Lemon chapter:Lathaniel x Mirajane

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LEMON WARNING: In case the Mature Content warning wasn't enough, this is another warning, There is LEMON in this chapter, you have been warned...

Team Natsu continued to watch Lisanna's reunion with Mirajane and Elfman for a moment before everyone but Lathaniel went home. Lathaniel smiled for a moment before he turned around and started to head home with Ren. Mirajane noticed and quickly called out his name.

Mirajane: "Lathaniel!"

Lathaniel stopped walking and turned around to see Mirajane running towards him. Lathaniel caught her and they both embraced each other.

Mirajane: "Thank you... I'm not sure what's going on, but I know you had something to do with it, thank you..."

Lathaniel: "It's fine Mirajane. If you're happy, then that's all I could ever want."

Mirajane then kissed Lathaniel on the spot, surprising Elfman and Lisanna. Even Lathaniel was caught off guard from it for a moment before returning the kiss.

Lisanna: "Eeeh?! W-When did this happen?"

Elfman: "Big Sis Mira and Lathaniel are...?!"

They broke the kiss and faced Lisanna and Elfman while holding hands. Lathaniel was rubbing the back of his head with his free arm.

Lathaniel: "Hehe, we were going to tell you soon actually, so now was as good a time as ever."

Mirajane: "I can explain on the way back to the house, come on!"

Mirajane started to walk off towards the Strauss' house, and Lathaniel walked right next to her. Lisanna and Elfman ran to catch up to them and Mirajane explained when they got together and how. They were nearing the house and walked in just as Mirajane finished the story.

Mirajane: "And then we kissed under the fireworks, and it was so romantic!"

Lisanna: "W-Wow..."

Elfman: "Congratulations you two. Why don't we celebrate Lisanna's return for now? Oh, and Lathaniel..."

He placed his hand on Lathaniel's shoulder and spoke quietly.

Elfman: "Take care of Sis, would you?"

Lathaniel: "S-Sure thing..."

Mirajane then went to make food for their small celebration. Their laughter went into the night until Elfman and Lisanna both fell asleep. Lathaniel helped Mirajane bring them up into their beds, and then entered Mirajane's room.

Lathaniel: "Talk about heavy... Elfman is every bit as heavy as he seems. So, why did you want me to come into your room?"

Mirajane: "Well, I was wondering if your wanted to do a private celebration of our own~"

Mirajane wrapped her arms around Lathaniel's neck.

Lathaniel: "Sounds good to me, what did you have in mind."

Mirajane said nothing and simply leaned in to kiss Lathaniel on the lips, Lathaniel returning it as he realized what Mirajane meant. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and they continued to kiss before separating to breathe.

Mirajane: "It's my first time...please be gentle..."

Lathaniel: "It's my first time as well. I don't know if I can hold myself back though..."

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