Chapter 6

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Gray stood on the head of the Dragonoid, towering and looking down upon those below him. Lathaniel, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, Juvi,Ren, Happy, and Carla all looked up at Gray.

Erza: "What is this?! Gray! There better be a good reason for your betrayal!"

Gray then jumped down and landed on a stone pillar above them.

Gray: "Sorry, but I don't have one."

Daphne then spoke through the Dragonoid.

Daphne: "Yes Yes Yes! After many years of blood sweat and tears, I've produced this wondrous science called the Dragonoid! If you had any type of manners you'd adt least congratulate me on a job well done."

Lathaniel: "Like I care! Let go of my Brother Daphne!"

Erza: "You're the one responsible for all this? Release Natsu or else!"

Daphne spoke as she ate a Metamo-Chan.

Daphne: "Sorry, but Fire Boy is staying put. He's kind of serving as a battery for my Dragonoid, so I have no intention of letting him go. You might as well say your goodbyes while you can. Natsu Dragneel won't be around much longer!"

Erza: "Magic power is life to a wizard. We have to stop her before she drains him!"

Lucy\Juvi: "You messed with the wrong guild lady!"

Happy: "What are we going to do now?"

The sound of Natsu roaring suddenly came from the glowing red core on the Dragonoid's chest. It then changed to Natsu screaming in pain as more magic energy was drained from him.

Daphne: "Yes yes, good work boy. Use that energy of yours for something else. Soon this Dragonoid will be charged up and whole world will know what true power is."

Small sparks of electrivity came from the Dragonoid's core as Natsu continued to yell out in pain.

Gray: "You guys are free to try and stop us, but you're all so pathetically weak that I doubt that you'll all survive to see the Dragonoid's full glory."

Lathaniel&Juvi suddenly appeared in front of Gray.

Lathaniel: "Willing to make a bet on that Ice Box?"

Gray panicked slightly and tried to punch Lathaniel, which failed as Lathaniel easily caught his punch and tightened his grasp on Gray's fist. Gray grimaced in pain as Lathaniel held on to his fist.

Erza: "How could you Gray?"

Carla: "I seem to remember seeing a report about a deranged female wizard who was obsessed with dragons and even tried creating artificial ones, but I thought it was just a rumor."

Wendy: "That sure sounds like her!"

Daphne: "Now that's just insulting! I'm far from deranged, and by tomorrow, the academic world will know my name and shout it in praise and fear thanks to my glorious Dragon! The road has been long and filled with obstacles, but I overcame each one brilliantly!"

Daphne took another bite off a Metamo-Chan as she continued.

Daphne: "The first step was no small task. I had to successfully incubate artificial dragon aids and ensure the young survive. Then I needed test subjects, which luckily, my hometown had a whole lot of. Of course, they saw the threat and concealed themselves using hidden magic like me, but then I placed a curse on them all and let them play hide and seek for eternity! The first generation of artificial dragons failed to see through the hidden magic, making them defective. I disposed of them all and started on another set. I turned my back on that town, left, and never came back. Eventually, that place became known as the city without sound."

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