Chapter 90 { Father & Son Talk.. }

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| This Chapter Is Going To Be Really Short . |



"You want the radio on?" I asked Cj. He shook his head no and continued playing on his phone. I sighed.

I picked him up from school like Teyana told me. I'm not even gonna lie, I was a lil nervous to come get him because I know what I did was fucked up.

Ever since I came get him from school 10 minutes ago, he hasn't said anything to me except, "Hey".

"You alright?" I asked him. I stopped at the red light. I noticed him glance at me from the corner of his eyes then looked back at his phone like he didn't hear me. "Do I have to take your phone?"

"Why all of a sudden your here?! Where were you yesterday at my game? You knew I had a tournament yesterday, I'm sure everyone was calling you, and you never showed up! It hurts me seeing my other friends with their dad and mines wasn't there! Especially for my tournament! Your usually there!" He said. By this time, he was crying.

Now I feel like shit.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry Cj. I really am. I wasn't in my right state of mind and I didn't want to show up like that and embarrass you." I explained to him.

He shook his head, "Momma called you constantly. Over and over. You never answered. Then we went eat out somewhere and I couldn't eat because you wasn't there supporting me that whole day. Momma was crying after seeing something on Auntie Valerie's phone then we had to come home." He said wiping his tears from his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I don't know how many times I'm going to have to say it, I'm sorry! I'm already dealing with some stuff with your mama. I don't want to have bad blood with you either. I'm sorry man. Your my first child, my twin, my flesh and blood, I don't want you upset at me forever man. I'm sorry, I love you boy." I told him. He didn't say anything. "You hear me?"

"I want to go home." He simply said.

I pulled off from the light when it turned green. I know he's still mad at me right now. I'm going to have to give him some space for now and try to talk to him another time.

"I just want you to know that I love you." I said.

"Love you too." He mumbled sniffing.

If I can't rekindle things with my own son, I'm going to go crazy. It's different with Teyana, but with my own son, it's a whole 'nother ball game.

* * * * * * *

When we got to the store, Cj ran inside. I got out the truck locking the doors then walked into the house.

There were bags packed by the staircase. Teyana then came downstairs with another suitcase.

"How was school and practice Bud?" Tey asked putting the suitcase down and kissed Cj's forehead.

"It was good. What are we doing?" He asked her.

"Go pack your things." She told Cj. He nodded continuing to go upstairs. She then started coming downstairs some more.

"What's this?" I asked putting the car keys down.

"Exactly what it looks like Chris. I'm leaving and taking them with me. We're not together anymore so I rather move out and you can have those bitches and Geno here without having to dip and not tell anyone." She said.

Now that was petty.

"Really Teyana? Just talk to me for once man. I just want to -"


"So that's it? You just finna leave me? Where you finna go? It's gonna be a minute before you can get a good apartment around here, and I'm damn sure ain't finna have y'all living at a hotel or on the street."

"Yes that's it! Don't worry about where we're going to be. Just now we're going to be good." She replied.

"Mann..." I said and watched as she headed to the door with some of the suitcases.

"Would be helpful if you could help," She said.

"Nahh, I'm good." I said walking to the steps.

I heard her smack her lips. "Wow. Your a real asshole for that. I'll text you about getting a damn divorce and only other time I'll text you is if it's about the kids. Other than that, you can fuck yourself."

I shrugged my shoulders and continued walking upstairs.

Well, I won't try to get her back. I'm not going to try to talk my way back into the marriage.

If she wants to be done, we can be done.

It's going to take a lot for me to move on because I really don't picture myself with anyone other than Teyana.

But, it's not working out anymore because I had to fuck it up.

I guess it's time to move on.


Is That The End Of Them Two?

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