Chapter 11 | Needing for help

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It was time to go back home. Some were more excited then others. Brad woke up with the worst hangover he ever had, at least, that was what he told me after I told him that he had to hurry up otherwise we would miss our flight. I had made him go back to his room so that I could pack my stuff. An hour later Brad came back to my room with his stuff packed in his suitcase. 
'Ready?' He asked when I opened the door for him. He had showered and definitely looked a little better. 
'I am, hold on,' I told him before taking my stuff and leaving the room. I closed the door and smiled back at Brad while we walked downstairs where we had to gather around with the rest of the team. 
'So, when I go to the factory Wednesday, do I get to see you or Maureen?' Brad asked while we got into the lift. 
'Maureen, definitely.' I laughed. We arrived in the lobby and waited until the bus came to bring the whole team back to the airport. I didn't see Daniel or Sebastian when we got in the bus or at the airport, but Brad made sure to preoccupy me the whole trip back with comparing me with my sister and what he was gonna miss about me. It made me roll my eyes at least ten times on the plane.
'Do you need a ride home?' Brad asked me when we got our bags and most of us went out separate ways.
'Oh no, don't worry about it. I'll take a cab,' I smiled, not wanting him to have to detour for me.
'No, I'll bring you home. Come on,' Brad pushed me with him to the garage of the airport to find his car. I give him my address after we put our stuff in Brad's car and I sat down on the passenger seat. He put the address in his phone and used it as a navigator. He put his phone on the holder and got out of the garage.
'So, where's Maureen hanging out right now?' Brad asked while stopping for a red light. I shrugged. 
'Probably at my dad's garage,' I told him. Or she went home already. I looked at him, seeing him nod. I grinned, watching his face fall a bit. 'Ah, don't worry. You can annoy Maureen as much as you can from Wednesday on till whenever. But you gotta make sure she's going on that date,' 
'She's gonna freak out when she finds out by the way,' Brad laughed. I wasn't sure how I was gonna tell Maureen about her date with Daniel. Surely she would be fine with it at the end, I hope. 


'That's my house,' I told Brad, pointing at the house on the end of the street. Both Maureen's and my car were on my driveway, which surprised me. I thought she would've gone back to Milton Keynes. But apparently she was still here, in my house. Brad stopped the car in front of my house and the both of us got out. I looked for my keys in my handbag while Brad was so nice to get my other bag out of the car. 
'I told Maureen to get a suitcase, but does she listen to me? No, of course not. So if you're coming to another race as Maureen, please use a suitcase instead of this weekend bag,' Brad sighed while carrying my bag. I grinned at him and walked to my front door to open it, except it already opened it by itself. Well, not really by it self, actually my sister opened the door.
'Maureen!' I greeted her enthusiastically and gave her a big hug. She returned the hug while Brad looked at us amused. I let go of my sister and took the bag from Brad so that he could greet his best friend.
'It's so weird seeing you two standing next to each other, Jesus Christ.' Brad laughed and gave my sister a hug. I smiled at the two of them and looked down to the hallway of my own home. As fun as the last few days were, I did miss this place. I slipped in to my house and put the bag down next to the stairway before making myself feel home again in my own house. 
'How was Austria?' Maureen asked when we all sat down in my living room. Maureen looked at me with a smile, which I returned. 
'It was an experience for sure,' I smiled, eyeing Brad. 'No, but it was fun. I had fun,' 
'Good,' Maureen smiled back. We kept talking for a little while, before Brad decided to go back to his own house, that was still an hour drive away from him. We both waved him goodbye at the front door and waited until he was out of side till we got back inside. 
'So, how was it really?' Maureen asked again after pushing the door close. 
'It was fun, as I said. How did you handle stuff here?' I asked my sister, walking back to the living room to sit down on my couch. 
'It actually was super nice here. I haven't seen mom, dad or Thomas, but going back to the garage was great,' Maureen had a genuine smile on her face. She also looked more relaxed since the last time we were sitting here together. 
'That's good! So, are you going back to your own life now?' It was better to ask straight away then to go in circles with Maureen. 
'Actually,' Maureen started, showing me an apologetic smile. 'I hoped you would wanted to pretend to be me a little longer?' 

'Maureen!' I said loudly, showing her that I wasn't agreeing on this. 
'I know, I know! I just need to spend some time home, please Maya,' begged Maureen. I wasn't sure what to do. Of course I wanted to help her, but this wasn't the right option, right?
'That's what you said Friday!'
'I know, I know. I just feel like bre-breaking d-down,' she broke down right in front of me. I didn't react immediately, mostly because I was in shock. Maureen was always the one of the two of us that had everything together. I've never seen her like this. Broken and tired of everything. I walked over to her and pulled her in my arms. My grip was tight, as I wanted her to be as close to me as she possibly could.
'It's alright, it's gonna be alright,' I whispered to her, trying to calm her down.  When she calmed down was the moment that I slowly pulled her off me and looked at her. She wiped away the tears as we sat back down on the couch. 'Hun, you need to talk to someone about this,' I said careful, not wanting her to be mad. 
'I really don't want that,' she mumbeld as she puts her head in my neck. 
'But what if you're gonna talk to a professional? They can help you not feel like getting a break down and then you can go back to your work, because that's what you still want right? Or is work the part that you don't want in your life anymore?' Her head shot up, making me kind of regret my words. 
'I love my job! You know that!' her voice was louder as normal, letting me know that my comment was not wanted, but that didn't mean that I would take it back.
'Doesn't seem like it, I get that you need a break. But either take my advise and see a psychologist, or just go to work,' I looked at her with intense eyes, making sure she understand what I was saying. She went quiet and rolled with her eyes.
'Fine, but if it doesn't work, I'll stop with it,' Maureen agreed, which ended up surprising me. I smiled at her and give her a side hug. 

A/N: Tell me if you like me to write more then only once a week, because I might consider it. (Or it's just a 3 AM thought that I have, that I will regret in the morning lol) I don't know. For now I probably upload Friday again. Have a nice week x

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