event chapter: Wendy

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They were still watching Lisanna's reunion with Elfman and Lisanna before deciding to head home. Lathaniel was sitting around his house until a knock came from his door.

Lathaniel: "Hm? Who could that be?"

He opened the front door and saw Carla in front of him.

Lathaniel: "Carla? What's wrong? Where's Wendy?"

Carla: "That's exactly what I was going to ask you. Have you seen her every since we left the cathedral?"

Lathaniel: "No, did something happen?"

Carla: "We went back to Fairy Hills for a while until I heard her say something family. She left without telling me after that."

Lathaniel: "Family..? Nevermind, we have to go find her! Ren!"

Ren: "Yeah?"

Lathaniel: "Come on! We gotta find Wendy! She could get sick if she's out on her own!"

They all left to look around Magnolia for Wendy. Lathaniel looked around the outskirts of town in case Wendy had went into the forest.

Lathaniel: "Wendy! Where are you?!"

He heard a faint scream before dashing off in the direction of the noise.


While Lathaniel was out searching for Wendy with Ren and Carla, Wendy was wandering around the forest and crying slightly.

Wendy: "Lathaniel had a blood sister this whole time, and he never told me about her... did I mean that little to him that he didn't tell me?"

There was a slight rustle in the bush to her side and she turned to see a large Forest Vulcan come out. Wendy screamed for a moment before falling backwards on to her behind.

Vulcan: "Oh? You're a cutie! Why don't you come with me?"

Wendy: "N-No, Stay away from me! No!!!"

The Vulcan reached it's hand out to grab Wendy before Lathaniel suddenly emerged from bushes to the side of Wendy and the Vulcan.


Lathaniel charged his fist with (blue electric) lightning before hitting the Vulcan, sending it flying off to the side.

Wendy: "B-big brother?"

Vulcan: "Oww! Who in the world are you?"

Lathaniel: *Demonic Aura* "Scram!"

Vulcan: "Y-Yes sir!"

With that, the Vulcan ran off into the forest again. (Y/N) went to check on Wendy, kneeling down and grabbing her shoulders

Lathaniel: "Wendy! What's wrong with you?! Why would you run off like that?"

Wendy: "Why would you care?! I'm not your real sister so it doesn't matter!"

Lathaniel: "What are you talking about? What brought this on?"

Wendy: "You never told me you had an actual sister related to you by blood! Did you think I didn't need to know?! Did you not trust me enough?!"

Lathaniel: "Wendy, I didn't tell you about her because she's dead!"

Wendy: "W-what?"

Lathaniel: "Before I met you and Grandeeney, my sister died, because I killed her unintentionally. I never mentioned it because I don't like talking about it."

Wendy: "I-I'm sorry..."

Lathaniel: "What makes me even more sad is that you think that being related by blood matters. I don't care if you aren't related to me by blood, you're still my sister, and I'm always going to be your brother. I'll tell you as many times as you need to hear it. Now, come here, you were scared, weren't you?"

Lathaniel held his arms out and Wendy nearly jumped into his arms. Crying somewhat loud.

Wendy: "Waaah! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have run off! I was so scared!"

Lathaniel smiled gently at her.

Lathaniel: "I know, it's okay. Come on, let's go home and get you cleaned up before you get sick."

He and Wendy both got up and started to walk back, until Wendy fell over again.

Wendy: "O-oww..."

Lathaniel: "Hm? What's wrong?"

Wendy: "M-My leg, it hurts..."

Lathaniel: "You must have sprained it, come on then."

He knelt down in front of Wendy and started to give her a piggyback ride.

Wendy: "H-huh?"

Lathaniel: "Well we can't have you walking on it and hurting it further, so I'm carrying you."

Wendy: "O-Okay..."

He started to walk back to his house and Wendy snuggled up to his back.

Wendy: "Big Brother?"

Lathaniel: "Hmm?"

Wendy: "I love you... as a sibling."

Lathaniel: "...Yeah, I love you too."

Lathaniel made it back to his house with Wendy and let her stay there and get warm while Lathaniel went out to find Carla and Ren. When they made it back, Carla scolded Wendy for running off. They were about to leave, until Lathaniel stopped them.

Lathaniel: "Oh, you can stay here you know. Wendy's ankle still hurts so you can rest here for the night."

Carla: "If you insist..."

Carla and Wendy stayed over until morning.

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