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Team Natsu, and their latest additions, Wendy Marvell, and Carla, her cat, were on a boat heading to Hargeon Port so that they can get back to Fairy Tail. Natsu and  were running around the deck of the boat with their arms swinging around happily in the air. Happy and Ren were flying right next to them.

Lathaniel: "Riding on a boat without getting motion sick is awesome!"

Natsu: "So this is what it feels like? So cool!"

Wendy: "Oh, ummm, I should mention, Troia doesn't-"

Lathaniel suddenly crashed back on the ground as he became motion sick again.

Wendy: "Last... permanently..."


atsu: "Urgh..."

Eventually Natsu fell back over as well and got motion sick along with Lathaniel.

Natsu: "Awww man... Can you cast it again Wendy?"

Wendy: "I'm sorry, Troia gets less effective the more you use it so you should save using it for later."

Gray: "Looks like it's back to barf bags for them."

Lucy started laughing at the three DragonSlayers, before going to help Lathaniel up. Meanwhile, Happy began to flirt with Carla. Ren was trying to help Lathaniel recover.

Wendy: "I can't believe we're joining Fairy Tail! This is so exciting!"

Juvi: "Let's find you some place to rest..."

With help from Juvi Lathaniel slowly got up and walked into the ship to find someplace to rest.

Gray: "You know, those two seem a lot closer now than ever?"

Natsu: "Do they really?"

Erza: "Indeed. It could be our imaginations however."

Inside the ship Lathaniel was laying down on a bed with Juvi sitting next to him.

Juvi: "Are you okay? I thought you would be hurt more after that battle with the Oracion Seis."

Lathaniel: "I'm fine. I'm tougher than I look."

Juvi: "Yeah... I guess you're right."

Lathaniel slowly held a hand up to Lucy's and held her hand for the rest of the trip home.


Wendy was standing shyly in the middle of the Guild Hall while everyone who stopped Nirvana went to explain the situation that ensued.

Erza: "Long story short, Wendy and Carla are now members of Fairy Tail."

Lathaniel: "Treat them well, alright?"

Wendy: *Bows* it's a pleasure to meet you all!"

All of the men in the hall looked at Wendy and had blushes on their faces as they cheered.

Wakaba: "So adorable!!"

Nab: "Now we have a female Happy!"

Macao: "I'll bet your mom is real pretty!"

Mirajane: "So glad you all made it back safely!"

Erza and Lathaniel then walked up to Makarov to speak to him.

Lathaniel: "Master! It's been a while!"

Erza: "Hello Master."

Makarov: *Nod* "Well done, the both of you! Also... lathaniel"

Lathaniel: "Yes Master?"

Makarov: "I heard through a little report that you unlocked a new element... care to show us...?"

Everyone: "WHAAAATT?!?!"

Everyone then swarmed Lathaniel

"You can use another element now?!"

"How many is that already?!"

"Could you show us what it is?"

Lathaniel: "Okay, please give me some SPACE!!"

Everyone then backed away from Lathaniel as he held out his hand. A small whirlwind appeared and everyone was amazed.

"So, Wind, Lightning, and Fire Dragonslayer magic, all sealed into one person... you are crazy strong dude!"

Makarov: "I agree, and it's because of his recent growth, both as a Wizard, and as an adult that, with my express order, Lathaniel is to be an S-Class wizard effective immediately!"

Everyone went into yet another panic.


Lathaniel: "H-hold on a minute! Don't I have to be on record as an S-Class mage first?"

Makarov: "Hmm? Oh, no need to worry about that! I've gotten that all handled while you were away stopping Nirvana."

Makarov held out a piece of paper from the Magic Council.

                                           We approve your admission of the Mage, Okamiryu, to be promoted to S-Class. Congratulations!
                                                                                                                                                              - The Magic Council

Lathaniel: "But, I thought you said I wasn't ready..."

Makarov: "Oh? Did I? Or did you just tell yourself that?"

Lathaniel: "I-I see... Thank you Master, I truly appreciate this."

Makarov: "No worries boyo! Just promise me that you will work hard in return!"

Lathaniel: "I will!"

Juvi: "Awesome! You became an S-Class mage!"

She slapped him on the back in a congratulatory manner.

Lathaniel: "Thanks, you'll get to that level too eventually, don't worry."

Everyone then broke out into a celebration before Juvia then suddenly cried a massive flood of water when she saw that lathaniel arrived home safely, sweeping everyone away in a literal river of her tears.

After the Celebration

Everyone had gone home for the day and Lathaniel, was at the front door to Juvi's house. He knocked on it, and moments after he was met with Juvi's face.

Lathaniel: "Hey cutie, can I come in."

Juvi: "D-Don't call me cutie out in public like that..."

She had a small blush on her face as she let him walk in. They both then went to sit together in the living room. The room was filled with momentary silence.

Juvi: "To be honest, I kind of envy you..."

Lathaniel: "Hmm?"

Juvi: "I mean, you two are just so powerful, and you keep growing at such a fast rate, and yet here I am, growing super slowly."

She had a saddened look on her face while Lathaniel rested a hand on her cheek and gently made her turn her head to look at him.

Lathaniel: "You beat racer on your own didn't you? I'd say that's proof you've grown stronger."

Juvi: "… thanks..."

Lathaniel leaned in for a kiss, and Juvi accepted it gracefully. She placed both of her hands on his cheeks as they kissed.

Juvi: "Kissing you just makes me fall in love with you over and over again~"

Lathaniel: "I never get tired of it either."

The couple then proceeded to kiss and cuddle on the couch of the apartment for the rest of the day leading into the night.

Juvi: "I love you, Lathaniel."

Lathaniel: "I love you too."

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