special chapter: A Fairy Tail Christmas

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was the time of Christmas and everyone in Magnolia was ready to celebrate. A few days before Christmas, everyone was in the hall chatting away.

Lathaniel: <What should I get people for Christmas? There's so many people to think about...>

Natsu: "Hey,Lathaniel! Something wrong?"

Lathaniel: "No, it's nothing. Do you need something?"

Natsu: "Nah, just hanging around..."

Lathaniel: "That so?"

Natsu: "Hey, so if you wanted something for Christmas, what would it be?"

Lathaniel: "Huh?"

Lathaniel was completely unaware of some of the people around the hall listening in on his conversation, specifically: Erza,Juvi,lucy,juvia, Mirajane, Lisanna, Wendy, Millianna, who happened to be in town, and Cana.

Lathaniel: "Now that you bring it up, I actually haven't given it much thought. What brought this up?"

Natsu: "Well, you see, some people-"

Natsu felt stares digging into his back.

Natsu: "Uh, I mean... I was just wondering is all!"

Lathaniel: "Oookay?"

Lathaniel got up and left the Guild Hall.

Lathaniel: <It's about time to start picking out gifts...>

He was walking through a street full of different stores and started looking around.

Lathaniel: "For Natsu... maybe just giving him a fight would be good enough. I'm just gonna get Happy and Ren some fish... Wendy&Juvi like baking, so maybe some cooking utensils? For Erza... maybe some new armor? Mira might like a new dress. Lisanna... a stuffed animal? Millianna's here too, maybe I'll give her a stuffed cat. Cana.. hmm..."

Lathaniel stopped for a moment and began to wonder.

Lathaniel: "Maybe some magic cards? Ahh, there's so much to do!"

He rubbed his head slightly as he continued walking through town.


It was Christmas Day, and inside the Guild Hall, every member of Fairy Tail was partying and celebrating about. Makarov stood atop the center stage. Lathaniel had given all the gifts he bought to everyone he got them for. The Girls were especially happy. (Natsu was given a ticket that let him challenge Lathaniel at any time, but it had to be at least a week after it was given)

Makarov: "Alrighty Everyone! It's time to play a special game I've prepared!"

Everyone looked over at Makarov.

Makarov: "It's time to play the Mistletoe Game!"

Everyone cheered on, with the exception of a few members.

Makarov: "There will be 2 Mistletoes floating around the Guild Hall, and the 2 people it stops under must kiss! There are no rules as to what the kiss can be! Therefore indirect kisses and kisses on the cheek will count! Of course, you can always drop out! Now, without further wait, let the games begin!"

As Makarov had said, two Mistletoes floated around the Guild Hall, with most of the men praying that they don't have to kiss another guy. Finally, the Mistletoes stopped after moving for a few seconds.

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