Chapter 77 { Water Breaking, At The Wrong Time... }

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4 Weeks Later..

"Okay girl, breathe. We don't need you having Alayah right here in the nail shop." Makayla said looking at me as the woman did her nails

I raised my head taking deep breaths. The woman doing mines looked up at me.

"Are you okay? You need us to call the ambulance?" She asked.

"N-No. I think I'm going to be fine. Just some contractions. I'm really close to my due date so I should be excepting these right now. You can continue." I told her. She stared at me for a good moment then continued doing my nails.

"Can we get her some water?" The woman asked the staff. Someone nodded getting up. I continued taking deep breaths while inhaling and exhaling.

"Well Well Well...Look who we have here." I turned my head seeing Tori and Akella.


What the hell?

I thought she was dead that night.

I know I see some things during my pregnancy, but I KNOW I'm not seeing Akella standing behind me right now. I can't be seeing her right now.

"Aw shit.." Makayla mumbled, groaning and rolled her eyes.

"A-Akella?" I asked.

"In the flesh..." She smirked.

"Wha- I thought you-"

"Died? Yea she didn't." Tori said cutting me off. She looked at my belly. "Oh, your belly is so cute. So, when are you dropping that demon baby?" She asked me.

My eyes widened. I jerked my hands back from the woman and stood up facing her. "HOLD THE - OWWW!!!" I screamed sitting back down holding onto my stomach

"OMG TEYANA YOUR WATER JUST BROKE!" Makayla screamed getting up. I looked down seeing my pants wet and the chair.

"CALL 911!" The worker said. People stopped what they were doing and looked.

"Great. Let's cut it out." Tori took out a pocket knife and raised my shirt.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Makayla pulled Tori's hair and punched her in the face.

Next thing you know, Akella came around and put a knife to my neck.

"You move, and I'll cut you. You won't be able to see your child." She said. "LET HER GO!" She told Makayla.

"OR WHAT?" Makayla yelled holding onto Tori's hair.

"Or, the baby dies.." She smirked letting my neck go and pointed the knife to my stomach.

"You won't do it." Makayla said.

Akella looked at me, "Better get ya friend Teyana. She's testing me right now and you and your baby's life is on the -"


"Leave her alone Kella. Let's get the hell out of here before cops come. Bitch get off of me!" Tori said pushing Makayla.

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