Chapter 38 | A Shitty Day

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A night full of happiness and joy where maybe alcohol was the causes of it got ruined by Monday morning when I walked into the garage at work. I maybe haven't been here in a week and a half, but something had changed. The atmosphere inside the garage when you weren't the first one there was most of the time loud and cheerful, but this time it was just quiet and it brought for some reason a cold shiver around my body. Something just wasn't right here. You could almost say that someone had died in here and everyone was mourning it. She walked over to her side of the garage and realised that two important people were missing. Troye and Benjamin. When I decided Saturday night that it was enough for that night I brought both guys to my house and let them both sleep at my place for the night. But where were they today? They couldn't both be still suffering from a hangover.
'Hey, Maya?' I looked up from my thoughts to my uncle that had a polite smile on his face, which he normally never had in a garage and he never sounded this friendly at work. Honestly, what was going on? 'Your dad wants to see you in his office.' After petting me on my shoulder he walked away and without thinking much of it I just walked over to my dad's office. Finally, he was back home again. I knocked on his office and when I heard a loud yes I opened it and walked in.
'Hey Dad,' I said after closing the door behind me. He smiled at me and gestured for me to sit down on the chair in front of his desk. I just assumed he wanted to talk about my trip to Italy as we haven't really gotten to change lately to just talk because he was too busy with his deals in America or any other country that was not England.
'Maya, I got some bad news to tell you,' he said as a frown was showed on his face, it made his face suddenly look very tired, I noticed.
'What bad news?' I asked him curiously but also with a bit of fear that I tried to fight back. There were plenty of times where dad told me bad news, but he has never told any bad news in his office. Maybe the bad news was the reason why it was so quiet today in the garage.
'When I was in America I got scammed when I made a deal with a car dealership. Our company has lost therefore quite some money and that's all on me.' He stopped talking and waited for a reaction from me. 'Oh,' was the only thing that I could get out of my mouth. Why was he sharing this with me? we've never really talked about those things because as he always said, that was none of my business. So why now?
'I'm not going to talk around it, Maya. I was forced to let go of a few people and I decided that it was the fairest to let go of the young people first before looking at the others.' my dad explained, making my mouth almost fall to the ground from the shock. That was not what I was expecting when I woke up this morning.
'So... you fired Troye and Benjamin? How's that fair? They've done nothing but worked hard.' I said, suddenly getting annoyed.
'It's not fair, Maya. But I know they will find a new job in no time and I know you will too.' he said calmly. His eyes focused on me. It took me a few seconds more to understand what he was saying.
'You....' My eyes got big as my head finally got around to what he said. 'Are you firing me? Your own bloody daughter?'
'Maya, you have to understand that I don't have another choice. If I have I would've never fired you. But I don't. You three are young enough to easily find something else compared to the others. End of story,' my dad said now also getting annoyed with me. I didn't care if he got annoyed with me. I should be the one that was most annoyed. I was getting fired, not him. I stood up from the chair.
'Are we done here?' I asked, curling my arms over each other. 'No Maya, sit back down.' he ordered. I didn't listen and stayed standing in front of his desk. 'You're not leaving this place mad at me.'
'What else do you want me to be? Happy that you fired me? No, great dad. I'll try my best to see the positive of this situation. Have a nice day,' I opened the door of his office and closed it after me with a hard bang. I didn't care that all eyes were focused on me.
'Maya,' I heard my uncle call after me, but I didn't listen and walked straight out of the garage and to my car. I drove away as fast as I could and it wasn't until I was home that I leaned against my front door and realised that I had no job anymore. 'Fuck!' I yelled out as I let myself slide down to the ground. I put my hands in my hair and stared into my hall. Well, this was fucked up. How was I gonna find a job so soon? A job that I liked and that paid well? I can already say goodbye to my big dream career or the house that I'm living in. I heard my phone going off, but I figured that was probably just mom calling, checking up on me. She would probably try and explain why dad had to do what he just did and honestly, I couldn't care less about it. I didn't want to hear a word of it.

