Chapter 75 { Telling The Kids.. }

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This Will Be A Short Chapter. Warning Y'all Now ..

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"Make sure y'all have y'all outfits out for tomorrow! I don't want to be 10 minutes late again." I told the girls walking to the stairs.

Chris was on the couch playing 2k. "LETS GOOOO NIGGAAA!!! LETS GOO!!" He yelled.

"Chris, is all that yelling really called for? I have a headache already." I groaned.

"Oh. I'm sorry baby. How you and my babygirl doing?" He asked referring to our daughter I am currently pregnant with.

"We're doing fine. So, we have to tell the kids what we're having tonight over dinner. But, I need you to come in the kitchen with me to make dinner." I told him.

"Uggh, why you can't do it?" He whined without looking away from the TV.

"One, because we're a couple. We're shooose to be doing things like that together. Two, because i can't reach everything so it's easier with a taller person in the kitchen. And Three, because I love to see my man in his apron and over the stove throwing down." I grinned touching his neck.

"Ya know that's my sweet spot, come on now." He chuckled. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Chris, come help me!!" I whined.

"Teyana," He started.

"COME HELP ME!" I yelled smacking him upside the head and got up walking to the kitchen.

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"How was school guys?" Chris asked the kids as we all were eating. I convinced him to help me make dinner. It was either that, or him not eating.

"It was really good daddy! I played with my friends at recess and we went on the swings really high!" Cameron said.

"I made an A on my test!" Cj said.

"Me too!" Aubrey added.

"Well I'm proud of all you guys, my little smart babies." I said.

"Our." Chris corrected me and we all laughed.

"Anyways, I went to the doctor today. Are you guys ready to know what we're having?" I asked them.

"Yess!!" Aubrey screamed before her brothers could answer. I laughed already knowing she's going to be happy.

"Well.." I said. "After looking at the baby, the doctor told me I'm having a girl."  Cameron groaned, Aubrey and Cj cheered. Mostly Aubrey.

"I don't want another sister! Farrah is enough!" Cam pouted.

"Cameron.." I said.

"I'm going to have 2 little sisters!!" She screamed smiling. I looked at Chris and he sighed looking at me then back at her.

Chris and I haven't really had the conversation with the kids about not seeing Farrah anymore. Now since were talking about this, now would be the perfect time to talk to them about it because they're going to be asking about her.

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