chapter 3:Nirvana

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Lathaniel, Natsu, Gray, Carla, Juvi,and Ren are currently running through the forest as a team to look for Wendy and Happy, who have been kidnapped by the Oracion Seis.

Natsu: "So if she's a Sky Dragon Slayer, what does she eat?"

Carla: "Air of course."

Natsu: "Is it tasty?"

Lathaniel: "Why would you be curious about that?"

Carla: "I don't know Salamander."

Gray: "Doesn't sound that different from breathing..."

Lathaniel: "Why did Wendy come along on this mission if she was so scared to take it on in the first place?"

Carla: "She came along so that she could meet the two of you."

Natsu: "Why us?"

Carla: "Because you two are Dragonslayers. She told me more about you specifically Lathaniel. She kept referring to you as Big Brother."

Lathaniel: "Yeah, I remember that much. My Dragon and hers were really close friends."

Natsu: "As much as Igneel?"

Lathaniel: "I'm not sure, maybe a bit more because they were both female."

Carla: "Anyway, she wanted to ask the two of you about something."

Lathaniel: "Let me guess. Did her dragon disappear about seven years ago?"

Carla: "Yes, how did you know? She was wondering if you two knew where they went."

Lathaniel: "Our Dragons vanished around the same time. And, to answer that second part, I don't know."

Natsu: "What's the name of her dragon?"

Carla: "I believe I heard her say Grandeeney."

Natsu: "Grandeeney, seven years ago-"

Lathaniel: "Duck!"

Natsu realized too late and ran into a tree log that arced over their running path, causing him to fall over flat on his back.

Lathaniel: "Tried to warn you."

Natsu: "Wait, maybe Laxus knows!"

Lathaniel: "You already forgot that Laxus isn't a real DragonSlayer didn't you?"

The conversation was cut short as Carla gasped.

Carla: "What is going on here?"

Everyone looked ahead to see that the part of the forest in front of them was covered in a dark fog, the trees were a dark black.

Gray: "The trees... they're black."

Lathaniel: "I don't like the looks of this..."

The sound of footsteps came from behind and everyone turned to see to large men with odd shaped ears walking towards them.

Man 1: "Word is that it's caused by Nirvana, isn't that right Big Brother Zato?"

Zato: "That's right Gato, magic so powerful the planet can't take it. Everything it touches withers up and dies, big bro."

More people came jumped down from the trees, revealing their monkey like features. As it turns out, Lathaniel, and his team were completely surrounded.

Carla: "Oh dear, this isn't good. We're surrounded."

Gato: "Word on the street is that it's caused by Nirvana."

Zato: "Would ya stop repeating yourself big brother Gato?"

Gato: "Huh? I didn't even notice big brother Zato."

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