Maya, what did you do?' I said, starting to cringe at myself as I looked at myself into the mirror. Before I stepped into the shower I texted Sebastian that I had to go for an emergency with Brad and that I hopefully would speak to him soon today. As I didn't want to be rude and let him think that it was just a one night stand. I jumped into the shower as my mind started to make over hours. What if it was a one night stand for him? That would be.. embarrassing for me. I let the water fall on my face as I closed my eyes and try to not think about the negative side of my mind. It took me fifteen minutes until I got out of the shower, got some clean Red Bull clothes on and was busy to fix my hair. A little bit after those forty-five minutes went by I walked into the restaurant part of the hotel to catch Brad already waiting for me.
'Good morning,' I told him immediately with a smile. He looked at me with a funny face.
'Why are you glowing so much?' he asked suspiciously. 
'Funny,' I said as I rolled my eyes and walked to the walking buffet. I got myself a plate and looked at the different choices out of the English breakfast. 
'No, for real. What have you been up to last night?' kept Brad going. I gave him a short look before putting some red beans on my plate. 
'I had two drinks at the bar and went back to my room to sleep. That's it.' I lied to Brad. He might be Maureen's best friend, doesn't mean that I have to consider him as my best friend and tell him all about my night. Sorry Brad, but I do like you. 
'Yeah right. I've been to your hotel room last night and no one opened. I know you're not telling the truth and I'm going to find out young lady!' Brad said as he skipped the red beans and walked past me to the bread section. When both of us collected our breakfast we decided to sit down on a table standing next to a window. As I blew at my coffee to cool it down a little bit I felt my phone buzz again. Brad was also busy on his phone so I felt like this was a good moment to take mine out too. I couldn't help to smile a little bit after seeing Sebastian's name above a text message that he had send me. I looked at Brad for a second, hoping he didn't see me smile, but he was too busy keeping up with his social media while feeding himself. I looked back at the phone and opened the message.

From Seb:
It's fine. But I hope that's not a hint for telling me that you regret last night? 
Because I don't regret it. 

I pressed my lips together, trying not to smile like an idiot as I felt my heart beat faster. Could this guy get even more perfect?  I immediately texted him back, not caring for Brad to catch me. 

To Seb:
It's not. I just didn't want to wake up sleeping beauty ;)

I pressed send as soon as I wrote it, to stop me from thinking about fifty other responds that I could have given Sebastian. 
'Are you texting the guy you were with last night?' I looked up at Brad who suddenly was talking to me again. He had the biggest grin on his face, hoping that he had caught me. Which he kind of did, but I did not want him to know that. 

'Wouldn't it be weird texting my bed that I slept in last night... alone?' 
'Sure you're a better liar then Maureen, but I'm not believing you for one second. And if it was one of the boys like Adrien or Jacob I'm gonna be pissed, because that's not fair to me' I listened to Brad as I was just about to take my first sip from my still hot coffee. I almost choked on my coffee as I put the cup back down on the table?
'Pardon me?' I said unbelievably. 'Not fair? What?'
'Well, you know. Me being Maureen's best friend since she entered the Red Bull family people thought we were hooking up, which they still are thinking even when I make those Daniel references. And if you're now going to tell me you slept with Jacob or anyone else out of the boys I'm going to freak out,' Brad explained, which didn't make his situation any better.
'First of all, you had your chance with Maureen as you told me and you didn't take it, so too bad kiddo. And second of all if you keep talking about this I'm leaving this table,' I told him as I already was planning on standing up.
'No, no no, wait! I'll stop. Just tell me if it was any of the boys?' He looked at me with a pouty lip, making him look like a small puppy. 
'I didn't sleep with anyone tonight,' I lied to him, again. 'So that would be a no to your question,'
'Okay, fine, fine!' Brad kept his mouth as he promised and went back to his breakfast as was I. Still I couldn't help but think about last night and this morning. I still could feel the places he touched me burn but in a good way. If only I could help myself from falling in love with this German driver. 

A/N: Happy race weekend! (:
This story almost has reached the 1k reads mark, which is amazing and I wanted to thank you all for reading this story. It means a lot to me! 

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