Epilogue lucy route: Heartful Romance

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was on the way back to his home in the evening after the job", his hands in his pocket as he walked. Although, he took a slight detour to a park to see a bit more of Magnolia to see if it changed anywhere else. There, he spotted Lucy sitting by a tree. Lathaniel quietly approached and sat down next to her, tapping on her shoulder. Lucy turned her head and saw Lathaniel.

Lucy: "Lathaniel, what's up?"

Lathaniel: "Why were you crying?"

Lucy: "I- I wasn't crying..."

She stayed silent for a moment before hugging him before she spoke again in a saddened voice.

Lathaniel: "Lucy..?"

Lucy: "My dad died..."

Lathaniel's mouth gaped open in response, not expecting to hear that news from her. His arms wrapped around Lucy in an embrace.

Lathaniel: "I'm sorry to hear that..."

Lucy: "It's weird... I went and visited his grave, and I couldn't cry then, and even now, when you're here, and I'm thinking about it, I still can't cry..."

Lathaniel: "I see... although I'm sure you're thinking it's because of your relationship, I just don't think so."

Lucy turned her head slightly to look at Lathaniel.

Lathaniel: "I just think that maybe, you still haven't accepted the reality of the situation-"

"There you are!"

Suddenly, a familiar, large, purple haired lady wearing Lucy's clothes ran up to the couple, suddenly grabbing Lucy and pulling her away.

Lucy: "L-Landlady?! H-Help me! Lathaniel!"

Lathaniel: "What the-?! She's so fast..! Landlady! Wait up!"

Lathaniel quickly got up and ran after the Landlady, just barely arriving back at their homes in time to see the Landlady carry Lucy into her house. Lathaniel dashed in right after, noticing that the Landlady had been taking care of Lucy's house while she was gone as well. He then went up to Lucy's room and saw the Landlady standing outside, audible cries being heard from Lucy's room.

Landlady: "Go to her boy, she probably needs you right about now."

Lathaniel nodded and entered Lucy's room, seeing 7 different present boxes in the room, all of which were from her father, the last gift happened to be able to cover the entirety of Lucy's debt to the Landlady for the house. In the middle of her room, was a crying Lucy, holding on to a letter from her father. He approached Lucy and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Almost right away Lucy turned and tackled him in a hug, catching Lathaniel off guard and sending him to the ground as he caught her.

Lathaniel: "I knew you would cry eventually..."

Lucy: "I... I miss him so much! *sob*"

Lathaniel: "Shh, it's ok, I'm here..."

The sound of Lucy's sobs would fill the room for a while, and Lathaniel sat there the entire time to comfort her, sitting with her on her bed until she managed to calm down.

Lucy: "Thank you for staying Lathaniel."

Lathaniel: "Sure. I'll go ahead and leave you for now then, I'm sure you want time to yourself."

Lathaniel started to get up to leave, but was pulled back down by Lucy.

Lucy: "Is it alright for you to stay a bit longer?"

He took one look at her face and couldn't tell himself to go. He sat back down on the bed and wrapped an arm around her body.

Lathaniel: "I guess I can stay a bit longer."

Lucy: "Thank you..."

They stayed like that for a while until a familiar voice called out to them.

Natsu: "Lathaniel! Lucy! I found a quest to go on! We're gonna go get some money and buy you both some food!"

The sound of Natsu running off could be heard, Happy and Ren flying after them. Lathaniel smiled and laughed for a moment before getting up off the bed and holding a hand for Lucy.

Lathaniel: "We may not want to live in this new life we have, but there's nothing to be done about it. Let's go."

Lucy wiped the last of her tears before smiling and taking his hand.

Lucy: "Yeah... you're right. Let's go! Natsu! Wait for us!"

Lathaniel ran out the door with Lucy in tow, running after Natsu, Ren and Happy, ready to live out their lives in this new time and day.

Months later........

Lucy: Lathaniel!

Lathaniel: hm? What's wrong Lucy?

Lucy: look what I've brought! 'pulls out two earrings and a ring'

Lathaniel: two Earrings and a ring?

Lucy: They're matching! L in yellow comes from lucy & the other L in blue from Lathaniel. The ring is yours.

Lathaniel: are we supposed to wear them seriously?

Lucy: Of course we are wearing them! It's symbolic.

Lathaniel: oh yeah.........lucy i have to ask you something...

Lucy: what is it?

Lathaniel:um...'gets on one knee' will you continue to be my partner for the rest of your life? 'opens a small box'

'gets on one knee' will you continue to be my partner for the rest of your life? 'opens a small box'

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Lucy: 'grasping' Lathaniel....'hugs Lathaniel' of course i will! I'm so happy Lathaniel this is perfect!

4 Years later.....

Lucy: 😳....Lathaniel come over here quick!

Lathaniel: 'kicks down the door' LUCY! I'M HERE DID SOMETHING HAPPEN? 'sensed that lucy is pregnant' 'hugs lucy'

Ren: A baby!

7 years later.....(family life)

Lathaniel: 'Eating Lightning' oh yeah that's some good lightnin.

Hyde: 'amazed' awesome dad! Let me have some.

Lathaniel: ok..

Lucy: 'appeared out of nowhere' Hyde what are you doing?!

Lathaniel: (What in the. When did she?!) hey- Ow!

Lucy: ' smacked Lathaniel in the head & looks at Hyde' You know you aren't allowed to eat lighting or flames while you don't know about magic!

Hyde: I'm sorry mom i was just hungry. And why is dad is allow to but I'm not? It's not fair!

Lucy: hmm..come let's go home and make you dinner.

Hyde: Can we have pancakes and donnuts too?

Lucy: yeah,of course.

Lathaniel:WHAT? But when I asked you,you refused! Not fair!

Lucy: quiet and will give you chocolate chip cookies Lath.

Lathaniel&Hyde: yay!!😀

The world of fairy tail(lucy route):  END

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