Chapter 40 { Results Are In.. }

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"Kids, y'all got y'all shoes on?" I asked them closing my laptop. I was doing a few online shoppers and making sure some were getting shipped out.

"Mama, I cant find my shoe." Aubrey said.

"Where was the last place you had it Aubrey?" I asked her.

"I don't - Oh wait, I know!" She took off to the stairs. I laughed shaking my head and grabbed the car keys. The kids were about to go over to Chris's house for the weekend.

I opened the front door about to walk out but stopped seeing Chris walking on the steps.

"Oh, you didn't tell me you were coming get them." I said.

"That's because I'm not. I'm coming get all of you." He corrected.

"All of us? Oh no, I'm not one of your kids. You coming get them and -"

"And you too. We're going out for dinner as a FAMILY and I want you to come." He said grabbing my hand and kissing it. "You can't say no to me anyways. We're married, forgot?"

"Chris, stop." I blushed taking my hand away. He laughed wrapping his arm around me.

"I miss you Tey.." He said kissing my cheek like a baby.

"Mhm, I miss you too. But have you heard from the doctors yet? Cause you ain't coming back though this door till then." I said.

"Glad you said that," He grinned. He started reaching in his pockets. He then pulled out this yellow wrapped paper.  "Read it."

I took the paper and Chris walked in the house. I followed closing the door and walked to the island. I then started taking the paper out the already ripped open paper.

It was the results for Chris's possible disease from the chick.

I sighed closing my eyes saying a little prayer before reading anything on this paper. When I was done, I opened the paper and begin reading.

The girl's name was Tori.

When I realized it said Chris didn't have anything, I smiled.

"Thanks God.." I whispered.

I went to turn around when I came face to face with Chris's chest. I jumped and smacked his chest. "Don't scare me like that!" I said.

Chris laughed and wrapped his arms around me kissing my cheek and neck. "You read the results?"

"Yes, I have. And I'm happy. We done anything ." I smiled.

"I know right, happy as hell. But I'm confused to why Devin told me she did." He said shrugging putting the papers back in the envelope.

"Maybe she's going around saying it or there's rumors about her hoe ass." I said. Chris laughed sitting down in the chair. "So, have you learned your lesson?"

"Very much. I miss this house so much." He whined. "And I miss you. Every night." Chris said lying his head on my chest.

"Chris that really hurt me. Why did you even -"

"Baby I don't remember anything from that night. I was drinking so I forgot what happened. I know I haven't slept with nobody though. I woke up in my own bed, alone." He said. "If you don't believe me, you can -"

"I get Chris, I get it. Plus, Makayla been telling me everyday how Vincent said the girls wasn't for y'all. They were for Devin stupid ass." I said. "I'm going to believe toy, this time. But next time this happens, this paper," I picked up the envelope. "Would be our divorce papers." I said.

He smacked his lips, "Never in a million fucking years will me or you see another divorce paper." He said.

I laughed. "You ain't fully off the hook. I want you to get her a pregnancy test and if she's really pregnant with your child or if she's even pregnant really , I want to know if the baby is yours and if she's really pregnant." I told him.

"Wait, can I come back home?" He asked following me to the stairs.

"Yea you can. Because if she's actually pregnant with your child, your going to miss this house." I laughed and left him there thinking about what I said.

"Nobody is pregnant for me if it's not you." He said chuckling and passed me up on the stairs. "Oh yea, speaking of that. Aubrey told me you been throwing up earlier in the week. Especially after eating ice cream?" He smirked turning around at the top of the stairs facing me.

"Chris, I am not pregnant." I said passing him and walking to our bedroom.

"How do you know that? You know we don't use condoms." He smacked my ass following me in the bedroom and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"I'm not pregnant." I said.

"Did you take a test?" He asked.

"Nope. I don't need to because I know I'm not pregnant."

He smacked his lips, "After dinner, we getting a -"

Ding Dong!

After the doorbell rung, there was beating on the front door. I looked at Chris and he looked at me walking out the bedroom.

"Mommy, somebody's at the -"

"Go back in your rooms." I told the kids. "Lock the door," I added.

I followed Chris downstairs grabbing the handgun from under the couch.

Chris looked through the peephole.

"It's covered.."He whispered.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Stay back.." Chris told me. I sighed hiding behind the love seat.

"WHO IS IT?!" Chris yelled.



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