Epilogue Mirajane route: Angel & Devil

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Mirajane and Lathaniel were holding hands as they walked home after dealing with Twilight Ogre, chatting along the way. The reached a break in the road, causing them to stop.

Lathaniel: "Well, I have to go the other way here. I'll see you tomorrow Mira?"

Mirajane: "Ah, actually... It's been a while, a long while, so I was wondering if you wanted to maybe eat dinner at my place?"

Lathaniel: "Ah, sure, why not. Just let me go tell Ren so he can go with Natsu to eat."

Mirajane: "Sure thing. See you at around 8 or so?"

Lathaniel: "Sounds good to me."

Lathaniel and Mirajane kissed for a moment before separating and leaving for their homes. After a few minutes of walking he quickly reached his home and entered.

Lathaniel: "Ren! Are you home?"

Ren: "Right here!"

Ren popped his head out from around a corner.

Lathaniel: "I'm gonna head over to Mirajane's place for dinner! If you need something to eat just call Natsu. If anything else comes up just head over and call me."

Ren: "Okay! Have fun over there!"

Lathaniel: "Thanks."

Lathaniel turned and left for Mirajane's place. He walked a small distance and he reached Mirajane's Place, and it looked like nothing had even changed over the past 7 years. He knocked on the door and Elfman opened the door.

Elfman: "Oh, hey Lathaniel. Mira already told me she invited you. Come on in."

Lathaniel: "Thanks."

Lathaniel entered into their home and saw Mirajane cooking something. Elfman went to sit back down on the couch and Lisanna was setting the table. Lathaniel walked behind Mirajane and hugged her from behind.

Lathaniel: "Miss me~?"

Mirajane: "Hey darling. Give me a second it's almost ready. Do you mind helping Lisanna set the table?"

Lathaniel: "Sure thing."

Lathaniel walked over and started to help Lisanna set the table. Eventually Mirajane finished cooking and brought the food to the table. for the next few hours the Strauss siblings and Lathaniel sat and ate their dinner, laughing and having a good time in general. Before long they finished eating and Elfman and Lisanna went up to their rooms, leaving Mirajane and Lathaniel to clean up.

Lathaniel: "That was really good Mira, you should cook more often."

Mirajane: "Sure, but only if you want it."

Lathaniel: "Alright then."

A small moment of silence passed and it was dark out.

Mirajane: "Hey, how would you feel about staying the night?"

Lathaniel: "Hmm, I'm sure Ren won't mind."

They finished cleaning and Mirajane led Lathaniel up to her room.

Mirajane: "I love you, Darling. I'm glad we were able to relax like this again."

Lathaniel: "Yeah, me too."

They both cuddled on the bed and went to sleep for the night.

Years later....

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