gag chapter: Drunken Hijinxs

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Lathaniel: "This isn't canon to the Main Series and is made for comedic reasons. Also this is after the Oracion Seis."

Natsu: "Just start the story already!"

Lathaniel: "Shhh, no breaking the 4th wall Natsu!"

Lathaniel and Ren walked in through the entrance of the Guild Hall, but came across an unexpected situation. The Guild Hall was almost completely empty, except for Team Natsu, Levy, Mirajane, Cana, Juvia and the Guild Master.

Lathaniel: "Where is everyone?"

Makarov suddenly pulled Lathaniel in very close.

Makarov: *quietly* "The ladies are about to start drinking this new wine that came in."

Lathaniel: "Sounds interesting. Count me in."

Erza: "Lathaniel! Come and try this new wine that came in today!"

Natsu: "It looks really good!"

Lathaniel went over to join everyone and started to drink with them. After the first drink, it suddenly began...

Lathaniel: "Yikes! That's one strong drink..."

Natsu: "Tell me about it..."

Gray: "I feel like something is about to go horribly wrong..."

Cana: "I'm alright... I think. *hic*"

Lathaniel: "One drink was enough to send her over?!"

The_Young_Ray: "She was drinking earlier today so I suppose it make's sense."

Lathaniel: "Uh, guys? If one drink was enough to send CANA over, after she already had her daily drinking amount, what's gonna happen to-"

A sword suddenly flew past Lathaniel's head and stuck to the wall. Causing him to yelp slightly.

Lathaniel: "W-what the?!"

The Guild Hall suddenly erupted into chaos, Wendy was unconscious on the ground, Carla&tana, was riding Happy and Ren around the guild hall, Levy was just, laughing uncontrollably for no reason, Lucy&Juvi was laughing along with levy, Cana, was acting like her normal drunk self, Juvia was crying for some reason, Erza was yelling for someone to get her another drink. The main clincher, was Mirajane. Mirajane, was acting extremely different from her normal happy self. Mirajane was acting very strangely, shooting random looks at everyone in the Guild Hall with a confused look on her face.

Erza: "Get me another drink! If you can't even do that, then just get me a drink!"

Levy: "Ha ha ha ha ha! She repeated herself!"

Wendy: "The Hall is spinning...."

Juvia: "Lathaniel! Why won't you give me any attention my love?"

Lucy&Juvi: "Come on, let's have some more fuuun!"

Carla&tana: "You two are horses! You hear me? Horses!"

Happy: "But I'm a cat..."

Ren: "Aye..."

Lathaniel: "R-Ren!"

Natsu\GodSlayerAlex: "Let's get out of here!"

Gray\ray: "we agree! Let's go!"

Lathaniel then followed as Natsu,alex,rey and Gray ran towards the door of the Guild Hall, until the doors were suddenly shut. On both of the Door's was Erza's sword.

Erza: "Where do you think you're going? Pour me a drink!"

The three then nervously walked back towards the counter of the bar and sat down, albeit a bit shakily. Lucy&Juvi then suddenly came forward and started to mess around with Natsu&alex, while Juvia had Gray&rey in a hug. Levy was still laughing at everything while Lathaniel was the only one left sitting. Mirajane then suddenly came up to Lathaniel and randomly hugged him very tightly.

Lathaniel: "M-Mira?"

Mirajane: "How could you try and leave without me? You could've at least said bye?"

Cana: "Hey! Get off him! He's mine!"

Cana then hugged Lathaniel from the other side of Mira and began hugging him tightly as well.

Erza: "Both of you get off! He is my property!"

Erza then started to hug Lathaniel as well.

Lucy:Lathaniel's is mine!!

Juvi: No he's MINE!!!!

Lucy&Juvi both of them started to hugged Lathaniel

Lathaniel: "I'm not property you know..."

Cana, Mirajane,Juvi,lucy and Erza: "Stay out of this!"

Lathaniel: "O-okay..."😰

Wendy: "Oni-chan, please play with me more today! I wanna be with you more..."

Lathaniel: <That just made things worse didn't it?>

Erza: "Lathaniel..."

Mirajane: "What did she mean by play with you?"

Lathaniel:" U-uhhh, calm down... I can explain. *Quietly* Master, please help me..."

Lathaniel looked over to the guys to find them pretending to be asleep.

Lathaniel: "they pretending to be asleep?!"

Lathaniel fell backwards and started to scoot away as Mirajane, Cana,Juvi,lucy, Juvia and Erza slowly approached him.

Juvi: well...i guess you can 'play' with us.....'seductive smiled'

Lathaniel: "L-look, I can explain..wait a minute.....what..the?! NO! DON'T TOUCH ME DOWN THERE!!!.A ..AHHHHHH!!!#!"

Lathaniel's back hit the wall and a scared look came on to his face.

Lathaniel: <R-Ruingall, where are you..? I'm scared...>

The scene shifted to the outside of the Guild Hall.

Lathaniel: "WAAAAAAAGH!"

Natsu: "Poor Lathaniel."

Gray: "He must be suffering way more than we are..."

Rey: rest in peace...l

Makarov: *Fake Snoring*

Alex: He going to be raped.

Wendy: "Oni-chan, let's go play outside again..."

The Next Day...

The Guild Hall was almost completely trashed, as if a tornado swept through and destroyed everything. Lathaniel was down on the ground on his frontside covered in bruises kiss & bite marks, while Gray and Natsu were asleep on the ground on their backs. The Ladies were all sitting on the stools at the bar with their heads on the table sleeping.

Lathaniel: "G-Guys?"

Natsu, Ren, Happy, Alex,reyand Gray: "H-huh?"

Lathaniel: "Let's make an oath not to be around the ladies when they get drunk together like this again."

Gray and Natsu: "Agreed..."

Alex\rey: Ok

Happy and Ren: "A-aye..."

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