Chapter Three { Noah.. }

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-{ Teyana Pov}-

"Hey, I'm going step out for a little bit and take this phone call from Cj's school, be right back." I told Makayla as I answered the phone and she nodded. "Hello.." I answered.

"Goodmorning Mrs. Smith." The principal spoke.

"Goodmorning Mr. Stew. How can I help you this morning?" I asked him.

"I'm calling to inform you about your son, Christopher. There's seems to be a misunderstanding between him and another kid in his classroom and I was called and informed that your son pushed and threatened another child. Can you please come down to the school so we can talk about this?"

I sighed, "Y-Yeah, I'll be on my way." With that, I ended he phone call opening the door bumping into a few customers. "Thank you, come again." I smiled and they walked out the store.

"What happened?" Makayla asked me.

"Cj got in trouble at school. I have to go to the school now and talk to the principal. Your gonna be fine right?"

"Girl of course. Pregnant or not, I'll still whoop ass if I have to. Plus, I'm strapped under here." She said and I laughed shaking my head walking to my office, grabbing my things, and leaving out the shop.

* * *

I walked into the principal's office seeing him talking to Chris Jr while his lil ass was crying.

"Goodmorning," I said.

"Your here, great. Just in time. The teacher should be getting here any second." He said standing and walking over to his side of his desk. I sat down in the chair next to Cj.

"You okay baby?" I asked him. He nodded climbing into my lap. My son is 4 years old and hella smart. I'm sure he didn't do any of this for no reason. Whoever the kid was, was probably picking on my baby.

"I made it." Chris said walking in the office as well.

"Oh, Mr. Smith. It's nice seeing you, have a seat. We'll start as soon as -"

"Goodmorning." We all looked up seeing Cj's pre-k teacher.

"Morning.." I said.

"Okay Ms. Ann, you can come in and close the door." He said. She called the door sitting down next to me. "Would you care to explain to Chris's parents what happened?"

"Well.. the kids were playing. Next thing you know, we hear a scream and someone crying. I look back, and seen one of the kids on the floor crying holding his knee and your son was standing above him. The child also said -"

"Standing above him? That doesn't even sound like my son." I said cutting her off.

"Ma'am, I seen what I seen." She said. I rolled my eyes and Chris rubbed my thigh.

"Do you know exactly what harpies and what could've lead to that happening Ms. Ann?" The principal asked.

"No sir, I do not. But -"

"Where is the kid? I rather hear the story from him than her. She doesn't even know what happened. How you except to fuss my child about something that y'all don't even know the full story of?"

"Babe, calm down," Chris said rubbing my thigh again and I sighed kissing Cj's cheek as he laid on my chest.

"This is some bull." I mumbled.

"I'll go get him right now. Oh, and his father is here as well." She said.

"Okay, and?" I asked with attitude.

"Mrs. Smith, she was talking to me." The principal said.

"And I was talking to - You know what, never mind."

"Breathe." Chris whispered to me. I took a deep breath then in walked the teacher and the little boy. He had a band-aid on his knee.

"Where's his father?" The principal asked.

"I'm right here,"

The dude walked in. He looked really familiar. I remember seeing him somewhere, but I couldn't pin my finger on it.

I felt like I knew him.

"Goodmorning Mr..."

"Franks. Noah Franks." He said as they shook hands.

That's when it hit me. I remember him from 3 years ago when he helped me with the kids at the park and the media went crazy thinking I was cheating on Chris.

"Have a seat." He said.

"Yes sir, thank you."

Noah looked at me, "Teyana?" He asked smiling.

"Hi.." I said a little nervous because Christopher was sitting right here. I could see him staring at Noah in the corner of my eye.

"Alright let's continue this.." The principal said.

* * *

After the parent meeting, Chris and I just decided to sign Cj out for the rest of the day.

There was no point of the damn meeting anyways because they still didn't fucking listen and thought that Cj was doing it on purpose. I know my son, he isn't a bully.

He doesn't bully his little brother or sister, so I know for a fact, he didn't do it to that child.

The meeting was also a little uncomfortable too. Noah kept staring at me and winking at me, and I really wasn't feeling it.

* * *

"Hey Teyana, can I talk to you for a minute?" Noah asked.

"Yeah, you can talk to us." Chris said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Babe.." I chuckled, looking up at him.

"What? He wants to talk to us." He said.

"Chris, Go." I said pointing to the car. He sighed then kissed my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too, now go." I said and he looked at Noah then begin walking away with Cj behind him. I turned back to Noah. "So, what's up? How you been?"

"I've been pretty good, I see you've been doing good. Congrats on the marriage."

"Thanks. I see you have a child now, he's so cute. But, he got my baby in trouble so I'm not his friend right now."

Noah chuckled, "They're kids, they'll get over it." He said. "I'm sure it wasn't nothing that serious anyways." He said.

"Yeah.." i said looking at the ground.

"So how's the other kids? You know, the babies."

"They're doing good, they're good. Running around and growing up that is. Aubrey is a lil sassy princess, and Cameron is just following behind his siblings." I explained.

"Oh." He laughed a little.

"Yeah.. Well, it was nice meeting you again." I said breaking the silence.

"Of course, it was nice seeing you too." I begin walking away. "Wait, can I at least get a friendly hug goodbye?"

I felt Chris looking at me. "Um..I don't think that's a good idea.." i said.

"Oh come on." He grabbed my hand.

"Aye man!" Chris said coming over to us and grabbing my hand. "Don't grab my wife's hand like that. Hell wrong with you?"

"Damn dude, it's just a FRIENDLY hug, trippin for." You heard her, it's not a idea! So stop trying to hug her, desperate ass. Come on bae." Chris wrapped his arm around me and turned me away.

I knew he was highly jealous.


Chris Was Jelly Jelly ! 😬😂
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