chapter 5: Dragondroid

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Lathaniel and Natsu were sitting with Elfman near the bar area in Fairy Tail. Ren and Happy were sitting on the counter next to them. Wendy was deciding who to go on a job with first between Lucy or Levy. Gajeel was off next to Elfman eating some metal. Natsu was sitting and drinking out of a mug that had fire in it, and Lathaniel&Juvi was just watching everyone in the hall. Gray then walked in and stopped in front of Elfman, Natsu, and Lathaniel with a serious look on his face.

Lathaniel: "Where have you been all this time Gray?"

Elfman: "I haven't seen you in days. Did you take a vacation or something?"

Juvia then approached everyone.

Juvia: "Is something wrong? You seem troubled."

Gray: "...While I was on my way here I heard something crazy."

Natsu: "And that would be?"

Gray: "The rumor mill is running pretty hard around town. It's about a dragon sighting."

This information caught the attention of the 5 DragonSlayers in the Hall.

Happy: "A dragon sighting? Is it real?"

Natsu then jumped off his stool and walked past Gray.

Natsu: "You've got my attention now. Which dragon was it?"

Gray: "I didn't hear any names in particular."

Juvi: "Did you at least talk to the guy that talked to the dragon?"

Gray: "No, like I said, it's just a rumor going around right now. Apparently the person who started the rumor was some woman named Daphne, but she says there's more to the story. She said that she actually spoke with the dragon."

Natsu: "In person?! Is this true Gray?"

Gray: "I dunno but it's worth checking out right?"

Ren: "Where do we go to find her?"

Gray: "Go to The Rise Lodge. It's in the Western Wastelands."

Lathaniel: "Alright, let's go then. Ren, Happy, come on!"

Juvi:let's go tana!

Tana: aye! Juvi!

Ren and Happy: "Aye sir!"

The four of them then began to run towards the exit until Wendy went by.

Wendy: "Can I come along too? I won't bug you. I just wanna see if it's Grandeeney."

Lathaniel: "Of course you can come along Wendy."

Wendy: "Really? Thank you Big Brother!"

Natsu: "Gajeel, you gonna come along too?"

Gajeel: "Tagging around with you losers? Now why would I wanna do that?"

Juvi: "You aren't curious too Gajeel?"

Gajeel: "Heck if I care. You all should be listening to yourselves. You all hear the word Dragon and go off on a wild goose chase. Stories like this are for sucker bait, but I guess they caught one. It's pointless to keep your hopes up. I learned that the hard way a long time ago."

Natsu: "And what if it were Metalicana, what would you do then?"

Gajeel: "Ha! I would go and punch him in the face. I don't get why you all care so much about someone who abandoned you. But if you four feel that way, then be my guest and leave."

Wendy: "Does he really feel that way?"

Lucy: "I'll be that if it's really Metalicana he'll go running into her arms."

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