Chapter 28 | Little Britain

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To get back on schedule in my work project I couldn't help myself but close everything and everyone out while I kept working on the car. It wasn't until Troye put his hand on my shoulder that I looked up from my work. I gave him a confused look as I looked around me. It was very quiet in the garage.
'We've been trying to get contact with you, but you were too far gone with your work,' Troye explained with a grin as he lowered himself to my level as I was sitting on the ground. 
'We?' I asked with my eyebrows raised up, to show my confusion. 
'Everyone that already left,' Troye replied. I frowned.
'What time is it?' I asked. Troye looked back at the clock on the wall, one I could also look at but didn't.
'It's almost eight. I have to close, so I kind of was waiting for you to be done for the day, but you didn't-'
'EIGHT?!' I asked again in a panic voice while my eyes now rolled over to the clock on the wall too. He was right, it was almost turning eight. 'Fuck!'
I let out a big sigh as I tried to pick everything up and throw it all together in a pile. 
'You late for a date or something?' Troye joked around as he watched me clean up my mess as fast as I could. I gave him a short look, that must have looked busted to Troye as his grin only grew more. 'Oh my god, you are?! I can't believe it. Maya who recently broke up with the boy she was convinced she would marry, is gonna date again. Do you even remember how dating works?'
'It's not a date!' I told him with a pointed finger as a warning that he shouldn't talk more about this topic. 
'That's what they aáááll say,' Troye replied, sounding like he was a kid from the third grade. I rolled my eyes.
'It's not, trust me.' I told him, but it obviously didn't seem enough for Troye.
'It's that world champion of yours, isn't it?' Troye's mischievous grin couldn't get any bigger than it already was as he kept on talking. 'I heard rumours that his teammate has a thing with your sister. Are they really both shagging the Taylor twin sisters?' I threw my dirty towel in his face as I got my bag. 
'I'm not shagging anyone. Now I'm leaving. Bye Troye,' I made it clear to my colleague as I made my way to the exit of the garage. Right before I walked out of the door I heard Troye making another comment before I left. 
'Sure hun. But use protection if you decided to shag the guy. Or maybe not. A rich baby daddy could be fun too!' I heard him yell right before I closed the glass door. I looked at him through the glass and shook my head. As I had enough of him I decided to do the most ladylike thing and pointed my middle finger to him, with of course the brightest and charming smile. I could see him laugh and clap his hands as he enjoyed my reaction. It was probably the reaction that he wanted me to give him. That bastard. 

As I walked back to my car, I finally found some time to look at my phone. I felt immediately bad as I read the text messages I got from Sebastian, asking me when I was done with work.

From Seb:
Do you already have any idea when you would be off work? Or is it too early to ask?

From Seb:
Just text me when you're off and I'll be at your place as fast as I can.

From Seb:
It's almost half past seven. We could do this also another time if you're too busy? I don't know... 

I bit my underlip as I tried to reply to the messages Sebastian had send me. I didn't want it to sound like a lame excuse, but I really lost track of time. I slowly started to type a sentence back and decided to just send it without rethinking of it. I didn't want him to wait any longer if he still wanted to hang out. 

To Seb:
I'm so sorry Seb, I got lost in my work. I'm driving home right now.
I don't know if you still want to hang out. Let me know, please.

