chapter 2: Sky Dragon

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Wendy: "My name is Wendy Marvell. I'm the representative from Cait Shelter, it's nice to meet you all!"


Gray and Lyon: "A girl..."

Lucy and Sherry: "She's a kid?"

Ichiya was on the ground being stomped on be Erza.

Ichiya: "She's... not handsome."

Erza: "Nor is she a man. Why should that matter?"

Lathaniel: <Wendy? I've heard that name before, but... where?>

(BP)Ren: "Wendy..."

Eve: "Marvell-lous."

Juvi: uhhhhhhh.

Hibiki: "Cute."

Jura simply stared at Wendy for a moment before turning to everyone else.

Jura: "Alright, now that everyone is here, let's begin the briefing."

Gray: "He's not even phased by this?!"

Lyon: "Obviously not."

Sherry: "What in the world is Cait Shelter thinking sending only a little girl as their representative. They must be really desperate for members if they sent her here on their own."

Female Voice: "She's not here on her own. You shouldn't jump to conclusions you trollop!"

Wendy: "Carla! You followed me here?!"

Carla: "Of course I did. You are too young to be traveling on your own without company child."

Carla then made herself known as she walked through the entrance, Happy staring out of love at Carla, which she noticed and looked at Happy for a moment and then quickly looked away as a sign of rejection. (C)Ren didn't have any sort of feelings for Carla at all and viewed her as just another cat friend. Carla is a white cat wearing a pink and yellow dress with a pink ribbon on her tail. Happy quickly approached Cat Ren and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Happy: "Ren, I'll give you some of my fish if you go over there and try to hook her up with me."

(C)Ren: "lathaniel already gets me enough fish so no thanks. Also... you loooove her."

Happy: "Aye sir... Hey! That's my thing!"

Wendy: "I'm sorry, I'm probably not what you expected huh? I know I'm much smaller and younger than most of you, and I may not be as much as a fighter than all of you, but I can do all kinds of support magic. So please... let me join the group I'd be so embarrassed if you sent me home!"

Carla: "You're not going to gain their respect unless you exude confidence child!"

Wendy: "I'm sorry Carla..."

Carla: "Honestly, sometimes you drive me to catnip."

Wendy: "B-but I can't help it."

Wendy then crouched down and placed her face in her arms slightly as Erza and lathaniel approached.

Erza: "I'm sorry, you caught me off guard slightly that all. We'd be happy to have you as part of the group Wendy."

Lathaniel: "I'm not one to judge someone's abilities by how they look anyway, I look forward to looking with you!"

Wendy: "Oh, wow, you're Erza Scarlet aren't you?  I can't believe it's really you!"

Wendy looked at Lathaniel and almost instantly recognized him and stared at him for a moment, which Lathaniel noticed.

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