Chapter 6 | Dress to impress, or not

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Practise two went by as fast as the cars on the track went. I just got back to the hotel and had to immediately take a shower and dress up nicely because we had a team dinner.  I was currently curling my hair when Maureen wanted to facetime me. I put the phone against the mirror as I accepted the call. She popped up on my screen and waved at me.
'You look great,' was the first thing she said to me. The corners of my mouth started to climb upwards as I curled another piece of my hair.
'Thanks,' I said back.  I looked at her on the screen and saw that she was, in all rooms that she could be in in my house, in the bathroom. She was just sitting against the bathtub, which made it ten times more strange. 'Are you hiding from someone?' I asked as a joke. I let go of the last piece of hair that I just curled and put some hairspray in it.
'Yeah,' I heard her slowly say, which made me look back at her on the phone screen. 'Josh is back early, and he thinks I'm you,' 

'Really?' I asked surprised with my eyebrows going up. I thought Josh was able to keep us apart. I mean, how long were we in a relationship? Eight years with the few breaks that we had ignoring. 
'Really. Should I tell him I'm not you?' she asked coming closer to the camera. I was thinking for a second, but decided to shake my head no.
'No, but you could tell him something else?' I said almost feeling guilty for even thinking about it. 
'What?' Maureen asked. I took the phone with me to the hotel bed and lay down for a second. 
'Could you maybe... I don't know, break up with him for me?' I didn't dare to look back at the screen, instead my eyes kept their attention to the fabric that I was wearing. I had a glittery bodysuit on that had a cut right going down in the middle with a acceptable length skirt. The laugh from my sister made me decide to look back at my phone.
'You're kidding me right?' she asked amused, not taking my request serious. I mean, why should she, it was a stupid request anyway. Who let her twin sister break up with a guy that you've been dating for eight years (if you're not counting the breaks)? No one did that. 
'I mean, I was supposed to break up with him after he got back, but then you wanted to switch lifes.... so, yeah.' I felt awkward. 
'You really want me to do that?' Maureen asked, this time more serious. 
'I don't know!' I then said. 'I just had such a boring love life for the last few years and I don't know if I'm gonna be doing stupid things here because everything here makes me so excited and everything goes so easy here. I don't want to be a bad person.' I sighed, hard. 'You know what, forget what I just asked,'
'You sure?' she asked. I nodded.
'I have to go meet with the others,' She smiled at me and told me to have a good time. She hang up the phone and I let myself fall back on the pillow. Why was being an adult so hard? A knock on my door made me get up and take my small handbag with me before opening the door. Brad was scrolling through his phone and pushed his head upwards to look at me. He stopped with his eyes at the most revealing part of my outfit. I coughed to get his attention to my eyes. It wasn't like there was much to see anyway. I had pretty small boobs.
'I'm sorry Maureen, it's just... I need to get used to seeing this Maureen,' he said meeting my eyes. He had a confused frown on his face and I almost felt the urge to just tell him that I'm not Maureen. But I didn't. 
'You can do that with your eyes up here, thank you,' I said instead. The confused frown made place for a grin. We walked to the lift so we could meet downstairs with the others. The restaurant was on walking distance from the hotel. In the lobby waited Jacob and Adrien, also a mechanic from Sebastian's side, for us and with the four of us we walked to the restaurant.
'Damn, Maureen. Who are you trying to impress?' Adrien said surprised. 
'No one,' I said, while rolling my eyes. 'This is all for myself,'
'Sure,' Brad laughed, making me look at him. 'We all know it's for the Australian guy,'
I shook my head and let them believe whatever. Not even ten minutes later we arrived at the restaurant where we needed to be. We immediately got pointed the way to the long table where most of the team already were sitting at. I sat down next to Brad around the middle of the table while Jacob and Adrien sat on the other side of us. Britta, who I knew was Sebastian's PR, was sitting next to Jacob and complimented my outfit and we talked a little bit further about random stuff. It wasn't until both drivers entered the room that we were complete with the whole team. I watched how Sebastian went to sit down next to Britta. I tried not to stare at him for too long, but I couldn't help it. The big goofy smile that he had on his face while greeting Britta kept me from looking away. It was until someone put his hand on my shoulder and sat down next to me that I finally looked away from the German and met with the eyes of the Australian driver. 
'You look fantastic tonight,' he said with a grin while his hand went from my shoulder to the back of my chair. I looked at him surprised.
'Thanks,' I said while looking at his curls that sat perfectly on his head. 'You don't look too bad for yourself,' I grinned while I tilted my head. A poke in my side made my body jump a little to Daniel's side while I looked mad at Brad. He had a big grin on his face.
'Not impressing anyone, hmm?' He asked quietly. I sat back down straight on my chair and shook my head to him. 

The only thing that we had to order was something to drink, as for the food everything was already arranged. As I ordered a white wine for myself, obviously Brad had something to say about it.
'Two times in a week? Maureen, you're going crazy,' Brad said with a grin. 
'Says the one who keeps drinking beer until he can't walk on his own feet. I've been watching you Brad,' I looked surprised at Britta who mixed herself into the conversation and sounded very motherly at the end. She winked at me while ordering the same thing as me. A smile crept on my face as my eyes moved to the person next to Britta. Sebastian was following the conversation with an amused smile. His eyes suddenly met those with mine.
'But I know how to handle it!' Brad stand up for himself. I looked away from Sebastian's eyes and looked next to me to Brad. 
'Sure you do,' I said while sticking out my tongue to him. He did the same to me and while I got my wine served to me, Brad took it immediately from me before I even could take a sip.

'Hey!' I said a bit louder then I maybe should've. I tried to reach out for my glass, but Brad pulled it further away from me. 'Brad, give back!' 
'But maybe I want to be fancy tonight,' he said. I rolled my eyes extra dramatic.
'Then maybe you should've ordered that instead,' I followed his other hand that picked up the beer bottle. 
'Here, switch with me,' He put the bottle of beer next to my plate while having a smug smile on his face.
'Fine, if that's what makes you happy,' I said, not caring that much about my glass of wine. I picked up the bottle and put it against my lips. I took a sip and while putting the bottle back on the table I looked with a smile at Brad. He had an impressed look on his face. He took a sip from the wine, but immediately took a disgusting face. I started laughing, and I was not the only one at the table. I stopped laughing when my phone that was resting on the table vibrated. I picked it up and looked in shock at the message Maureen just send me.

You're a single woman now, good luck.

A/N: BAM BAM BAM... first cliffhanger? I guess... 
I hope you don't get confused with Maureen sending a message to  Maya on Maya's phone and Maya sending a message to Maureen on Maureens phone (God, what a sentence).

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