Chapter 59 { Found Mommy.. }

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"How does this look?" I asked Makayla, holding up the stress to my body allowing her to examine it

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"How does this look?" I asked Makayla, holding up the stress to my body allowing her to examine it.

"Hmm, it looks good. Not too inappropriate and not slutty either." She said.

"Yea cause you know the media know days." I said agreeing.

"Bitch please. Fuck the media. Your 31 years old, mother 3, girl you look good as fuck." She said. I smiled.

"Thank you. I go to the gym sometimes with Christopher when the kids aren't home. All natural baby, ain't no -"

"MOMMY!" I heard a little boy scream. Makayla and I looked back seeing Cameron running into the store.

I frowned, "Cameron?" I said. He ran to me hugging my legs. "Why are you running around this mall and where is your dad?" I asked him.

"He's at the shoe store with the others. I didn't want to be there anymore mommy. I missed you and wanted to come home. Daddy fussed me and so I ran off when he wasn't looking." He said and simply shrugged his shoulders. I sighed shaking my head.

"Is he even looking for you?" He shrugged sitting down.

"I want to stay with you mommy . I don't want to go back to daddy's house." He said shaking his head.

"Okay baby but Cameron don't be running around here like that again. Somebody could've easily taken tot away or something. Don't do it again, okay baby?" He nodded. "Sit right there until mommy and Auntie Kayla finish shopping." I told him. He grabbed my phone out my phone and sat in the loveseat.

"Okay mommy," He said.

"Cameron how long have you been away from daddy?" I asked curiously.

He shrugged, "About 10 or 5 minutes. I was just walking around and looking into the stores. Then I saw you and got happy. Glad I did." He said.

I looked at Makayla and she shook her head, "Poor kid. What the hell has gotten into Chris? How the hell you didn't know your kid disappeared?"

"I don't know but I will find out when we leave. Got my baby running around the damn mall. He had to say something Cam didn't like because he doesn't run off like this." I said glancing at Cameron and Makayla shook her head.

"Yeah, you need to get on his ass about it." I nodded agreeing.

I hope Chris has a good reason to fuss him because I'm surely am chewing his ass out. I doubt he's even looking for Cameron.

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