Chapter Seven { Drunk }

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-{ Makayla Pov}-

"Took you long enough." I said standing greeting Vincent. He laughed hugging me tightly then kneeled down kissing my stomach.

"Where's Teyana?"

I pointed inside the bar. "Be careful, she's drunk. And when she's drunk, she's crazy." I warned him.

He sighed. "Man.. i don't know why Chris couldn't come his own damn self. I know he has kids and everything but don't they have a nanny? Hell nah, Ian dealing with Teyana drunk ass on my own." He pulled his phone out calling somebody.

I laughed a little seeing how frustrated he was getting..

"Who you calling?" I asked.


-{ Teyana Pov}-

I sat down for a good minute after dancing wit Yoni on the dance floor.

"Bitch, that was fun!" Yoni laughed sitting in front of me.

"I know right!" I laughed. I looked around not seeing Makayla. "Where's Makayla?" I asked.

Yoni shrugged, "Don't know, and really don't care." She laughed. "I don't even know why you hang out wit her honestly. She's boring and can't do shit because she's pregnant."

I shrugged looking away. "I hope she didn't leave," i said.

I noticed Yoni roll her eyes looking away.

-{ Yoni's Pov }-

I really don't know why Teyana still likes to hang around Makayla. She's boring and rude as fuck.

Who wants to be around that?

I understand she's pregnant and everything, but still. She didn't even dance with us tonight. She complained the whole entire time. Only time she didn't complain was when she was stuffing her fat ass face.

I'm going to do my best to keep Teyana away from that energy and show her the life she's been missing. By that, I mean getting out more and meeting new people. By new people, I don't mean men because I know she's married, but I'm talking about girls. She doesn't really hang around any other female besides Makayla.

But soon, all that will change.

Next thing you know, Teyana is going to be my best friend and Makayla dumb boring ass will just be at home. I don't know how she's still with her "husband" when she's obviously still has love for a man that's she's PREGNANT for.

Talk about a hoe..

* * *

"Hey, what happened? Y'all done partying?" 2 guys asked approaching us.

"No, we're tired and taking a break." Teyana answered.

"You know, your pretty." One of them said grabbing Teyana's hand.

"Um.. look at the hand, there's a ring buddy. Back off." She removes her hand.

The friend looked at me, "You married too?"

"You see a ring?"

He laughed, "Alright, you got that one." He said. "In that case, take my number. Call me tomorrow." He said.

"I want to dare you ladies something.." One of them said. "Y'all down?"

I looked at Teyana and we both shrugged.

"We're down for whatever," Teyana smirked.

"Alright.. I dare you two to make out for 10 seconds, right here." He dared us.

I looked at Tey, "You down?" I asked her grinning. I really don't mind making out with her. Teyana's fine as fuck.

"A dare is a dare. Plus, I won't remember this anyways." She smirked standing in front of me and we started kissing. People stated cheering surrounding us.

We kissed more than 10 seconds. I counted. But I didn't stop her because I was enjoying every minute of it.

* * *

"TEYANA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!!" Someone yelled pulling her off of me. It was a light skin dude wit dreads and amazing teeth.



"LEAVE HER ALONE! SHE'S JUST HAVING FUN!" I yelled pulling Teyana back towards me.

"YOUR CRAZY!" Vincent yelled at me.

"Let's go." Devin grabbed Teyana's arm.

"GET OFF OF ME!" She screamed. They picked her up and left the bar. I sighed shaking my head. I looked on the counter seeing Teyana forgot her wallet.

I'll bring it tomorrow.

"What happened with ya friend?" One of the dudes asked.

I sipped my drink. "They don't want her to be great and have fun. They're jealous she hangs out with me more than them. Who cares?"

"Damn. I got that shit on video though. Kinda make my dick jump too." I looked at him and he was smirking. "Meet me in the bathroom in the back." He kissed my cheek then walked away. I giggled grabbing my wallet and Teyana's wallet making my way to the back.


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