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Team Natsu, and their latest additions, Wendy Marvell, and Carla, her cat, were on a boat heading to Hargeon Port so that they can get back to Fairy Tail. Natsu and Lathaniel were running around the deck of the boat with their arms swinging around happily in the air. Happy and Ren were flying right next to them.

Lathaniel: "Riding on a boat without getting motion sick is awesome!"

Natsu: "So this is what it feels like? So cool!"

Wendy: "Oh, ummm, I should mention, Troia doesn't-"

Lathaniel suddenly crashed back on the ground as he became motion sick again.

Wendy: "Last... permanently..."

Lathaniel: "Urgh..."

Eventually Natsu fell back over as well and got motion sick along with Lathaniel.

Natsu: "Awww man... Can you cast it again Wendy?"

Wendy: "I'm sorry, Troia gets less effective the more you use it so you should save using it for later."

Gray: "Looks like it's back to barf bags for them."

Lucy&Juvi started laughing at the two DragonSlayers while Happy began to flirt with Carla. Ren was trying to help Lathanielrecover.

Wendy: "I can't believe we're joining Fairy Tail! This is so exciting!"

(Y/N): <What is juvia doing right now I wonder? I can't wait to see


Wendy: No big bro, you’re staying here!

Lathaniel: For someone so small, you’re such a giant pain. *sighs and turns around* Fine, I’ll stay. *sits down at a table and reads a book* And I’m not your big bro.

Wendy: You certainly act like one around me though! Is “dad” a better term?

Lathaniel: No.

Wendy: Then you’re my big bro! *pokes your chest* You may act all cool and tough, but inside you’re a big teddy bear! *hugs your side* So.... so warm…

Lathaniel: *sighs* Whatever little sis.

Wendy: Hey, you called me little sis! See Lathaniel, we are brother and sister!

Lathaniel: Good grief…


That Wendy….trying to make her moves on my Lathaniel. She’s playing the long game in this by acting she’s Okami-sama’s little sister because Lathaniel can’t physically age and his organs can’t fail him with his magic, so that when she’s older, she’s going to ask him out and they’ll get married and have babies. Juvia will do it first Wendy, I shall win Okami-sama’s heart, as I know everything he likes, so bringing him here was the first step of my plan.

Juvia: Okami-sa—kun!

Lathaniel: Hmm…Juvia?

Juvia: Correct. Okami-kun, do you want to eat at the restaurant that recently opened? I heard that there were discounts on the prices there and I want to try it out before I bring Gray there.

Gray was my cover-up for most things I wanted to do for Okami-sama, I’d say I want to do it with Okami-sama because I loved Gray. I don’t know if I convinced him that I liked Gray instead of him, since I always ask him out or at least, try to ask him out.

Wendy: *smiles* Can I come?

Juvia: NO YOU CANNOT! *blinks twice* I mean, it opens in the evening and by then you might be tired, so you can’t come because you’d be asleep by then.

Wendy: Oh, ok!

Lathaniel: Sure, I’ll pay.

Juvia: But—

Lathaniel: I have too much money anyway from doing my jobs all the time. Think of it as a treat.


Juvia: You look…beautiful and young!

Lathaniel: Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself Juvia.

Juvia: *blushes* Th-thank you Okami-sama…although, I did have some help from Lucy and the others…

Lathaniel: Then remind me to thank them tomorrow for making you look like the girl of my dreams.

Truth be told, I do like Juvia and can see through some of the lies. With this new and dangerous form of glacial magic, I have some trouble in expressing emotions like right now.

Waiter: Here’s your food *sets plates down on the table* Don’t be afraid to holler at me for anything else. *walks away*

Juvia: Okami-sama…do you like being around Juvia? Or with anyone in the guild?

Lathaniel: I’m not much of a social butterfly, I go in and do my thing and pop back out or in, depending on the situation.

Juvia: But…you talk with Wendy when you get there. Do you like her?

Lathaniel: You realize she calls me big brother, right?

Juvia: It could be a plot that she wants to ask you out when she’s older!

Lathaniel: I don’t know why you’re concerned about--*smirks*

Juvia: What? *turns around* I don’t see anything funny Okami-sama.

Lathaniel: You’re jealous of Wendy.

Juvia: *blushes* Wh-what? Juvia doesn’t know what you’re talking about!

Lathaniel: I’m not an idiot Juvia. And let me be clear with you; I’m MUCH older than what I appear to be. I age very slowly Juvia, but you would be the first person I’ve shown much interest in, despite not knowing much about you.

Juvia: Do you like Juvia then?

Lathaniel: It could be put as that, I’d very much like to have you close by me at all times, but we’ll talk more on this later.


Juvia POV

Okami-sama and I were walking to some place that I didn’t know, maybe the place where he and Wendy live? Maybe, but that is something Juvia assumes. Okami-sama then stops in front of a brick, two story house and looks at me with the white eyes that I have grown to love.

Lathaniel: Do you know where you are Juvia?

Juvia: Are we in front of your house Okami-sama?

Lathaniel: Correct, I brought you here to ask you one thing; would you mind moving in with Wendy and me?

Juvia: *blushes* Wh-why?

Lathaniel: I love you and I want you to move in, isn’t that obvious? That and so I could do this…'kisses Juvia'

Juvia:💕 oh....'kisses Lathaniel back'


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