I started the car and after I put my phone on the seat next to me I drove off to go back home. I couldn't be disappointed if Sebastian didn't want to meet up again. I wouldn't even be surprised if he already has eaten dinner. It didn't take me long before I drove into my street and to my surprise, I saw Sebastian leaning against his car. I pulled up on my driveway and put the car on the brakes before taking the keys out. In my rearview mirror I watched for just a second how Sebastian walked over to my car with a plastic back with him. It wasn't until he opened the car door that I unbuckled my seatbelt. 
'Are you always this slow when getting out of the car?' Sebastian asked as I took my bag out of the seat next to me before stepping out of the car. I looked at Sebastian who was standing pretty close to me, with only the car door in between us. 
'We can't be all fast as lighting like you Formula One drivers,' I said with a smile before stepping out of the way for the car door that Sebastian pushed to close it. He had a big grin on his face as he followed me to the front door. 'How long have you been standing outside?'
'Not too long, don't worry. The food is still warm,' Sebastian replied as we both walked inside. 
'Good,' I laughed as we both walked to the kitchen where we got greeted by the hungry Mr Picatso. 'Hey baby,' I said in a small voice as I crouched and softly petted him. I heard behind me Sebastian putting the food on the counter, making me stand up straight again. 
'I should give him some food first.' I told Sebastian as I already was walking to the drawer with all the cat food. 
'I could do that too. You could go and change first if you want,' With the can of cat food in my hand I turned around and looked at him before looking down at my working clothes. 'I mean.. I don't mind. I think you look cute in it, but... you know. I thought-'
'It's fine. If you really want to do it, I appreciate it.' I laughed as I gave him the can with cat food and a fork with it. His lips curled up and showed me a smile. 'Give him a little bit less than half of it. That's more than enough.' I said before slowly making my way out to the hall. Right after I disappeared into the hall I could hear Sebastian talk in German. 
'Gott Sebastian, du trottel,' I couldn't help but look confused as I tried to make sense of his sentence. It was mostly the word trottel that made me question what he just said to himself or my cat. 

As I didn't want to let Sebastian wait too long, I decided to just wash my face fastly and then put on a t-shirt and a comfy pantalon trouser. I walked downstairs and met up with Sebastian again in the kitchen. 
'Are you bonding with my cat?' I joked as I saw him crouching in front of my cat to give him attention. He looked up at me and I saw his grin slowly make an appearance on his face again. 
'Can't help it. I think he loves me,' Sebastian said and stood up straight again. I laughed as I shook my head. I looked through the plastic bag to see what Sebastian had brought with him. It was Chinese to my surprise. 
'Don't you have to follow some diet or something?' I grinned as I looked back at him. I didn't mind this dinner. 
'Shush, we're not talking about that,' 
The food was great, which we decided to just eat in front of the television. We watched Little Britain as we first were just zapping around on the television until Seb told me repeatedly to go back to Little Britain. I enjoyed watching it, but it was mostly Sebastian's hard laugh that made me enjoy it even more. Every time he started laughing about a scene I looked over at him and couldn't help but let my lips curl up. It was surprising to me that the German loved the British humour even more then I was. We watched until Little Britain was finished and then we started cleaning up. I told him he didn't have to help as he was my guest, but he helped anyway, which made me like him even more. If that was possible. After that, we had sat down back in the living room with the television still on but this time just as a background sound. 
'So, anything else I should know about you apart from that you love Little Britain?' I joked as Sebastian just poured a glass wine for the both of us and handed it to me. 
'Is it that shocking that I love that show?' Sebastian laughed. I shrugged and grinned at him as I put my wine glass against my lips to take a sip. 'What about you? Any show that you love that I should be preparing myself for?'
'Honestly, my guilty pleasure is watching those reality shows. Like Keeping Up With The Kardashians. But you can't tell anyone,' I laughed as I confessed my secret guilty pleasure. 'Stop judging me,' I laughed as I put my glass again against my lips. 
Sebastian pulled his hands into the air as a grin appeared on his face. 'I'm not judging anyone. Wouldn't even dare with your personal bodyguard over there,' Sebastian said as he nodded to my cat that was sitting half on my lap and half on the couch. I automatically started petting Mr Picatso as my lips only started to curl up even higher. The rest of the night we kept doing the same thing. We asked each other questions and laughed a lot. I was getting to the point where I really was thinking that I'm at that point where I'm really started to get to know the guy next to me. Sometimes it was a bad thing, but the more I got to know Seb, the more I liked him and I felt like I was already at the highest point of liking him. Maybe my gut at sixteen was wrong for thinking that Josh was the one, because he obviously wasn't. Maybe it was even wrong to think now at this early stage that Seb was the one. But I couldn't help but have that flying through my head. What if he really was the one? He could be the one...

A/N: Happy race weekend everybody!
Can someone please let me know if you got a notification that I updated this story? I think Wattpad fixed it, but I just want to be sure (:

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