Chapter Thirteen { Not Wanted Here.. }

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The Next Morning...

I woke up the next morning grabbing my robe.

"Mommy.." I looked back seeing Cj waking up rubbing his eyes. I walked over to his bed sitting down and kissed his cheek.

"Yes my baby," I said.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"Mommy's going get us some breakfast. Anything specially you want?" I asked, smiling.

"Um... I don't know. Can I come with you?" He asked sitting up.

"Yeah baby, come on." I picked him up out the bed then put him so he can slip on his night slippers.

We walked out the hotel room and walked downstairs to the breakfast lobby. Walking inside, we seen Mama Tee, Makayla, and Vincent all sitting at a table. Vincent was sitting next to Makayla feeling all ok her while she was blushing and whatnot.

I took my phone out and snapped a picture. I then locked my phone.

"Grandmaaa!!" Cj squealed making them all look at us. She smiled seeing him and he jumped into her lap.

"Baby be careful." I told him sitting at the table. Makayla looked away at her phone.

"Wassup Teyana." Vincent said.

"Hey Vinny." I said. "How are you Mama Tee?"

"Doing fine." She said looking at Cj. I mentally rolled my eyes catching the attitude she was giving off.

"Come on Cj, lets go get our breakfast for daddy nem." I said standing. He kissed Mama Tee then got out of her lap following me.

While I was at the breakfast bar, I sent the picture to Daniel writing, When your not around. She's all hugged up with Vincent. This baby is bringing them closer together.

I sent the message.

Some may say I'm changing, but I don't care. It's my damn life. Bitches just mad I don't want a friendship with them anymore.

-{ MAMA TEE }-

"Mama Tee, I heard that little attitude you gave her." Makayla laughed.

"Girl I don't have time for that child. Teyana knows she was wrong for inviting that little Skank here. I'm going to have to talk to her about it. I don't want that little bitch here messing up my weekend." I said shaking my head.

"I heard Christopher and Teyana fussing all last night through the walls. Y'all know these walls ain't that thick." Vincent said.

"Shaking my head. Teyana knows better."

"That's your daughter in law." Makayla laughed and I sighed looking away.

* * *

After hearing what Teyana did that night with that girl Noni , Bono , whatever the hell her name is, I was extremely pissed.

She's lucky my son loves her so much that he didn't file for a divorce against her ass. I love Teyana, she's a sweet girl , but lately she's been acting different with that girl who tried fighting Makayla.

That girl is messy as fuck and I don't like her. I don't know why Teyana continues to hang around her when her own husband don't like the girl. They've been having a lot of arguments as well.

Teyana needs to change or else I don't know how long her and my son's marriage is going to last...


"Daddy where's mommy?" Aubrey asked as her and Cam snuggled up under me.

"She's probably getting breakfast with Cj." I answered kissing both of them. "You guys slept good?" They nodded their heads yawning.

"I hungey.." Cameron whined.

"Mommy's coming with the food Bubba. Don't worry she won't be -"

Knock Knock!

I got out the bed sliding on my shorts. I walked over to the door opening it seeing Yoni. She looked me up and down in disgust then rolled her eyes when we had eye contact.

"Where's my best friend?" She asked crossing her arms over her breasts.

"Not here." I answered. "And she's not your "best friend". Get it right." I added.

She scrunched her face. "Who are you to tell me what we are? You don't know me or our friendship. Mind ya damn business."

"No you mind your damn business. I don't even know why you here. Nobody wants you here, besides Teyana. This is my family vacation not a damn vacation for you to ruin."

"Guess who doesn't care?" She laughed pointing to herself.

I stepped closer to her making her take a step back.

"Leave, or else.." I threatened .

"Or else, what? You gonna get Makayla ugly fat ass to beat me up?" She started laughing again. "Your pathetic as fuck. Teyana could do so much better with another nigga." She started walking off shaking her head. I wanted to throw her ass out the window at the end of the hall but I didn't do it. I'm not trying to ruin anything for my mother nor do I want to be in jail.

-{ YONI POV }-

I swear on everything I hate this family

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I swear on everything I hate this family. Every single last one of them. Especially Makayla and Chris. If I could kill them myself, i would.

Hey... that doesn't sound like a bad idea..😏

I dialed my brother's phone number.

"Wassup lil sis.." He answered.

"Yaheem, I need a favor from you and the guys.."

"What is it?"

"I need y'all to kill two people.." I looked out the window saying, biting my nails.



Don't Hate Me For Turning The Story This Way, I Need More Drama To Write About.

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