Chapter 91 { Come With Me.. }

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The Next Morning..

"Thanks for letting us stay here

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"Thanks for letting us stay here. I really appreciate it." I embraced Honey in a hug.

Since it was so late when we left, I called Honey and asked her for a place to crash at. She didn't mind if course.

I just let the kids stay at the house with Chris because they have school and I didn't want them to be tired. Chris already know he has to bring them to school too. 

"Omg, it's no problem! Besides, this was once your home." She grinned. I laughed.

"Yeah. It was. Glad to see you keeping it up. And don't worry, I won't be here long. Just trying to find somewhere to stay and then -"

"Honey, I'm about to head out." A man said. We both looked and my eyes widened seeing AUGUST.



"Teyana. What are you doing here?" He asked putting on his shirt. I laughed to myself. I'm not surprised he's here. Honey does have her way with men.

"I was in city for a little while for a show and my cousin here, let me crash at her place." He smiled putting his arm around Honey's neck.

Okay I take back what I said.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Honey asked.

"Yeah. We go way back down in New Orleans before we moved. How do you two know each other?" He asked us.

"We use to str -"

"Um! It's a long story!" I cut Honey off saying. August looked at us both a little weird like he kind of knew that something was up.

I know Honey doesn't probably mind telling people about her past, but it's different for me. The way I'm known now,  I don't want my personal life being exposed to new people.

"Um..Okay.." August said.

"I'm gonna go finish taking these bags out the truck." I said walking past them outside the door. I didn't take all the bags out the truck last night because I was hurt and just wanted to cry myself to sleep. 

I pressed the button on the key and waited as the truck popped up. I grabbed two of my big suitcases.

"Here, lemme get it." I looked up seeing August grabbing my suitcase.

"Oh, you don't have to. I got it, i promise." I stopped him.

"Come on Tey, I want to help. A woman shouldn't be doing this by herself." He said. He then reached in the trunk grabbing another suitcase.

"Thanks." I said.

"Matter fact, stop." He said. "Put this back in here. You and your kids can come live with me." He said putting the suitcases back in the trunk.

"Excuse me?" I chuckled. He then closed it.

"You heard me. You and your beautiful kids are coming live with me in Atlanta." He repeated.  

I laughed, "August I can't. You have -"

"I don't have anything. I want you to come. Plus, we can catch up how we use to." He grinned doing a little dance. I laughed realizing it was the dance me, him, and Makayla use to do when my grandma would put on music.

"Omg, you need to stop." I laughed.

"So. What do you say? I know you don't wanna live here. Honey be having niggas in here and shit. House be filled with the aroma of weed. I'm sure you know how she is." He said. I nodded looking away. I'm not really surprised. She must've got the divorce and is finally getting out.

"Um...Can I think about it? Because it's a lot. You know with my kids' dad being here and your trying to move us to Atlanta. It might just be too much, you know?"

"How about we think about it over dinner tonight?"


"You and me." He stepped closer to me. "We can go out tonight for dinner. Anywhere you wanna go, I'll pay. On me, everything." He said licking his lips. I immediately looked away before thinking something I shouldn't be thinking. "Girl you still thinking? You know you wanna say yes. Stop playing." He laughed playfully mushing my head.

"Okay, Okay! I'll come." I laughed. He smiled then pulled me into a hug. "Omg, you and these hugs!" I giggled.

"I mean I have to! It's been so long since I last seen you! Plus you look good." He bit his lip saying. I seen his head drop a little. That's when I got the intention that he was probably checking me out.

"Keep those up here pretty boy." I said plucking his head and pointing to my eyes.

He laughed surrendering his hands up, "Yes Ma'am. You just grew up." He said.

"We all have to grow up August." I said. "So, you leaving today?" We started walking back to the house.

"Nahh. Now that you coming with me, I'll stay another night. We'll just go out to eat tonight, then tomorrow we can get your kids and get on the jet to Atlanta."  He explained.


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