gag chapter: girl shopping

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Lathaniel was walking down to the Guild Hall when he heard a loud scream behind him. He turned around and saw a rather large group of girls running towards him.

Lathaniel: "Oh you've got to be kidding me..."

"Lathaniel! Look over here!"

"Can I have your autograph?"

"Hey! Get in line!"

Within seconds he was surrounded by the group of girls as the people in the Guild watched on from inside. Lathaniel had a small smile on his face as he tried to diffuse the crowd.

Wakaba: "I knew he was getting popular recently but this is just ridiculous!"

Macao: "It was bound to happen sooner or later. He became an wizard saint without having to do that thing. News of that was bound to spread like a wild fire."

Erza, Mirajane, Cana, Lucy,Juvi,juvia and Lisanna all watched on in jealousy. It just so happened that Millianna was in there with them on a small visit.

Erza: "..." <He's giving them so much attention.>

Mirajane: "R-right, he is popular now so I guess this is normal..."

Lisanna: "That must be it big sis!"

Cana: "I don't care *keeps drinking*"

Lucy&Juvi: we don't neither.....

Juvia: 'why Okami-sama look at me'

Millianna: *Mutter* "I should be the one he gives attention to..."

Eventually, Lathaniel made his way through the crowd and managed to enter the Guild Hall. As the doors opened for him to enter, everyone acted like normal.

Lathaniel: "Hey everyone... *realizes everyone is quiet.* Uh, did something happen?"

Everyone: "Nothing, nothing at all."

Natsu: "They were all getting jealous cause you-"

Almost instantly Natsu&Gajeel was beat down by everyone.

Gajeel: i didn't say anything!

Lathaniel: "Huh?"

He noticed that Millianna, Mirajane, Erza, Lucy,Juvi,juvia Lisanna, and Cana were all sitting together. He walked over to them.

Lathaniel: "Do you girls know why everyone is acting so weird?"

Girls: "No, not at all."

He felt a tug on his jacket and turned to see Wendy.

Wendy: "Do you have time today?"

Lathaniel: "Yeah, I guess. Why?"

Wendy: "Can we go out into town and go shopping then?"

Lathaniel: "I don't see why not."

At that moment, all the girls at the table stood up, causing Lathaniel to turn and face them.

Erza: "I-I'll go with you. I need to go clothes shopping anyway."

Lathaniel: <Doesn't she already have tons of armor to wear?> "S-sure thing."

Mirajane: "I need to go pick up some supplies for the Guild Hall! I'll come too!"

Lathaniel: <Well, the Guild Hall already has enough of everything, but okay.> "Uh.."

Cana: "I'm going to get some more booze."

Lisanna: "I'll help out Mirajane!"

Millianna: "I want to play with Ren more so I'll come too."

Juvi,Lucy,&Juvia: us too!!

Lathaniel: "Ummm."

Lathaniel was dragged out of the door by the girls, and everyone stared on at him in silence.

Meanwhile, Lathaniel was walking around town with Wendy as Mirajane, Erza,Lucy,Juvi ,juvia,Lisanna, Cana, and Millianna. Millianna was practically squeezing Ren, while everyone else was looking off to the side.

Timeskip to end of trip.

Lathaniel was walking back to the Guild Hall behind the girls, carrying an extreme amount of stuff that the girls all bought. They all had content look on their faces because Lathaniel helped them out with everything.

Lathaniel: <Why does this only happen to me..?>

The girls then stopped walking, causing Lathaniel to stop to.

Girls: "Umm, we're sorry for making you carry around all of that."

Lathaniel: *Smile* "I don't mind, as long as you all can be happy."

The Girls then turned around and kept walking to the Guild Hall, but they all has smiles&blushing on their faces.

Lathaniel: <This is normal, isn't it? So why are they apologizing?>

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