Lemon chapter: Lathaniel x lucy

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LEMON WARNING: In case the Mature Content warning wasn't enough, this is another warning, There is LEMON in this chapter, you have been warned...

Team Natsu continued to watch the Strauss reunion for a moment before they all went home. was walking together with Lucy to their homes, holding hands. Ren was right next to them.

Ren: "I'll leave you guys along for a bit. I'll be relaxing with my mom for a while."

Lathaniel: "Sure, be safe Ren."

Ren: "You too."

Ren flew off in the direction the Exceeds had left, leaving just Lucy and Lathaniel together in the rain. They finally arrived and stopped in front of Lucy's house.

Lathaniel: "Well, this is your stop. I'll see you tomorrow?"

He loosened his grip on her hand and walked away, but Lucy refused to let go, even tugging on his arm slightly. Lathaniel turned back around and looked back at her. she was looking down, and had a blush on her face.

Lathaniel: "Hm?"

Lucy: "N-now that you're free, do you want to stay at my place for a bit?"

Lathaniel: "Sure, why not?"

Lucy slowly pulled Lathaniel into her home, and Lathaniel let her do as she wished. She led him up to her bedroom and sat him down on her bed. Both of their clothes were soaked with water from the rain.

Lathaniel: "At this rate, our cloths might soak your bed."

Lucy said nothing as she slowly straddled him.

Lathaniel: "Lucy?"

Lucy: "Then, maybe we should t-take our clothes off."

She went in to kiss Lathaniel, and Lathaniel, realizing what she wanted to do, moved in to kiss her as well. Their tongues twirled around each other during their lip-lock, only separating when they needed some air. Lathaniel'shands wandered up to her chest and slowly kneaded her breasts from over her clothes, causing a gentle moan to escape Lucy's mouth during the kiss.

Lucy: "Lathaniel... please be gentle, it's my first time."

Lathaniel slowly felt a blush creep onto his face as he continued kissing Lucy, slowly stripping off her clothing before starting on his own. Their wet clothes were thrown onto the floor as their session of love making continued.

Lucy: "S-So big..."

Lucy went onto her knees and started to rub Lathaniel's now erect member with her hand before slowly taking it into her mouth.

Lathaniel: "That feels so good..."

His head went back slightly as Lucy slowly began bobbing her head up and down on his cock. Slowly going faster as she continued.

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