Epilogue cana route:

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Lathaniel was walking to the new location of their Guild Hall in a slight panic.

Lathaniel: <Didn't think that Gildarts would be related to Cana. As Father and Daughter no less! How am I going to tell him...?>

Lathaniel stopped and rubbed his hair for a little bit before calming down. He was at the doors to the Guild Hall and he entered. Cana was sitting at the table.

Cana: "Oh! Hey Lathaniel! Come sit with me?"

Lathaniel: "S-sure..."

He sat down on a stool next to Cana.

Cana: "You alright babe? You look like you're really nervous about something."

Lathaniel: "Uh... well... I was wondering how we were going to tell Gildarts about our relationship."

Gildarts: "What about yours and Cana's relationship?"

Lathaniel: "Eh?!"

Lathaniel froze up as he realized Gildarts was standing right behind him.

Lathaniel: "O-oh... hey Gildarts..."

Gildarts: "What are you so clammed up for? Relax."

Cana: "Hehe~ relax, I already told him."

Lathaniel: "Oh, I see. Wait, what? When did that happen?

Gildarts: "I wish the best for you and my little daughter Lathaniel. However..."

He pulled Lathaniel in slightly closer.

Gildarts: "Do avoid breaking her heart, alright?"

Lathaniel: "Y-you got it."

Gildarts: "Well, I'll be going now. I'll be back in a little bit."

With that, Gildarts left as Lathaniel had a breath of relief.

Cana: "Sorry for not telling you sooner."

Lathaniel: "Don't worry about it. I'd rather he know than just never tell him."

Cana: "Don't worry, I was going to stay with you even if he didn't approve. I can make my own decision."

Lathaniel: "Fair enough..."

Cana: "Well, how about a celebration to remember my old man giving us his blessing?"

Lathaniel: "You mean you get drunk and I carry you home after? Sounds like a plan."

Cana and Lathaniel shared a quick kiss before Cana started to drink her alcohol.

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