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Team Natsu, and their latest additions, Wendy Marvell, and Carla, her cat, were on a boat heading to Hargeon Port so that they can get back to Fairy Tail. Natsu and Lathaniel were running around the deck of the boat with their arms swinging around happily in the air. Happy and Ren were flying right next to them.

Lathaniel: "Riding on a boat without getting motion sick is awesome!"

Natsu: "So this is what it feels like? So cool!"

Wendy: "Oh, ummm, I should mention, Troia doesn't-"

Lathaniel suddenly crashed back on the ground as he became motion sick again.

Wendy: "Last... permanently..."

Lathaniel: "Urgh..."

Eventually Natsu fell back over as well and got motion sick along with Lathaniel.

Natsu: "Awww man... Can you cast it again Wendy?"

Wendy: "I'm sorry, Troia gets less effective the more you use it so you should save using it for later."

Gray: "Looks like it's back to barf bags for them."

Lucy started laughing at the two DragonSlayers while Happy began to flirt with Carla. Ren was trying to help Lathaniel recover.

Wendy: "I can't believe we're joining Fairy Tail! This is so exciting!"

Lucy &Juvi then revealed that she also gained another three Gate keys, Zodiac Keys to be exact. Hargeon port then revealed itself over the horizon and Ren carried Lathaniel back into the ship to rest. After Ren left, Lathaniel start to think to himself.

Lathaniel: "Ugh... why does Troia have to be limited..."

Lathaniel: <Why do I feel so uneasy about me and Erza now..? We're together, but it's almost like she cares about Jellal more than anything...>


Erza: "He's gone again... and I couldn't do anything about it..."

Flashback End

Lathaniel turned in his bed and turned his back towards the door while motion sickness continued to take a hold on him. Erza then came in and shut the door behind her.

Erza: "Lathaniel."

Lathaniel slowly turned over and saw Erza.

Lathaniel: "S-sorry you have to see me -urk- like this..."

Erza: "It's fine, don't worry about it. If anything..."

Erza started to blush slightly.

Erza: "This side of you is c-cute to see."

Lathaniel: "You... don't have to force yourself to say it... if you aren't comfortable with it yet... But it's adorable to see you try..."

A small pile of steam came out of Erza's head as she spoke after hearing Lathaniel's compliment.

Erza: "I-I see... I read in a book once that couples call each other cute all the time... was that wrong then?"

Lathaniel: "W-well... couples do call each other cute... just not all the time..."

The Boat then sounded it's horn, signifying that they were close to land. Lathaniel slowly started to get up, but had to be helped by Erza.

As they walked towards the exit leading into the deck, they continued their conversation.

Lathaniel: "Sorry for making you do this..."

Erza: "I don't mind... after all, we are d-dating now..."

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