Epilogue Erza route: scarlet love

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Lathaniel and Erza were walking down to Lathaniel's home after finishing things in the ob, holding hands as they went.

Lathaniel: "Oh right, were you able to pay for the 7 years worth of rent you missed at Fairy Hills?"

Erza: "Actually yes, albeit very barely."

Lathaniel: "I had to use up my savings to pay the rent on my house. I'll just build it up again eventually."

Erza: "I see... it's almost hard to believe 7 years have passed."

Lathaniel: "Yeah, and the others have grown up so much."

Erza: "Romeo has grown up, and gotten stronger, Alzack and Bisca are now m-married and raising a child, Droy has put on some weight... almost everyone changed on the outside."

They made it back to Lathaniel's home and walked in. The went down to the couch in the living room and sat next to each other. Lathaniel found that Ren was going to be out of the house for a little bit.

Lathaniel: "Looks like Ren won't be coming home for a little bit."

Erza: "Alright then. *looks around* They really took care of the place while you were gone."

Lathaniel: "Right? It's almost like I never left... well, aside from all my clothes being destroyed."

They both shared a small laugh.

Erza: "First off, congratulations on becoming a Wizard Saint."

She kissed Lathaniel on the cheek.

Lathaniel: "Thanks."

Erza: "Now, I heard something interesting from Bisca. It's about Jellal."

Lathaniel: "Oh... what happened?"

Erza: "Bisca told me that Jellal broke out of his prison and is on the loose."

Lathaniel: "I see... what are you going to do now?"

Erza: "Well, I don't know where to search, so for now I'm leaving it be."

Erza looked somewhat saddened until Lathaniel started to tickle her."

Erza: *Laughing* "Lathaniel please stop it!" *Laughing*

Erza then fell over on to her back and Lathaniel was on top of her.

Lathaniel: "Better now?"

Erza: "Y-yeah..."

Lathaniel: "Look, if you want, we can keep an eye out for him. You want to ask him something right?"

Erza: "Right..."

Lathaniel: "Well, I say for now we don't worry about it. Now, it has been 7 years technically speaking. I want to cuddle."

Lathaniel then laid down next to Erza and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Erza: "I'm sorry for bringing up Jellal like that..."

Lathaniel: "Hey, I said not to worry about it right? For now let's just relax."

Erza: "Okay..."

Erza then wrapped her arms around Lathaniel and they kissed for a while before they both fell asleep. A while later Ren came back home.

Ren: "I'm back!"

Ren looked on the couch and saw the sight. He quietly went up to his room to sleep,

Ren: "Have a good rest."

Months later......

Erza:Oh, Lathaniel, I'm sorry you plan didn't work out so well... Especially after you went to all that trouble. He was such a fine-looking wyvern, too-I truly thought Minerva would take to him.

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