chapter× 14: Dancing under the moon

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A few days have passed since Fairy Tail gained their strongest members back.

Natsu: "Alright! I think it's about time we go on another job!"

Lathaniel: "Sure, why not. Let's take a look at what we've got."

They look over the job request board for a good paying job.

Happy: "Why don't we try this one?"

Natsu takes the paper and reads it over with Lathaniel and Ren.

Ren: "Seems easy enough. All we have to do is catch this person right?"

Lathaniel: "His name's Velveno, and he escaped from prison. He has a bounty of 4,000,000 Jewel."

Lucy: "Seriously? All right! I'm broke so I'm in need of cash anyways!"

Lucy&Juvi was reading the wanted poster behind the boys.

Juvi: "Well? What are we waiting for?"

Happy: "Well we need to decide if we're going to take it or not."

Lathaniel: "Why shouldn't we take it? It pays well and we don't have much money left. Let's do it."

Lucy: *Takes wanted poster* "Now that I think about it, this job looks familiar. Didn't Gray almost take a job like this?"

Juvi: "This is the same one, but back then the bounty was only 400,000 Jewel"

Natsu: "For some reason he's way more valuable than he used to be."

Lucy: "I wonder who the client is."

Lathaniel: "Some person named Count Balsamico."

Natsu: "Pffft, that's a pretty sour sounding name!"

Happy grabbed a random bottle reading "Balsamico de Modena"

Happy: "It'll go great on salads!"

Macao: "Count Balsamico? You know rumor has it that Velveno is going to appear at the magical ball the Balsamico family is throwing this year."

Natsu: "What are you talking about?"

Wakaba: "They throw a party every 6 or 7 years. It's a very exclusive event. You gotta be a wizard to even get through the door! The next party is happening this Saturday."

Happy: "Then let's crash his party and walk out 4,000,000 Jewel richer!"

Natsu: "Sounds like a plan! I'm fired up!"

Lucy: "This is great! But one thing..."

Natsu and Happy started to run out before they stopped thanks to Lucy.

Lucy: "If we're gonna go to this high class ball, we're going to need to work on our dance moves."

Happy: "Huhhh?!"

Natsu: "Our dance moves?!"

They all went outside so Lucy could teach Natsu how to dance. Almost as soon as they started Natsu stepped on Lucy's foot.

Romeo: "I don't get it. What are they doing? It looks super weird."

Lathaniel: "It's called Ballroom Dancing. It's seen in lots of high class social events."

Romeo: "So is it some kind of foot stomping contest? I just saw Natsu step on Lucy's foot."

Kinana: "No, it's more like the opposite of that."

Mirajane: "If you learn how to move like this, you could meet a stranger at a ballroom and dance in perfect synch."

Romeo and Kinana: "That sounds so cool!"

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