Chapter 82 { Pissed... }

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"Damn Tori, come on now!" Geno said struggling to carry Tori in the room. I laughed seeing how drunk she was because she was trying to kiss on Geno.

Girl trynna fuck.

"Put her ass right here." Devon said standing behind the chair. Geno did as told and Tori looked up.


"M! Bitch!" Devon knocked Tori out with a brick.

"Damn Dev," Geno said. I took a deep breath and started tying her to the chair. I stood there watching.

"Y'all got Akella coming?" I asked the guys behind us. We had a few guys from our team just in case we caught or someone seen. If anyone came by, dead.

"Yeah Frank coming down the street now with her. He said she being hella annoying too and she ain't shutting up." One of the boys said.

"Shit, I gotta knock her ass out too?" Devon said picking up the brick. Devon looked at me. "Chris, you good?" He asked.

Everyone looked at me. I was thinking about if we should really kill Tori or not. I'm still kinda of stuck on if I really should or not.

"Chris!" Devin said snapping me out my thoughts. "Are you good bro?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine.." I said.

"Lemme talk to my lil brother right quick yo. Aye Geno, watch her and y'all be on the lookout for Akella in case they come. Come on Chris." Devon put his arm around my neck. We walked out the room and to the living room. "What's wrong man? You look scared as fuck." He said lighting up a blunt.

"Ion know man. I can't kill her." I looked out the window. "Farrah needs her mother.." I added.

Devon sighed, "Chris what are you saying? Dad got a daughter, we killed him! She needed her daddy but his bitch ass got killed! So what!?" He exclaimed. "What happened to you? You use to be so down with shit like this. Now you changing your mind and shit? She and bitch threatened to kill my niece and sister, that shit ain't finna fly with me! You know how I am about my family!" He yelled and started getting a little teary eyed.

"Can we at least like scare they ass or something? Don't kill her!" I said.

"So you want these motherfuckers to walk out here alive? That's what you want?"

"I mean, I don't care about Akella. She a snake. I'm talking about Tori, don't do it. Farrah is way to young. You know Bobbie ain't fit to be no full time dad." I explained to him.

"Boobie got hoes that could play her step mama. She gonna be alright."

"Devon you don't get it man! You can't take this child's mother away from her! Put Valerie in her situation!"

"Aye dont compared my girl to that bitch."

"If somebody was coming for her head and you was all out doing shit like Boobie, and somebody wanted to kill her, you know you wouldn't want the kids to be raised by strangers! Cause they prolly gonna end up taking Farrah away from Boobie crazy ass, then she's gonna be in a foster home!" I explained to him.

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