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Team Natsu, and their latest additions, Wendy Marvell, and Carla, her cat, were on a boat heading to Hargeon Port so that they can get back to Fairy Tail. Natsu and Lathaniel were running around the deck of the boat with their arms swinging around happily in the air. Happy and Ren were flying right next to them.

Lathaniel: "Riding on a boat without getting motion sick is awesome!"

Natsu: "So this is what it feels like? So cool!"

Wendy: "Oh, ummm, I should mention, Troia doesn't-"

Lathaniel suddenly crashed back on the ground as he became motion sick again.

Wendy: "Last... permanently..."

Lathaniel: "Urgh..."

Eventually Natsu fell back over as well and got motion sick along with Lathaniel.

Natsu: "Awww man... Can you cast it again Wendy?"

Wendy: "I'm sorry, Troia gets less effective the more you use it so you should save using it for later."

Gray: "Looks like it's back to barf bags for them."

Lucy&Juvi started laughing at the two DragonSlayers while Happy began to flirt with Carla. Ren was trying to help Lathanielrecover.

Wendy: "I can't believe we're joining Fairy Tail! This is so exciting!"

Lathaniel: "You better believe it soon... we're almost home! Urgh..."

Lucy had gained the three Golden Gate Keys that Angel had while they were on the ship. Afterwards, the ship eventually arrived back in Hargeon Port, and everyone got off, with the exception of Lathaniel, and Natsu, who had to be carried off by Ren and Happy. After a while the two recovered and they started walking with everyone else. Wendy however, decided to tug on Lathaniel's shirt from Cait Shelter and pulled him back slightly.

Lathaniel: "Wendy? What's wrong?"

Wendy: "I'm scared... what if I mess up and say something that makes everyone hate me?"

Lathaniel: "Fairy Tail isn't like that. It's not the type of place where everyone will hate you just for saying something silly. Just be yourself and you're going to be fine."

Wendy: "Big Brother..."

Wendy then held on to Lathaniel's hand, which confused him slightly.

Lathaniel: "Wendy, what are you doing?"

Wendy panicked slightly and pulled her hand back.

Wendy: "S-sorry! We used to hold hands like that a lot when we were children, so I feel more comfortable walking around like that..."

Lathaniel: "Really? Now that I think about it, I did do that a lot... Well, I guess it's fine then."

Wendy: "Really?! Thank you Big Brother!"

Wendy then went back to holding hands with Lathaniel as they walked into the Train Station.


Team Natsu was back at the Fairy Tail Guild Hall and Wendy was standing in the center of the room.

Lathaniel: "Summarize everything, this is Wendy, my little sister, and her cat Carla. She's going to be a part of Fairy Tail as of today, treat her with respect, got it?"

Wendy: *Bows* it's a pleasure to meet you all!"

All of the men in the hall looked at Wendy and had blushes on their faces as they cheered.

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