chapter 8: missing in action

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Lathaniel: head.....wait a minute...wh..

Hears a explosion!

Lathaniel:Must have been the others!!! 'running to the location'

Natsu: "B-But, how? I thought you were...?"

Lathaniel: "I almost was for a moment there. I'm not sure about what happened though..."


Lathaniel was falling down to the ground after protecting everyone from the Dorma Anim's attack. His eyes were shut as he fell to the ground.

Lathaniel: <()... I'm going to see you soon...>

He felt an invisible hand on his back and a voice that seemed oddly familiar spoke to him.

???: "No... you can't die yet..."

His eyes opened and he turned to the source of the voice, but no one was there.

Lathaniel: "Who..?"

He then gained an extra burst of strength and used it to quickly wake up back up to fight the Dorma Anim

Flashback End

Lathaniel: <The whole thing still has me thinking.>

Edolas Lathaniel: "We got a Dragon to fight, this can wait!"


Edolas Lathaniel: oh yeah! Sorry I'm lathaniel Curulean😀

Lathaniel: hi!

Faust: "Accursed Flies! You dare ignore the enemy in front of you?!"

Up above, everyone was cheering them on from on top of the Legion.

Happy: "Natsu!"

Ren: "Don't go making it look like you're going to die again, Lathaniel!!"

Lathaniel\Lathaniel(Edolas): "Sorry!"

Carla: "Please be careful!"

Lucy: "You can do it!"

Juvi: "Yeah, you guys keep the cats safe!"

Erza: "We'll leave it to you then!"

Lucy: "Can they really take on that monster on their own?"

Gray: "Don't be ridiculous. Who better to fight a Dragon, than those who were trained to defeat them. They're the only ones who stand a chance. The DragonSlayers!"

The Legion then flew off to protect the rest of the Exceeds from the Royal Army.

Gajeel: "Well, looks like we're going to have to team up again, Wolf."

Lathaniel: "Yeah."

Natsu: "I can't believe I gotta work with you Gajeel"

Gajeel: "Stop complaining. We can settle our score after we're done kicking this Grandpa's teeth in."

Natsu: "I'm all fired up now!"

Lathaniel\Lathaniel(Elolas): "we've got a spark that's ready to let loose!"

Faust: "Ha! Well I'd like to see you try!"

Juvi: "LET'S GO!"

DragonSlayers: "YEAH!"

Wendy: "I'll help out! Oh swift winds that speed through the Heavens! Vernier!"

Blue Magic Circles appeared undernearth Lathaniel, Natsu, Juvi and Gajeel.

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