Epilogue Juvi route: wolf & Wyvern

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*Sigh* I thought "dying of boredom" was just an expression...

All those jobs, and you're still bored?

Oh, hi, Lathaniel. Yeah, it's not that much fun messing with the others... Their reactions are all quiet and stale and...blaaah. I mean, they just stare, or sigh, or walk away shaking their head... Nobody else does that rubbery thing with their face that you do.

I do a rubbery thing with my face?

But don't worry! You're safe. A promise is a promise, after all. I'm not thrilled about it, but I don't want you to hate me. So...no more pranks.

...... *Sigh* All right, Juvi. I give you permission to prank me again. I won't hate you for it, I promise.

Wait, really?!

BUT! On one condition... You have to open this box first.

Ha! No way, mister! I know this trick! A bunch of snakes or bugs or guts or whatever is gonna pop out!

...Perhaps. It's up to you. I'm not forcing you.

Hmm... I'm scared, but... Gya, that thing with your face, I miss it SO much! Okay then. Here goes... YAAAAAH!



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A...ring? Wait, lath, what's going on?

I...love you, Juvi. I love your loyalty, I love your candor, I love your spirit... Gods bless me, I think I even love your pranks! So...what do you say? Will you be my wife?


Are you crying?! Don't cry! I'm sorry! You can say no; it won't hurt my feelings!

No, stupid! I'm happy! I just... I've loved you for so long!

What?! Really? ...Since when?

Yes, really! And since the very beginning! ...I only pranked you to get your attention. gets to be close to you all the time, when you meet, or when you talk strategy... But I didn't have anything like that...

Juvi, you could have talked to me about anything, anytime... I can't believe I never noticed...

Me either... But now we've got all the time in the world to spend together! Oooo! Plus I opened the box, so I get to prank you again, right?!

...I thought the pranks were just to get my attention. And if we're getting married, I'd say you got my attention. Sooo...

You think I'm going to marry that face and never make it do that crazy rubbery thing?! You're nuts!

What?! Hey! I'm not sure I... Ah, well. If that's what it takes to make you happy...then so be it. Just go easy. We won't have all the time in the world together if I die of a heart attack.

Heh ha, okay, I promise, Lathaniel. Wow, what a day... You must be tired out from all the excitement! Sooo...how about a quick shoulder rub from your new wife-to-be, hmm?

Juvi:Oh my gosh, this ring is huge! Oh, we're gonna have such a GREAT life together!

Years later.....
Juvi: in one moment,All of them raise their hands to the sky,the moment when their hearts pounded as one happen something that no one expected....


Juvi:huh?' look at the direction Hyde was going'

Hyde: 'hugs his dad' dad!

Lathaniel: heh hi ya kiddo! Wow you've got grown up huh?

Hyde: Of course, i wanna be as cool & strong like you!

Juvi: so much has happened this year!

Lathaniel:'sees Juvi' will you tell me afterwards Hyde?

Hyde: ok!

Lathaniel: 'holding his son's hand' i brought something. You & Lana will like it...but for now let's go to see your mother.

Juvi: Welcome back,Lathaniel...

'Lathaniel kisses Juvi'

Lathaniel: Juvi...i miss you so much...I'm sorry that was gone for so long.

Juvi: Lathaniel, we will always wait as long as necessary you know that silly.😊

Hyde:Everyone in The Guild will be glad about dad is back!

Lathaniel: of course! Now than 'picks up lana' there's my little princess! Wow you've look just like your mother!

Lana: 'giggling'

Lathaniel: ha! 'holding out his hand' come on Juvi, let's continue our adventures together.

Juvi:Lathaniel...'grabs Lathaniel's hand' yeah....

Juvi route: END

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