Voice of reason

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That night, my siblings, cousins, Dad, and uncles tried to comfort me. I hated this. I hated feeling like this. Just when I thought I was happy, something or someone comes along and ruins it. The worst feeling is a broken heart.

All I wanted to do was cry, and that's all I did. No matter what anyone said, it didn't matter. It shattered my heart.

Even when we were apart, I never went running to someone else. I stayed single. And if I did, I would have told the truth.

I lay on my bed, in the dark, crying alone. No one could offer me comfort except one person. I needed that person more than anyone, and they weren't here.

Then I felt two hands touch me. I turned to see Ma looking at me with a soft smile. I immediately hugged her as she comforted me. The one person I needed was here.

"It's okay, Lu. I'm here," she whispered as I cried.

Nixon looked at dad, "Good call, brother."

"Sometimes, a girl just needs her mother, and Mags is the only one that can help her," he said to him.

They left us alone as I sat there with Ma. She let me cry until I stopped. She reached over and turned on a light.

"I heard you had a rough night," she said.

"Oh, you know, a gun-wielding maniac and a lying boyfriend. It's the story of my life," I shrugged as she chuckled.

"That isn't funny," I huffed.

"Honey, you're a Gray. If it's one thing that helps us, it's having a sense of humor," she reasoned.

I sighed.

"Luna, this is just a bump. It'll get better," she told me.

"I doubt it. Major lied," I said.

"Did he?" Ma asked me.

"Huh?" I looked at her like she had two heads.

"Did you ever consider the fact he didn't tell you because it was a stupid mistake he didn't want to relive? That you also weren't together when it happened?" Ma asked.

"But he could have told me," I whined.

"And then what? You would have been angry because of it anyway," she explained.

I stood up. "Yeah, but I would have got over it."

She gave me a look. You know the one that says, yeah, right?

"Maybe," I shrugged.

"Luna, let me explain something, relationships aren't perfect. Trust me, I know. Your dad has been a major tool in ours," she told me.

"Hey!" Dad yelled.

"Do you deny it?" She yelled back.

"No, carry on," he grumbled.

She turned to me. "The point is, we got past it, and you will too."

"I just feel like no matter what I do, something always ruins my happiness," I said as I sat down next to her.

"Okay, then how about all those times Major was there for you. When you were in the hospital when someone tried to hurt you when you ran off on a whim and got married." She gave me a look.

"Then, he broke up with me," I reminded her.

"Only because he came to his damn senses unlike you, my little birdie," she said with a look.

"Whose side are you on?" I asked.

"It's not about sides; it's about love. Luna, when you love someone, no matter what, you find your way back to them. I did," she said as I looked at her, memory loss. Ma had lost her memory because of medication and of Dad. But her heart didn't.

It breaks my heart. How do you come back from that?

"I don't know," I said, shaking my head.

"Give it time. If Major loves you like, I think Major loves you; he will fight for you," she smiled.

In the next few days, our parents stayed along with our uncles and then went back home. My siblings let me be alone. As for Major, I kept my distance. I needed time. So much happened, and I was not ready to forgive him.

I saw him on campus. He was usually with Maverick or Michael, but I didn't approach him. I couldn't. No matter what, I couldn't.

Would we ever get back together? I didn't know. For now, I carried on with my business.

I was sitting in the living room, working on homework when Kain came into the house. He walked over and sat down.

"Can I help you?" I said, not looking up from my books.

"Maybe. See, there's this girl, and she's stubborn," he said.

I turned and gave him a look. "I know what you will say. You will make up some lame story about a girl, but it's about me."

"Well, twit, you're wrong. The story is about you. I'm not stupid, and I don't believe in using some nonexistent girl in talking to you," he told me.

"Did you come in here to bust my chops?" I asked him.

"Always," he smirked.

"Go bust Lex's chops," I told him.

"I would, but Lex is busy with Piper if you catch my drift." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ew, gross," I huffed.

"Anyway, Lu, look, I'm not good at this mushy crap. That's Kaiden, and even he sucks," he said.

"Is there a point to this?" I asked, getting irritated.

"My point is, you need to get off your high horse and realize, you have someone that cares about you. Even if Major is a dumbass," Kain remarked.

"Really?" I questioned him.

"Yes, really, I'm not sugar. I don't coat shit," Kain retorted.

"And you're annoying," I said.

"Eh, we all got to be something," he grinned.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Loverboy, made a stupid mistake while you two weren't together. He didn't tell you the truth because it's insignificant," Kain said.

"That makes no sense," I replied with an annoyed look.

"It makes perfect sense. Now pay attention. Anyway, would you want to tell someone you're madly in love with that you made the mistake of hooking up with some psycho dude? No, you would want to push that black hole far away as possible. Plus, from what I heard, she was a biter," he said.

I did a double-take.

"Give the tool a break, Luna. I'm pretty sure you're not as squeaky clean as you like to pretend," he smirked.

My eyes widened.

"Kain," I said through gritted teeth.

"Sweetheart, you forget we all went to school together. You also forgot I caught you many times with some random dude in the janitor's closet," he retorted.

I glared at him.

"Bet you didn't tell poor Major that little tidbit. Or did you hand him some lame story about how you couldn't get a guy?" Kain questioned me.

"You wouldn't?" I asked, praying he didn't do what I think he did.

"Oh, but I would. I'm a Gray, it's my duty to throw another Gray under the bus, and yep, I threw you under and ran over you twice. Good luck, cuz," he said with a smirk as he patted my back before getting up to leave.

Great, I know for a fact Kain told Major, and I also knew for an event, everyone else knows now. The one thing Kain doesn't do is a lie. He has no issue throwing people under the bus.

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