Lemon chapter: Lathaniel x Cana

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LEMON WARNING: In case the Mature Content warning wasn't enough, this is another warning, There is LEMON in this chapter, you have been warned...

Lathaniel was out walking around Magnolia after watching Lisanna's Reunion with Elfman and Mirajane, checking on everyone to see if they were alright. Ren was tired and went home before he did. He was about to turn a corner but bumped into someone and they both fell.

Lathaniel: "Ah, sorry! Are you o...kay?"

He looked at the person he bumped into to see a drunk Cana.

Cana: "It's fine, it's... Babe! It's you!"

Lathaniel: "I see you've gotten drunk again."

Cana: "No, what are you talking about? I'm noot drunk."

Lathaniel got up and helped Cana up as well, but she stumbled right into his arms.

Lathaniel: "You were saying? Also, why aren't you wearing more clothes? It's raining out and I'd rather you not get sick."

Cana: "I'm not drunk! I wear this all the time and I've never gotten... achoo!"

Cana sneezed and Lathaniel wrapped his jacket around her before giving her a piggyback ride.

Lathaniel: "Come on, you're going to Fairy Hills before you get sick."

Cana: "Okay..."

She snuggled up to Lathaniel as he carried her to Fairy Hills.

Lathaniel: <This is bringing back some memories...>

After a while, he made it to Fairy Hills and he brought Cana up to her room. He then put Cana on her bed and sat down on a chair in her room.

Lathaniel: "Why were you out in the rain drinking booze anyways?"

Cana then silently got up and straddled Lathaniel on the chair.

Lathaniel: "Wha- Cana!"

Cana: "Got you!"

Lathaniel: "D-don't tell me you were..."

Cana: "Yup, I was acting the whole time!"

Lathaniel: "What brought that on?"

Cana: "Well maybe I wanted some privacy for the two of us."

Lathaniel: "To do what?"

Cana: "I dunno, something like this."

She then kissed Lathaniel, holding his face as she started to slowly grind on Lathaniel's pants. Lathaniel then held Cana's waist as they kissed before Cana separated and took her top off, revealing her breasts and causing a rise from Lathaniel's member. Lathaniel took his shirt off before Cana continued to kiss and grind on him. Lathaniel used his hands to start groping Cana's breasts, causing her to moan under the kiss. They then stopped kissing and Cana moved down to Lathaniel's pants, pulling them down to bring out his dick.

Cana: "You're so big..."

Cana licked his member before putting it into her mouth, causing a slight groan from Lathaniel.

Lathaniel: "T-That's really good..."

Cana: "Really, then what if I do this..?"

Cana then used her breasts and sandwiched Lathaniel's dick between both of them while she continued to suck. Lathaniel groaned even louder from the pleasure.

Lathaniel: "I'm gonna..!"

He then came into Cana's mouth, flooding it with cum. Cana took Lathaniel's member out of her mouth before swallowing all the cum.

Cana: "You came so much... I want more..."

Cana then took off her pants and straddled Lathaniel again. She slowly positioned herself on top of Lathaniel's member before slowly lowering herself. After it was completely inside, Cana let out a small yell of pain.

Lathaniel: "H-huh?"

Cana: "Sorry, it's my first time, so it kind of hurts. It's going to feel good soon, so don't worry..."

She then started to move slowly. Lathaniel was going to grab her waist, but Cana grabbed his hands and put them back down.

Cana: "Nope~ you're not touching unless I want you to... mmm!"

She started to pick up the pace and rode Lathaniel even faster.

Cana: "So good... ah!"

Lathaniel started to thrust into Cana without warning, causing her to moan in surprise.

Cana: "N-no! If don't start thrusting, it's going to drive me crazy!"

Cana moaned even louder as Lathaniel continued to thrust upwards into her pussy. Lathaniel then took it further by grabbed her ass and picking her up, thrusting into her even more.

Cana: "Yes! Give me more! I want your cum inside me!"

Lathaniel started to go faster then before, causing Cana to drool slightly from the pleasure.

Cana: "I'm going to cum! I'm CUMMING!"

Lathaniel: "Cana!"

Lathaniel thrust in one last time before he came inside Cana as she orgasmed, another flood of Lathaniel's seed flowing into her vagina. Lathaniel then put Cana down on the bed and took his dick out, letting the cum drip out. He laid down next to her on the bed.

Lathaniel: "Did it feel good?"

Cana: "You already know the answer, but I'll tell you anyways... of course it did. I love you Lathaniel."

Cana wrapped her arms around Lathaniel before they both fell asleep on Cana's bed.

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