Well, adulting sucks

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Our parents arrived along with our Uncles and Aunts. Thanks to Maverick and his big mouth, we all got to endure the lecture from hell.

The five of us sat there as we listened to Dad lecture us.

"It's not that I don't know you're having sex because I do consider each one of you has gotten caught, Lakin," he said, looking at me.

"Can we please not revisit that unholy behavior? Once was enough," Nixon huffed.

"Anyway, we all know we can't keep you from doing god knows what. I sure in the hell can keep you from living in sin," he told us.

"Oh? So, when you and Ma lived together in college, was what? You just playing house," Larkin said to him.

"First, most of the time, we shared different rooms," Dad said.

"Until you got caught, after you lied to grampa and nana," Lyric added.

"That's not the point," he answered.

"No, your point is, do as I say, not as I do," I snapped. The five of us faced off against our dad.

When our uncles tried to step in, Ma stopped them. It was time Dad started handling us without our uncle's help.

"You will not talk to me that way," Dad ordered us.

"Or what? Will you send us to our room or put us on house arrest? In a few days, we're turning twenty-one," Luna added.

He looked at us as we looked at him, then Lex said something that surprised us all.

"Dad, we know you want what's best for us, but we're not those little kids anymore. We're adults. We have a year and a half left of college; then, we're all going to be leaving to have families of our own. Luna's already took that step, moving out on her own," Lex reasoned.

He looked at us and sat down in a chair. "You're right. The thought of you five going out into the world scares the hell out of me. When your mom went through all her health issues, we didn't know if we would even have kids. When we brought you into the world, we almost lost your mom. It scared me to death if we did, I would be alone raising the five of you because you remind me of her," he said truthfully.

"You love us as much as you love her," I said as everyone looked at me. That was the thing; we never accounted because we were part of Ma, and Dad loved her deeply, just like he loved us.

"Is that what you think? You'll lose us," Lyric said to him.

"It's hard not to think. I can't help it. As much as I've screw things up, I would do anything for you five. You're my children," he told us.

"And we'll still be your children. The only difference is now we'll be someone else's headache," Larkin smirked. Way to ruin a moment there, Lark.

Dad chuckled as we all hugged him.

"Now that we established the fact that you all are unholy, can we get down to the business of why we're here? Five devil children are turning twenty-one, which means you're now legal to cause damage," Nixon reminded us.

"Thanks, Nix," Dad sighed.

"Anytime, brother, anytime," he smirked.

"Look at this way, frick and frack turn twenty-one next month," Noah said, earning a look from Nixon.

"Yeah, good luck, brother, because our boys already hit that milestone," Nathan said, patting his back.

"You just had to ruin my moment, didn't you?" Nixon asked them.

"Yep," they both said as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I'll just be happy to have my demons out of the house next year," Nolan said emphatically.

"Thanks," Beau said, rolling his eyes.

We laughed because all of us Gray kids would come to school next year. Throw Beau and Brody into the mix, and you got one hell of a good time.

Dad caved once Ma talked some sense into him and whispered something in his ear. I don't even want to know what she told him, like ever.

Maverick finally accepted defeat after his plan backfired, twit. Will he ever learn? Nope.

As soon as our birthdays arrived our uncles, thought it would be awesome to give us alcohol. We all took a sip and promptly spat it on Dad. They laughed, he glared, and the next thing we knew, he chased his brothers as he beat their asses. In case anyone was wondering, yep, Dad could handle us; he let his brothers have the joy of dealing with us. He said it was payback for all the times they were little shits to him.

Yeah, we all decided alcohol wasn't for us. That stuff is nasty.

We celebrated and had cake, straight from the bakery. We had to keep Larkin from eating the entire thing. It was hard considering she threw a fork at our heads.

That was us getting off light. When we were younger, it was the worst. Let's see, one year, Larkin bit Lyric, stabbed Luna with her fork, punched Lex, and threw a knife at me. With Larkin and food, be careful. Good luck, Maverick. You will need it.

Then came the gifts. We all opened them, and Mia handed me hers.

"Mia, you didn't have to do this," I told her.

"I wanted to. Open it," Mia said excitedly.

I opened it, and my eyes widened as everyone watched us.

"Mia, this is a ring," I said to her.

"Yeah, I know. Michael helped me pick it out," Mia said happily.

I pulled it out and held it up. "It's an engagement ring."

"I know," Mia said.

I looked at her as she took the ring from my hand. "I wanted you to have something nice and forever. Lakin, you take care of me. You didn't give up on me. I don't want to give up on you," she said.

Then she turned to Michael as he instructed her what to do next. "Mia, get down on one knee and take her hand." I watched as she did as he told. "Now ask her," he prompted.

"Okay," Mia said. She turned to me. "Will you marry me, Lakin?"

I looked at her as her face showed hope. "Mia, I would love to marry you."

"You would?" Mia exclaimed. She turned to Michael. "Lakin wants to marry me. Isn't that awesome?"

"Very," he smiled at her.

My family watched as she took the ring and slid it onto my hand carefully. I placed my hands on her face, kissing her. Everyone cheered for us; it was the right choice since Mia was everything to me.

It was the perfect moment, and I couldn't be happier.

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