Final battle! Back Dragon's end!

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Acnologia: Hm?

Lathaniel: TRI....Element

Erza: With some  magic left?

Lathaniel: Dragon...

Acnologia: Magnificent! One last stand against me! A climactic showdown!

Lathaniel: Chaos...

Acnologia: Give me what your master couldn't--before I send you & your friends to hell! HAAAAAAA! (fires his flames wave)

Lathaniel: ROAR!!!!!!!(also fires his fire,wind,blue lighting wave, and shows both beams racing toward each other)

Natsu: Bring your bodies and move! (jumps out of the way with the fairy tail members)

Lucy&Juvi: Kill him, you sexy blue haired bastard!

flies away with the others. Gray recovers and flies away as well. Both flames finally collide with each other, resulting in a huge orb in the center. Lathaniel grunts and "Perfect" Acnologia crackles as the orb increases in size, with the force being felt from the crowd in a faraway city. The rest of the fairy tail land a safe distance from the beam struggle.)

Juvi: It's a real good thing beams don't just explode on impact with each other. ( Everyone stares quietly at the clash)

Acnologia: Tell me when your body starts feeling numb, brat! Then I'll start trying! Worst case scenario: you die and get stronger! It did wonders for me! (puts more power into his flames, causing him to gain more ground)

Lathaniel: Is it too much to ask that you just shut up and fight!?

Acnologia: What's that, brat? I can't hear you. Try sign language!

Natsu: If someone with one arm speaks with sign language, is that a speech impediment or an accent?

Lathaniel: (thinking) Dammit, my legs feel like they're about to give out, I can't feel my arm, and nobody's shutting the hell up!

Azura: (telepathically) Oh, sorry, I'll come back later.

Lathaniel: mom!?

Azura: ( with. igneel  ) Hey, son! Sorry it took me so long to call, King Yemma's line was the worst! I literally thought I'd skipped it and went straight to hell.

Igneel: You should go to hell!

Azura: (telepathically) Also ineel won't stop yelling at me.

Lathaniel: (thinking) mom, I... I don't think I can do this! He's so much stronger, and it's all my fault! It was my cowardice, then my hubris, and now my weakness! We're all gonna--

Azura: (telepathically as an image of her appears alongside Lathaniel) Lathaniel, I want to tell you, that if you don't do this, Everyone is gonna die. Your friends gonna die. Everyone is gonna die. But before all that, If you don't do're gonna die. And you're better than that! You're better than him! You're better than me!

(Lathaniel gasps and puts more power into his flames, which now give him the advantage)

Acnologia: Whoa, Nelly!

Azura: (telepathically) See? I'm not even close to that strong...yet. You're more than just my son. You are Lathaniel Okamiryu! Now, plant your feet. Grit your teeth. And EAT...THAT...HORSE!

Lathaniel: YEEEAAAAAAAAAAGH! (exerts even more power into his power, nearly causing it to completely overpower Acnologia's)

Acnologia: So, what's this brat, your second wind or your dying gasp?! Either way it doesn't matter! Behold the power of TWO HANDS! (releases more energy into his Kamehameha, now taking the lead and causing Lathaniel to skid back a few feet)

Azura: Lathaniel!

Wendy: No!

Acnologia: Take solace, boy! Though you have fought alone, you will not die alone. That is my last gift to you. A PERFECT DEATH! (gets hit from a blast out of nowhere) Eaugh!

(the person who shot the blast was Netsu&Gajeel&Juvi, who is gasping for breath)

Acnologia: Oh, shit...

Azura: Do it now!

Lathaniel: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (unleashes every power he has for one more push, which manages to completely overpower Acnologia)

Acnologia: OH, SHIT!

(Acnologia's body begins to break up as Lathaniel's Attack completely disintegrates his body, down to the very last cell, and Lathaniel's attack continues into outer space, where it dissipates)


(back on Earth, Lathaniel is now seen in midair gasping heavily for air)

GOHAN: Horse...eaten! (reverts to his base form and starts falling) Somebody catch meeeeeee...

Juvi: He's dead.

Lathaniel: (hits the ground off-screen) Ugh!

Lucy&Juvi: Acnologia is dead!

Levy: Nobody's gonna hold it against me if I start crying, are they?

Gray: Better now than five minutes ago.

Natsu: (walks up to Lathaniel) So buddy, you beat your first bad guy. How's it feel? (Lathaniel doesn't give a response)Lathaniel?

Lathaniel: If anybody's there... My autonomic nervous system shut down all non-critical bodily functions. I cannot move, hear, or see. On a related note, I really, really need to use the bathroom.

Gray: You know, let's get you to the lookout little buddy. (picks up Lathaniel)

Lathaniel: Is that lucy? You have very soft hands. (passes out)

(Everyone smiles )

Natsu: So, is there any food? 'Cause I'm starving.

Juvi: Fourth rule of Erza's training--

Natsu: Yeah, yeah don't eat her or Lathaniel's stuff.

To be continue...

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