Chapter 31 { Freaky Deaky 💦 }

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"Mmm, Nanny loves her little sooo much!" I said kissing Alex cute self. She was soo adorable. She looks just like her dad. She so giggly and such a good baby. She barely cries.

"Girl, I don't get no damn sleep with her ass. I don't know how you and Chris do it. Vincent gets up more than me." She said watching us and I laughed.

"I hope Devin and I have a little girl." Valerie said. Makayla and I looked at each other then back at Valerie.

"I still can't believe he's having a baby." Makayla said shaking her head playing with Alex's pacifier. "With you too, surprising.." She said. Valerie looked at her.

"What's so surprising?" She asked crossing her arms frowning .

She shrugged, "I mean, my cousin in law ant a good boy how you think think. Plus, you aren't a good girl either. On second thought, y'all deserve each other."

"Okay Kay, that's enough."

Valerie rolled her eyes shaking her head. She then stood up. "I need to pee again," She left out the room.

We were in my woman's cave . It's was super cute. Since Chris has a man cave, I got my own woman cave. It's right by the living room so I could see the kids too.

* * * *

"She is so beautiful." I said watching Makayla feed Alex her bottle.

"Mama.." I looked up seeing Cj running in the room.

"Yes my baby." I pulled him into my lap and kissed his cheek running my hand over his head. My big boy was so handsome.

"When are we leaving?" He stared at Alex. She was staring back at him.

Remembering we had to go meet Noah and his son, Corey at the park so the boys could play for a little while.

"Shit, I forgot all about that. Go put your shoes on boo." I told him. "You coming ride?" I asked her.

"Where to?" She asked feeding her daughter.

"I'm dropping Cj off at Noah's house to play with his son for a little while." I answered.

"Yeah, I'll come. I don't want to be here alone with Valerie weird ass." I laughed standing up from the couch and Makayla and I walked out the women cave.

Entering the living room, Aubrey and Cameron were both knocked out on the floor by their toys. I laughed shaking my head and took them to their rooms putting them in their beds. I knew they were going to wear themselves out like this.

I went back downstairs and walked to Chris's studio. They had the music hella loud down here. Valerie even was down here. I knew her ass was going to leave us. i flicked the light making all look at me.

"Makayla and I are about to go bring Cj to Noah's house. Aubrey and Cam are upstairs in their beds sleeping. Making sure you have the speaker thing on for their rooms just in case they wake up."

Chris stood up walking over to me, "You dropping our son off over there?"

"Yes, what's wrong with that?" I asked.

"I don't want my son around him."

"Baby he's just going to be around his son. I doubt Noah will even be in the room with them." I said shrugging.

He sighed, "If they weren't here, I would've been coming my damn self." He said.

I rolled my eyes, "Chill out."

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