After a while, I pulled myself up from the ground and pushed the tears that slowly had made an appearance on my face away. I let Mr Picatso back inside who almost immediately walked a few times past my legs. Either that was a way for thanking me for letting him in or his way of calming me down. Either way, it did make me smile just for a little bit until it went back to a straight line. I got out my phone and went straight to my messages. Mom texted me and even Maureen. I guess news got past around in our family fast. I decided to just ignore both messages and opened a group chat between Troye, Benjamin and myself.

From Maya:
So... who wants to go back to the bar and drink our fired asses away?

I looked anxiously at my phone as I waited for a reply. It didn't take long until Benjamin was the first to respond to her text message.

From Benjamin:
Did you get fired too? That's honestly a surprise. No offence.

From Maya:
Yeah, this morning. So, who's in?

From Troye:
Ben and I are already sitting there. We'll wait for you for the next round.

I closed my phone as I looked outside to the sunny day. Most of the time when it was sunny you could find me with a smile. But today was just not like those days. I got my stuff together and walked out of my house again. It didn't take long until I drove my car to the pub and walked inside of it, just to find the two boys sitting at the same bar we sat at last Saturday. Only now with a different mood and probably a different end goal.
'Hey,' Benjamin said as he first had noticed me. 'We got your drink all ready for you,'
'Hey guys,' I give them a weak smile as I gave both a hug before sitting next to Troye who seems to have more of a hard time then Benjamin had.
'Here we are, sitting here again.' Benjamin said, trying to lighten up the mood. Troye didn't seem to appreciate it, so instead, I gave him a smile and took a sip of my beer that the boys had ordered for me. It wasn't even eleven am and we were already drinking. I guess that's a new record for me. I didn't even know they were open at a time like this.
'So.. should we talk about this, or rather not?' I asked after it got quiet between the three of us. A sarcastic laugh came out of Troye who hadn't been saying much or even anything at all when I got here.
'You have easy to talk, now that you have a rich boyfriend.' Troye said, not even looking at me as I kept on staring at his beer glass. I raised my eyebrows up.
'Excuse me?' I said offended.
'He didn't mean it like that,' Benjamin said, but even he looked a bit anxious about the way this conversation could lead to.
'Actually, I did. Maya, don't pretend like you're not going to run to your rich boyfriend. Or maybe you don't have to and your father will be re-hiring you because it was just for show.' Troye went on, making me clench my beer glass tightly in my hand.
'I get that you're mad Troye. But I'm just like the both of you fired and I can tell you it is one hundred per cent not for show. So stop bitching about my life, asshole.' I mumbled the last part.
'Guys, please stop.' Benjamin sighed just when my phone went off, telling me I got a text message from someone. I looked shortly to the screen and saw that it was Sebastian who had texted me. Maybe not the right moment.
'Wouldn't surprise me if that was your boyfriend texting you. Is he already trying to be your hero?' Troye asked as he ignored Benjamin asking both of us to stop.
'Okay, now you're just going way off the line. I don't need anyone to save my ass in a situation like this.' I said as I stood up from my chair. 'And if you're the one that does need someone to save you in this situation then go and find yourself a sugar mommy or whatever you call them. But stop being so salty to me and maybe get off your ass instead of drowning yourself in alcohol. You're a fucking asshole and I really don't need this right now.' I said to Troye before turning to Benjamin. 'Sorry Ben, but I'm leaving.'
'Maya,' Benjamin tried, but I shook my head to him.
'I'm done. Have a nice day.' I walked out of the building and sat back down in the car. I put my arms around the steering wheel and leaned my head against it. What a shitty day today was. 

A/N: Happy race weekend! 
If there's one person I want (and need) to see winning this weekend then it's Seb. God yes, I need to see Seb win races again. 

I hope you liked this chapter, let me know! (:

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